Gen. James Patton Anderson Camp 1599
Celebrating 32 Years 1992 - 2024
John Simmons (great Garndfather Of James Robert Simmons)
Personal and Family Information
John was born about 1760 in North Carolina/Virginia?, the son of James Simmons and Assume Mary Waters.
He died in BET JAN 1830 AND JAN 1835 in Elbert County, Georgia.[Note 4]
His wife was Ann Freeman, who he married in EST 1796 in South Carolina. Their five known children were Susanna Waters (1797-1886), Holman Freeman (1798-<1870), James Ballenger (c1800-1856), Moses Waters (1801-1868) and John Jr (c1803-1846).
Estate of Charles Simmons in the Fall of 1856, Rutherford County, North Carolina names and dates Charles Simmons 1777 Va-1850 and his wife Didama 1780 NC who died between 1850 and 1856.
The abstract I have names 12 siblings of Charles Simmons. Of the 6 thought to be alive their place of residence is stated. Of five of six deceased siblings, their living children and state are named.
My confidence in this abstact of the estate is based on
(1) 1850 census Rutherford NC dwelling 497, fam 508 Charles Simmons 73 va and Didama 70 NC
(2) Marriage of Charles and Didama recorded 1 FEb 1807 Rutherford NC
(3) census confirms the 7 of first 8 siblings listed in the abstract
(4) three sons, and daugher Susanah Richardson of sibling #8 John Simmons are a unique set of names, that I know well.
These names, dates, and places match those found in the Moses Simmons Family Bible 1733-1923 transcribed by Sallie Taylor Simmons in 1925. The Bible ties these 8 sibling together and to father James with this entry "James Simmons died 9 of February 1823 not lost but gone before in his 91 years of age my old farther. Moses Simmons"
A second tie to father James who died 1823 is found in records of James Jr Simmons born 10 July 1757 in Virginia and died 1851 in Hawkins County, Tennessee. Amherst County Virginia, in the Revolution, Lost Record book - " Gave his discharge to his father who lived in Rutherford Co, N.C."
Microfilm Frame #1096 "DISTANT CROSSROADS" APRIL 1992"Amherst County, Virginia, In the Revolution, Lost Order Book, 1773--1782" Lists James Simmons who moved to Hawkins Co., Tenn., dated Aug. 1818: b. 10 July 1758: enlisted Jan. 1777: under Ensign William Powell, Capt. James Franklin, 10th Va. Regt., Gen Weedon's Brig. Gave his discharge to his father who lived in Rutherford Co., N.C. Placed on Pension Roll Sept. 30, 1819.
Third tie to father James who died 1823 is page 262 GENEALOGY OF THE LEWIS FAMILY……….. E 3. Mary Lewis, daughter of Charles C., Sr., was born in 1791 in Rutherford, N. C. S.....In 1811 she married Moses Simmons, son of James and brother -page 263-of Joshua. Moses was also a member of the Methodist church. They lived some three miles below Island Ford on Broad river, in Rutherford county, North Carolina., where he died very suddenly in 1856. Mary, his wife, died in 1877.
DAR Patriot Lookup: Reference Code RZTYYFGK Date: October 22, 2008 7:34:03 AM CDT
This Patriot does not match your dates. Our index did not list a match.
SIMMONS, John Birth: Circa 1744 Service: GA Rank: Sol Death: GA 1-7-1839
Patriot Pensioned: No Widow Pensioned: No Children Pensioned: No Heirs Pensioned: No Spouse: (1) Ann X
Original Request
Reference Code: RZTYYFGK Requestor: Arthur F Bowie (afbowie@cox.net)
Patriot First Name: John Patriot Last Name: Simmons
Birth: abt 1760 NC or Virginia Death: 20 Jan 1835 Elbert Cty, Georgia
Spouse First Name: Anne Freeman Comments: son of James Simmons and Mary Waters
Georgia Revolutionary Soldiers, Sailor, Patriots, & Descendants ----problems !!!
-page 192, 193 Vol 1, by Carter
no copy of the book available. All of this info is suspect!
This book is said to have caused more problems ……because all that stuff cannot be proven and much of it can be shown to be false ….
John Simmons and 8 of his 9 sons by first wife are listed as Rev War Soldiers
text is very similar to that of "Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia"
see https://archive.org/details/georgiasrosterrev00knigrich
both show Simmons, John (RS-VA) from will signed jan6, 1830 probate Jan 20, 1835 Elbert Co Ga ( son of John Simmons (RS) and 1st wife ______m. Ann Freeman (dau of Holmanfreem, Sr, & _______)
5 children named in wil and 3 granddaughters.
Page 154
Adam Simmons, b. Va. d. Wilkes (Oglethorpe) Co., Ga., 1810. Mar. Rebecca ---. He wa a Rev. Sol.; received bounty grant of land in Ga., for his service as private Va. and Ga. Line.
1. Rebecca, mar. 1817, James Tucker.
2. Adam, Jr., mar. Elizabeth ---. He d. oglethorgpe Co., Ga, 1819. (His mother Rebecca Simmons was living with him.) 10 children
James Simmons, drew 287 1/2 acres of bounty land in Washington Co., Ga., April 8, 1785
Henry Simmons, Rev Sol., drew land Wilkes Co., 1788. Mr Margaret ----.
John Simmons, JR b Va (son of John Simmons and (1) wife); moved to Wiles Co., Ga, where he d. Served as private Va. Continental Army. Mar. Ann Freeman (dau of Holman Freeman, SR., of Wilkes Co, Ga) Eleven of his bros, all Rev Sols of Ga, Va, and NC, came to Wiles Co GA. viz: William, SR, Jame; Henry, Sterne, SR; Adam; Richard; Asa; Jesse; Philip; Stephen; Thomas.
Children (mentioned in will):
1. Moses W
2. John , Jr.
3. Holman F.
4. Susanna, mar. John L Richardson of Nacoochee, Ga
John Simmons, b Scotland, 1712 came to America and settled in Va. Mar. (1) name unknown. He moved to Wilkes Co., Ga 1773; (2) Rebecca ____. He served as Rev Sol in Va and in Ga; served under Gen Elijah Clark at the Battle of Kettle Creek: received a grant of 287 1/2 acres land for his service on Shouldrbone Creek, Washngton Co., Ga Sept 1, 1794 he willed “the 650 acres where I now reside (formerly Wilkes Co.) and the 287 1/2 acres in Hancock Co., received for my service as a Rev. Sol” to his children by (2) wife. He d. 1797; his (2) wife d. before this, about 1795.
Children by (1) wife:
1. William Sr.
2. Thomas
3. John, Jr
4. Richard.
5. James
6. Adam, Sr.
7. Asa
8. Henry
9. Jesse
10. Sterne, Sr.
These sons were all Rev Sols of Ga, Va, and N.C. They moved with their families to Wilkes Co., Ga where they received bounty land for their services.
Children by (2) wife:
1. Thomas, lived in Lincoln Co. Ga.
2. Rebecca, mar. Joseph Westmoreland
3. Elizabeth Ishmsel Davis
Most of my info on John Simmons/Ann Freeman family appears to have orginated by Mary Shaw Makima of Huntsville, Al who died 2010. In her summary of Simmons family written 1969, she did not know parents of John Simmons husband of Ann Freeman.
As of Oct 2013, only place that John Simmons b 1712 died abt 1797 has been found is the book "Georgia Revolutionary Soldiers, Sailor,……" by Mary Carter, no copy of the book available. All of this info is suspect!
Roster of Revolutionary Soldier in Georgia, Volume 1
by Howard H McCall
page 70 has all five sons of Holman Freeman Sr.
Page 154 John Simmons, JR b Va (son of John Simmons and(1) wife); moved to Wiles Co., Ga, where he d. Served as private Va Continental Army. Mar. Ann Freeman (dau of Holman Freeman, SR., of Wilkes Co, Ga) Eleven of his bros, all Rev Sols of Ga, Va, and NC, came to Wiles Co GA. viz: William, SR, Jame; Henary, Sterne, SR; Adam; Richard; Asa; Jesse; Philip; Stephen; Thomas.
Children (mentioned in will):
1. Moses W
2. John , Jr.
3. Holman F.
4. Susanna, mar. John L Richardson of Nacoochee, Ga
2nd source: Georgia Revolutionary Soldiers, Sailor, Patriots, & Descendants - Vol 1, by Carter
father John and 7 of 8 brothers are listed as Rev Soldiers
DAR Patriot Lookup: Reference Code RZTYYFGK
Date: October 22, 2008 7:34:03 AM CDT
This Patriot does not match your dates.
Our index did not list a match.
Birth: VA Circa 1744
Service: GA
Rank: Sol
Death: GA 1-7-1839
Patriot Pensioned: No Widow Pensioned: No
Children Pensioned: No Heirs Pensioned: No
Spouse: (1) Ann X
Original Request
Reference Code: RZTYYFGK
Requestor: Arthur F Bowie (afbowie@cox.net)
Patriot First Name: John
Patriot Last Name: Simmons
Birth: abt 1760 NC or Virginia
Death: 20 Jan 1835 Elbert Cty, Georgia
Spouse First Name: Anne Freeman
Comments: son of James Simmons and Mary Waters
1. Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia, Volume 1 This book is said to have caused more problems ……because "all that stuff cannot be proven and much of it can be shown to be false …."
2. Georgia's Roster of the Revolution. Containing a list of the State's defenders; Officier and Men........under Authority of the Legislature....
3. Will - Simmons, John, Senr 1835 signed Jan 6, 1830. probated Jan 20, 1835 Elbert County, Ga
4. Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia, Volume 1 This book is said to have caused more problems ……because "all that stuff cannot be proven and much of it can be shown to be false …."
5. Will - Simmons, John, Senr 1835 signed Jan 6, 1830. probated Jan 20, 1835 Elbert County, Ga
6. Georgia's Roster of the Revolution. Containing a list of the State's defenders; Officier and Men........under Authority of the Legislature....
Holman Freeman Simmons (grandfather of James Robert Simmons)
• Personal and Family Information
• Pedigree Chart
• Events
• Multimedia
• Notes
• Sources
Personal and Family Information
Holman was born in 1798 in North Carolina, the son of John Simmons and Ann Freeman.
He died in BET 1861 AND 1870 in Brooksville, Flordia or Millerville, Clay Co Alabama.[Note 5]
His wife was Sarah Eliza Hawkins Burns, who he married on 25 DEC 1818 in Elbert/Franklin County, Georgia. Their ten known children were Anna Jane (1819-1912), Holman Felix (1824-1893), Robert (1824->1860), Joseph Bibb (1831-c1900), Mary Ella (1833-1882), Martha (1835-?), Fletcher (1835-c1865), George McIntosh Troupe (1836-1897), Henry Clay (1838-1898) and Susan Burns (1843-1918).
Holman Freeman Simmons and Sarah Eliza H Burns were married Dec 25, 1818 in Franklin County, Georgia. They moved from Georgia to Talladega Territory in Alabama and he became a successful planter. He had 27 slaves and a fine plantation home, possibly called "Spanish Oaks" which was burned by the Union soldiers during the War between the States. This plantation was located in what is now Millerville, Clay County, Alabama. Clay County was created by the Alabama Legislature on Dec 7, 1866 and is located in the east central part of the state in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.
In his manuscripts, Judge Junius Hillyer, a Freeman descendent describes Col. Simmons as one of the finest looking men of his day, a remarkably stylish man, very popular and much respected. Col Simmons raised his sons to be learned, and respected citizens of the community. Each of the sons had a young black valet, the same age as their young master. Each son was sent to college to learn a profession and each valet was sent to take care of the boys and to learn a trade.
Col Simmons may be buried in the old Simmons Cemetery near Miller, Ala in an unmarked grave with sides of rock. His wife is buried near Newport, Arkansas in an unmarked grave on Bowens Ridge which is near Auvergne.
A Biography:
Holman Freeman Simmons m 25 Dec 1818 Ga Sarah Eliza Hawkins Burns b 1798 N.C. - d before 1870 Fl b 1800 Ga - d after 1870 Ark Very Successful Planter, Talladega County, Alabama buried Bowens Ridge?, Jackson County, Arkansas father and both grandfathers were Rev War Soldiers Stella Simmons 1910Ark -1929 Ark m 1925 Earl Jones abt 1906- 1929 Benjamin Fletcher Simmons "Papa" Farmer, Tax Assessor, Bear Hunter + 1860 Fla -1939 Ark, buried Walnut Grove, Newport Ark Holman Felix Simmons m 1852 Ala Theodora Mary Saxon CSA Captain Fl Volunteers "Gran" - gdau Rev War Pvt 1824 Ga - 1893 Ark 1834 Ala - 1917 Ark Both are buried Walnut Grove, Newport, Arkansas Margery Mae Simmons 1916-1993 m 1938 Noel Bone 1911-1976 Benjamin Felix Simmons 1922-1985 m 1943 Johnnie Gray 1922-2003 Sybil Simmons 1929-2008 m 1949 H Fletcher Sullards 1926-2008 Lucy Jane Simmons 1930- m 1950 Ransom Hayden 1929 - Theodora "Happy" Bowie 1908 - 1916 Arthur James Bowie 1910-1949 m1 1929 Kathene Dillian m2 1934 Jewel Dye m3 1941 Betty Jane Ellis m4 1944 Olive Smythe Billy Saxon Bowie 1915-1989 m 1943 Emma Elsie Flynt 1919-2007 Doris Marion Bowie 1920-1987 m1942 John C Mulholland 1914-2003 Bobby Bennett Bowie 1925-2003 m 1947 Clarene Jobe 1928-2006 Max Owen Bowie 1927-1993 m 1962 Patsy Ann Meacham 1935 Emma Francis Simmons 1920-1976 m 1958 Marvin Allen Stewart 1923-1976 WilliamLafayetteSimmonsJr 1923-1986 m 1952 Edith Durham 1920-1987 Robert Saxon Simmons 1925-1958 m 1945 Coleta Odessa b 1926 Ruby Wilma Simmons 1929-2001 m1953 Edwin Scott Elphingstone 1923-2009 Gene Edwin Simmons b 1931 m 1960 Wanda Reid b 1935 Cora Thelma Snow 1912-1989 m1929 Kyle Hickey 1903-1996 Benjamin Rowe Snow b 1915 m Katheryn Nance Ralph King Snow 1916-1995 m 1942 Fay Rice 1922-1979 James Arthur Snow 1921-1980 m Betty James Felix Simmons Felix 1885 Ark -1968 Ark m: 1911 Ark Sallie Edwina Johnson 1894 Ark -1975 Ark Eleanor Cornelia Simmons Cora 1887 Ark -1967 Ark m - 1907 Ark Arthur Bowie 1881Miss - 1941 Ark Walter Saxon Simmons Sax 1889 Ark - 1959 Ark M: Lucille Gardner 1909 Ark - 2000 Ark Betty Jo Simmons b 1930 m Jack Bailey 1929-2003 William LaFayette Simmons Will 1890 Ark -1939 Ark m -1918 Ark Ona Ruby Vaughn 1898 Ark -1991Ark Mary Theodora Simmons Punch 1892 Ark -1965 Ark m - 1912 Ark Arthur Rowe Snow 1884 Ark -1960 Ark Geraldine Simmons 1921-2005 m 1940 Charles Fortune 1914-1999 Jamie Edwina Simmons 1924 -1990 m1 Clay Baker m2 Fulton Cole Mary Ann Simmons 1930-1987 m Ed Lindivall Virginia Lou Simmons 1932-1982 m1 JW Curtis m2 John Layman m3 Robert C Berry Lucy Faye Simmons 1934-1984 m 1957 Robert Lee Glover b 1931 Lon Bleakely Simmons b 1944 m 1971 Nancy Rustige Lon Bowen Simmons Lon WWI Vet- Purple Heart 1895 Ark-1963 Ark m - 1919 Ark Dollie Gertrude Bleakley 1902 Ark -1989 Ark Arrah Neil Simmons b 1896 Ark d 1904 Ark Buried on Farm Ben Fletcher Simmons Jr 1899 Ark-1963 Tn m 1925 Ark Dove Jane Hopkins 1903 Ark - 1971 Tn Virgina Elizabeth Simmons Betty 1903Ark -1985 Ut m1 - Bill Bailey m2 - Earl E Eckhart Elsie Lou Simmons Tambo b1915 Ark d1919 Ark m2 - 1902 Ark Lula Ellen Taylor "Ma Pete" 1883 Ark - 1964 Ark buried Walnut Grove, Newport Ark m1 - 1883 Ark Lucy James Rotenberry "Miss Jimmy" 1863 Ala-1900 Ark buried Walnut Grove, Newport Ark James Robert Simmons 1926 - 2005 m 1950 Bobbie Jean Barcroft b1929 Betty Lou Bailey 1929-1965 m Lynn Shannon James Fletcher Bailey b 1933 M Vivianne Van Arsdale Bryant Wesley Jones 1926-1976 m Johnnie Allenbaugh 1925-1975 Ben Simmons Jones b 1927 m Peggy Hardin b 1932 Anna Jane Simmons 1819 Ga - 1912 Ala m Edward Joseph Hamil Julia Hamil Letter from Huntley 1900 d 1919 m Felix Augustus Gillispie Charles F Hamil d 1887 m Eliza Isabelle Hudson Howard Melanchon Hamil b 1847 Martha Simmons b 1821 m- Felix Evans Mary Simmons b 1856 Ala d aft 1880 Ark Holman Snell Simmons (2) Sherriff & Judge, Jackson Cty Ark 1866 Fla -1950 Fla m 1897 Ark Annie (Snow) Simmons (1) 1877 Fla - 1965 Fla Robert Terry Simmons Police & Tax Assessor in Newport 1868 Fla -1947 Ark m 1893 Ark Margery E Watson 1873 Ark -1952 Ark Henry B Simmons b 1871Fla d aft 1880 Ark Robert Simmons b 1825 Ga - d aft 1850 OK Dr Joseph Bibb Simmons 1831 Ga - aft 1906 Ark Postmaster-Bowens Ridge m- 1866 Laurette b 1851Ohio - d 1909 Ark Theodora Simmons b 1867 Ala Charles Edward Simmons b 1870 Kentucky Norah Simmons b 1877 Ark m W.L. Bates Fred S Simmons b 1884 Ark Mary Ella Simmons 1833 Ala -1882 Ark m 1852 Ala William Joseph Mallory CSA 32 Ark Inf Treasurer, Jackson Cty Schl 1829 Ala - 1883 Ark Robert E Mallory 1855 Ala -1876 Ark Eliza J Mallory b 1858 m - Hill Felix R Mallory b1860 Ark m Berry? Alice Mallory 1862 Ark -1940 m1 Wm G Mattison m2 WW Smith James H Mallory 1864 Ark -1875 Ark Edward H Mallory 1868 - Josephus V Mallory 1873 Fletcher Simmons CSA vet, killed arriving home b 1835 Ga d 1865 Ala Dr George M T Simmons 1836 Ala -1897 Fla m 1864 Anne Eliza Gough 1842 - 1897 Fla Mary E T Simmons 1865 Fl -1959 Fl m 1888 George W Bigelow 1861-1904 James R Simmons 1869 Fl -1928 Fl m 1906 Maud Bradely 1889-1992 Felix E Simmons 1872 Fl -1936 Fl m 1909 Annie Laura Norris d 1921 Susan Agnes Simmons 1874-1901 Fl Annie S Simmons (1) 1877 Fl -1965 Fl m 1897 H Snell Simmons (2) 1866-1950 Troupe A Simmons 1880 Fl - 1911 N Mex m 1900 Zechariah B Reid Music & preacher, Newport Ark 1867 Ark - 1924 Ark Henry Clay Simmons Nobe - "erratic genius" CSA Captain succeed H Felix 1838 Ala - 1898 Ala m2 1870 Fla? Mable Antoinette Saxon 1851 Ala - 1898 Ala Robert Burns Simmons 1869 Fl - 1889 Walter Troupe Simmons 1871 Ark - d Ala Benjamin Holman Simmons 1873 Ark -1956 Ala m Willie Mae Adams 1882-1962 William H Huntley Simmons Hero of the Philippines 1875 Ark - 1900 Philippines Mable Jane Simmons 1877 Ala - 1945 Fl m1 Madison Capchart m2 Dirk Landers Chalmers Fletcher Simmons 1879 Ala -1950 m Clara Ralph Orr Simmons 1881 Ala -1968 Ala m Henrietta Hanns d 1941 Wilson Calhoun Simmons 1883 Ala - Marguerite Eliza Simmons mother of family historian 1886 Ala -1965 Ala m 1904 William H Shaw 1884-1959 Susan Burns Simmons 1840 Ala -1918 Tx m Walter Terry Saxon CSA Captain 3 Fla Inf 1836 Ala -1924 Tx Holman Saxon b 1868 Ala Troupe Saxon b 1874 Ill Elizabeth Saxon b 1878 Tx m Charles Camp Descendants of Holman Freeman Simmons and Benjamin Fletcher Simmons Arthur F Bowie 6 Feb 2010 Bentonville, Arkansas www.bookofbowie.
George McIntosh Troupe Simmons (Father Of James Robert Simmons)
Personal and Family Information
George was born in 1836 in Alabama, the son of Holman Freeman Simmons and Sarah Eliza Hawkins Burns.
He died on 14 APR 1897 in Bushnell, Florida.
His wife was Anne Eliza Gough, who he married on 11 Feb 1864. The place has not been found. Their six known children were Mary Eliza Theresa (1865-1959), James Robert (1869-1928), Felix Emmett (1872-1936), Susan Agnes (1874-1901), Annie (Snow) Belle (1877-1965) and Troupe Augustine (1880-1911).
Dr. George McIntosh Troup Simmons is named after two of his mother's relatives: George Michael Troup who was a Governor of Georgia about 1825 and William McIntosh who was a Chieftain of the Wind Clan in the Creek Nation.
George was sent to college to become a doctor and surgeon. In 1862 he went to Flordia with Henry Clay to join bother Holman Fleix Simmonss' Company F, 8th Flordia Infantry, Confederate Army. He was mustered in on May 17, 1862 and assigned to the Talladelga Hospital in Alabama as an assistant surgeon.
On February 11, 1864, on a furlough back to Florida, he married Anne Eliza Gough. After the war George returned to Flordia and his wife who was pregnant with their first child....
Florida, State Census, 1867-1945
Name G M T Simmons
Age 49
Gender Male
Race White
Birth Place Alabama
Est. Birth Year abt 1836
Relationship to Head Head
Family Number 66
Marital Status Married
Spouse Name Anna E Simmons
Father's Birth Place Georgia
Mother's Birth Place Alabama
Census year 1885
Enumeration District 3
Locality District 3
County Sumter
Page 9
Line 45
Archive Series # M845, Roll 12
Household Members
Name Age
G M T Simmons 49
Anna E Simmons 38
Mary E Simmons 17
Jas R Simmons 15
Felix E Simmons 13
Susan A Simmons 11
Anna S Simmons 8
Augustine Simmons 5

G.M.T. was sent to Tulaine University to study to be a doctor. And Simeon his valet went with him to learn a trade, carpentry. The course for doctor's then was two years or you could go for one year and apprentice for a year with a practicing doctor to finish the studies and graduate. G.M.T's Brother Holman Felix had moved to Brooksville Hernando Co. Florida and married a Miss Saxon, whose father was a doctor. In early 1860, G.M.T. came to Florida to be with his brother and apprencice with Dr. Benjamin Saxon.
Early in 1861 G.M.T.'s brother Holman Felix formed a company of soldiers, Co. F. 8th Florida Infantry and another brother Henry Clay was also here and had married a Saxon girl, so Holman Felix was Captain and Henry Clay was Co. Captain and G.M.T. was the surgeon. Three brothers. He mustared into the Confederate Army on 1 Dec. 1861 in Fernindina Florida.
G.M.T. met his future wife, Anne Eliza Gough d/o James Hugh Gough and Anne Eliza Whiddon Gough at a Southern Charity Ball held in Bushnell Sumter Co. Florida. They met in April of 1862 when the whole Simmons and Saxon families were together for a good time. Anne Eliza was born on April 10 1843 in Decatur Co. Georgia. G.M.T. and Anne Eliza were married on Feb. 11 1864 in Bushnell Florida at the home of his mother-in-law, now Mrs. Eliza Stanley. He was at home for a short furlough.
The Grandfather of George McIntosh Troup Simmons
Holman Freeman
Personal and Family Information
Holman was born about 1714 in Henrico County, Virginia, the son of George Freeman and Jane Holman.
He died about 1783 in Wilkes County, Georgia.
His wife was Sally Ann Cox, who he married on 13 JUN 1753 in Amelia Cty, Virginia. Their nine known children were Rebecca (c1747-?), Holman (1748-1817), James (c1750-c1819), William Holiday (1751-1796), Virginia (c1753-?), John Harris (1756-1806), Frances (1756-?), George (1758-<1796) and Ann (1761->1850).
The Early Records of Georgia, Volume 1, Wilkes County,
abstracted and compiled by Grace Gillam Davidson, published in 1933 at Macon, GA
Small Book of Mixed Records, Wills, Administrations and Deeds----1781-1783 Mixed Records & Deeds 1781-1783 Pages 39-45
Page 41: Folio 17--Freeman, Holman, Sr., late of this Co., dec'd. died Intestate. To Holman Freeman, Jr. Merchant. (all of this record)
Rev. War, DAR list civil service in GA DAR PATRIOT INDEX, Part I, p. 1084.
DAR monument erected on old family plot in Wilkes Co. GA
Listed page 382, Georgia's roster of the Revolution. Compiled by L L Knight , State historian. and director of the Dept. of Archives and History
Fredman, Conrad.
Freeman, Holman.
Freeman, Holman.
Freeman, John.
Freman, James.
Freman, John.
Freman, Wm.
French, James.
Sills, John.
Simmons, James.
Simmons, James.
Simmons, James.
Simmons, Jno.
Simmons, Malbourn.
Simmons, Philip.
Simmons, Richard.
Simmons, Stevens.
Simmons, Thomas.
Simmons, Wm.
Simmons, Wm.
Simmons, Wm., Jr.
Simpson, James.
see also:
Huntley Simmons, Hero of the Phillipines
letter dated May 25, 1900
published Newport Herald Aug 11, 1900
great war story, need to get more readable format
editor notes following the letter "an Alabama boy, Huntley Simmons, son of H.C. Simmons.....soldler and son of a long line of brave soldiers..
his grandfather Holman Freeman Simmons was the grandson of Holman Freeman and nephew of Col Holman Freeman of Revolutionary fame...
History of Elbert County, Georgia
page 186 Revolutionary Officers of Elbert county -- Colonel Holman Freeman
and conferedrate Soldiers from Elbert county, Co C 15th Inf volunter, Co William M McIntosh
Georgia's Roster of the Revolution. Containing a list of the State's defenders; Officier and Men........under Authority of the Legislature....
Old King William Home and Families: an account of some of the old homesteads and Families of King William County, Virginia, from its earliest Sellement
Will - Freeman George 1735, Henrico Cty, Virginia
Will - Freeman George 1735, Henrico Cty, Virginia
Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia, Volume 1 This book is said to have caused more problems ……because "all that stuff cannot be proven and much of it can be shown to be false.
A Biography:
Holman Freeman Simmons m 25 Dec 1818 Ga Sarah Eliza Hawkins Burns b 1798 N.C. - d before 1870 Fl b 1800 Ga - d after 1870 Ark Very Successful Planter, Talladega County, Alabama buried Bowens Ridge?, Jackson County, Arkansas father and both grandfathers were Rev War Soldiers Stella Simmons 1910Ark -1929 Ark m 1925 Earl Jones abt 1906- 1929 Benjamin Fletcher Simmons "Papa" Farmer, Tax Assessor, Bear Hunter + 1860 Fla -1939 Ark, buried Walnut Grove, Newport Ark Holman Felix Simmons m 1852 Ala Theodora Mary Saxon CSA Captain Fl Volunteers "Gran" - gdau Rev War Pvt 1824 Ga - 1893 Ark 1834 Ala - 1917 Ark Both are buried Walnut Grove, Newport, Arkansas Margery Mae Simmons 1916-1993 m 1938 Noel Bone 1911-1976 Benjamin Felix Simmons 1922-1985 m 1943 Johnnie Gray 1922-2003 Sybil Simmons 1929-2008 m 1949 H Fletcher Sullards 1926-2008 Lucy Jane Simmons 1930- m 1950 Ransom Hayden 1929 - Theodora "Happy" Bowie 1908 - 1916 Arthur James Bowie 1910-1949 m1 1929 Kathene Dillian m2 1934 Jewel Dye m3 1941 Betty Jane Ellis m4 1944 Olive Smythe Billy Saxon Bowie 1915-1989 m 1943 Emma Elsie Flynt 1919-2007 Doris Marion Bowie 1920-1987 m1942 John C Mulholland 1914-2003 Bobby Bennett Bowie 1925-2003 m 1947 Clarene Jobe 1928-2006 Max Owen Bowie 1927-1993 m 1962 Patsy Ann Meacham 1935 Emma Francis Simmons 1920-1976 m 1958 Marvin Allen Stewart 1923-1976 WilliamLafayetteSimmonsJr 1923-1986 m 1952 Edith Durham 1920-1987 Robert Saxon Simmons 1925-1958 m 1945 Coleta Odessa b 1926 Ruby Wilma Simmons 1929-2001 m1953 Edwin Scott Elphingstone 1923-2009 Gene Edwin Simmons b 1931 m 1960 Wanda Reid b 1935 Cora Thelma Snow 1912-1989 m1929 Kyle Hickey 1903-1996 Benjamin Rowe Snow b 1915 m Katheryn Nance Ralph King Snow 1916-1995 m 1942 Fay Rice 1922-1979 James Arthur Snow 1921-1980 m Betty James Felix Simmons Felix 1885 Ark -1968 Ark m: 1911 Ark Sallie Edwina Johnson 1894 Ark -1975 Ark Eleanor Cornelia Simmons Cora 1887 Ark -1967 Ark m - 1907 Ark Arthur Bowie 1881Miss - 1941 Ark Walter Saxon Simmons Sax 1889 Ark - 1959 Ark M: Lucille Gardner 1909 Ark - 2000 Ark Betty Jo Simmons b 1930 m Jack Bailey 1929-2003 William LaFayette Simmons Will 1890 Ark -1939 Ark m -1918 Ark Ona Ruby Vaughn 1898 Ark -1991Ark Mary Theodora Simmons Punch 1892 Ark -1965 Ark m - 1912 Ark Arthur Rowe Snow 1884 Ark -1960 Ark Geraldine Simmons 1921-2005 m 1940 Charles Fortune 1914-1999 Jamie Edwina Simmons 1924 -1990 m1 Clay Baker m2 Fulton Cole Mary Ann Simmons 1930-1987 m Ed Lindivall Virginia Lou Simmons 1932-1982 m1 JW Curtis m2 John Layman m3 Robert C Berry Lucy Faye Simmons 1934-1984 m 1957 Robert Lee Glover b 1931 Lon Bleakely Simmons b 1944 m 1971 Nancy Rustige Lon Bowen Simmons Lon WWI Vet- Purple Heart 1895 Ark-1963 Ark m - 1919 Ark Dollie Gertrude Bleakley 1902 Ark -1989 Ark Arrah Neil Simmons b 1896 Ark d 1904 Ark Buried on Farm Ben Fletcher Simmons Jr 1899 Ark-1963 Tn m 1925 Ark Dove Jane Hopkins 1903 Ark - 1971 Tn Virgina Elizabeth Simmons Betty 1903Ark -1985 Ut m1 - Bill Bailey m2 - Earl E Eckhart Elsie Lou Simmons Tambo b1915 Ark d1919 Ark m2 - 1902 Ark Lula Ellen Taylor "Ma Pete" 1883 Ark - 1964 Ark buried Walnut Grove, Newport Ark m1 - 1883 Ark Lucy James Rotenberry "Miss Jimmy" 1863 Ala-1900 Ark buried Walnut Grove, Newport Ark James Robert Simmons 1926 - 2005 m 1950 Bobbie Jean Barcroft b1929 Betty Lou Bailey 1929-1965 m Lynn Shannon James Fletcher Bailey b 1933 M Vivianne Van Arsdale Bryant Wesley Jones 1926-1976 m Johnnie Allenbaugh 1925-1975 Ben Simmons Jones b 1927 m Peggy Hardin b 1932 Anna Jane Simmons 1819 Ga - 1912 Ala m Edward Joseph Hamil Julia Hamil Letter from Huntley 1900 d 1919 m Felix Augustus Gillispie Charles F Hamil d 1887 m Eliza Isabelle Hudson Howard Melanchon Hamil b 1847 Martha Simmons b 1821 m- Felix Evans Mary Simmons b 1856 Ala d aft 1880 Ark Holman Snell Simmons (2) Sherriff & Judge, Jackson Cty Ark 1866 Fla -1950 Fla m 1897 Ark Annie (Snow) Simmons (1) 1877 Fla - 1965 Fla Robert Terry Simmons Police & Tax Assessor in Newport 1868 Fla -1947 Ark m 1893 Ark Margery E Watson 1873 Ark -1952 Ark Henry B Simmons b 1871Fla d aft 1880 Ark Robert Simmons b 1825 Ga - d aft 1850 OK Dr Joseph Bibb Simmons 1831 Ga - aft 1906 Ark Postmaster-Bowens Ridge m- 1866 Laurette b 1851Ohio - d 1909 Ark Theodora Simmons b 1867 Ala Charles Edward Simmons b 1870 Kentucky Norah Simmons b 1877 Ark m W.L. Bates Fred S Simmons b 1884 Ark Mary Ella Simmons 1833 Ala -1882 Ark m 1852 Ala William Joseph Mallory CSA 32 Ark Inf Treasurer, Jackson Cty Schl 1829 Ala - 1883 Ark Robert E Mallory 1855 Ala -1876 Ark Eliza J Mallory b 1858 m - Hill Felix R Mallory b1860 Ark m Berry? Alice Mallory 1862 Ark -1940 m1 Wm G Mattison m2 WW Smith James H Mallory 1864 Ark -1875 Ark Edward H Mallory 1868 - Josephus V Mallory 1873 Fletcher Simmons CSA vet, killed arriving home b 1835 Ga d 1865 Ala Dr George M T Simmons 1836 Ala -1897 Fla m 1864 Anne Eliza Gough 1842 - 1897 Fla Mary E T Simmons 1865 Fl -1959 Fl m 1888 George W Bigelow 1861-1904 James R Simmons 1869 Fl -1928 Fl m 1906 Maud Bradely 1889-1992 Felix E Simmons 1872 Fl -1936 Fl m 1909 Annie Laura Norris d 1921 Susan Agnes Simmons 1874-1901 Fl Annie S Simmons (1) 1877 Fl -1965 Fl m 1897 H Snell Simmons (2) 1866-1950 Troupe A Simmons 1880 Fl - 1911 N Mex m 1900 Zechariah B Reid Music & preacher, Newport Ark 1867 Ark - 1924 Ark Henry Clay Simmons Nobe - "erratic genius" CSA Captain succeed H Felix 1838 Ala - 1898 Ala m2 1870 Fla? Mable Antoinette Saxon 1851 Ala - 1898 Ala Robert Burns Simmons 1869 Fl - 1889 Walter Troupe Simmons 1871 Ark - d Ala Benjamin Holman Simmons 1873 Ark -1956 Ala m Willie Mae Adams 1882-1962 William H Huntley Simmons Hero of the Philippines 1875 Ark - 1900 Philippines Mable Jane Simmons 1877 Ala - 1945 Fl m1 Madison Capchart m2 Dirk Landers Chalmers Fletcher Simmons 1879 Ala -1950 m Clara Ralph Orr Simmons 1881 Ala -1968 Ala m Henrietta Hanns d 1941 Wilson Calhoun Simmons 1883 Ala - Marguerite Eliza Simmons mother of family historian 1886 Ala -1965 Ala m 1904 William H Shaw 1884-1959 Susan Burns Simmons 1840 Ala -1918 Tx m Walter Terry Saxon CSA Captain 3 Fla Inf 1836 Ala -1924 Tx Holman Saxon b 1868 Ala Troupe Saxon b 1874 Ill Elizabeth Saxon b 1878 Tx m Charles Camp Descendants of Holman Freeman Simmons and Benjamin Fletcher Simmons Arthur F Bowie 6 Feb 2010 Bentonville, Arkansas www.bookofbowie.
Member: Marguerite Simmons Flippen Nat'l #: 574767 Ancestor #: A042043
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William Hampton Shaw born on 5 - Dec - 1884 at Blountsville AL
died at Tuscumbia AL on 5 - Jul - 1959 and his ( 1st ) wife
Marguerite Eliza Simmons born on 12 - Feb - 1886 at Wesabulga Clay Co AL
died at Tuscumbia AL on 31 - Jul - 1965 married on 2 - Oct - 1904
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The Said Marguerite Eliza Simmons was the child of Henry Clay Simmons born on - - 1838 at AL
died at Millerville Clay Co AL on 10 - Feb - 1898 and his ( 1st ) wife
Mabel Antoinette Saxon born on 24 - Dec - 1847 at Coosa Co AL
died at Millerville Clay Co AL on 10 - Nov - 1898 married on - - 1870
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The Said Henry Clay Simmons was the child of Holman Freeman Simmons born on - - 1798 at NC
died at Millerville AL on p - - 1850 and his ( 1st ) wife
Sarah Eliza H Burns born on - - 1800 at GA
died at Bowens Ridge AR on p - - 1850 married on 25 - Dec - 1818
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The Said Holman Freeman Simmons was the child of John Simmons born on - - at _______________
died at Elbert Co GA on c 20 - Jan - 1835 and his ( 1st ) wife
Ann Freeman born on - - 1761 at SC
died at Talladega Co AL on p - - 1850 married on a - - 1798
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The Said Ann Freeman was the child of Holman Freeman born on c - - 1728-1730 at Henrico Co VA
died at Wilkes Co GA on a - - 1784 and his ( 1st ) wife
Sally Cox born on - - at VA
died at Mallorysville Wilkes Co GA on - - married on 13 - Jun - 1753
FREEMAN, HOLMAN SR Ancestor #: A042043
Death: ANTE 12-15-1783 WILKES CO GEORGIA
Service Description: 1) MEMBER OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, 1778; GRAND JUROR, 1779
Another Line Of Descent
Freeman History
George Freeman Family
compiled by Mary Shaw Makima
Huntsville, Ala January 1969
George Freeman died in 1735 in Henrico County, Virginia, leaving 1,608 acres of land.
His wife was named Jane (Holman?) . George and Jane Freeman had the following children:
Allis Freeman
George Freeman
John Freeman who married Abigail Ballenger
Joseph Freeman who married Sarah Harris
Hannah Freeman who married Thomas Joplin
Holman Freeman who married Sally Cox
Holman Freeman, Sr. and His Descendants
(The only child of the above named George and Jane Freeman whom I shall follow)
Holman Freeman, Sr. was born in Virginia and married Sally Cox in Amelia County, Virginia on 13 June
1753. Holman and Sally Freeman migrated from Virginia to Georgia with two sons, three daughters and six
Negroes, crossing the Savannah River on the 27th day of Sept 1773. Holman Freeman, Sr. had with him 18
pounds (about $90.) and contracted for land at McFaddan’s Camp on Chickasaw Creek in the area ceded by the
Indians which later became Wilkes County.
He was too old for active participation in the American Revolutionary War, but he performed patriotic service
by serving on a jury that tried certain Tories. Also he had four sons who served in the war with courage and
determination. In retaliation for his jury duty and the military exploits of his four sons, the British severely beat
and imprisoned in Augusta the elderly Holman Freeman, Sr, who died as a direct result of the injuries inflicted
upon him.
The four sons (outlined below) distinguished themselves in such battles as Kettle Creek and the Siege of
Augusta. Under Elijah Clark, they were part of the small hard-core of heros who for years stubbornly fought against great odds and obstacles to save Georgia from both the Indians and the British, earning for their area the nickname, “Hornet’s Nest.”
A Bowie Notes: Rev. War, DAR list civil service in GA DAR PATRIOT INDEX, Part I, p. 1084.
DAR monument erected on old family plot in Wilkes Co. GA
Listed page 382, Georgia's roster of the Revolution. Compiled by L L Knight , State historian.
Holman and Sally Freeman had the following Children:
(There were other daughters whom I will not list in this account.)
I. Holman Freeman, Jr, Colonel in the American Revolution, was born in Virginia and died in Wilkes
County, Ga, 19 Aug 1817. He was married circa 1783 to Peninah Walton, a cousin of Governor John Clark..
Their three children were:
1. Fleming Freeman who married Martha Bibb, sister of Dr. William Wyatt Bibb, first
Territorial Governor of Alabama, and who lived in Montgomery, Ala.
2. John W Freem who married a Miss Calloway and move to Alabama.
3. Mary Ann “Polly” Freeman, known as “The Beauty of Broad River” (Georgia), who married
Dr. William Wyatt Bibb, first Territorial Governor of Alabama
II William Freeman, non-officer in the American Revolution , died in 1796. He married Sally __?__ and
lived in Augusta, County, Georgia, where he was a prosperous merchant.
III. John Freeman, Captain in the American Revolution, was born in 1756 and died in 1806 in Wilkes
County, Georgia. He married Catherine Carlton, and their only child was:
1. Rebecca Freeman who married in 1803 Shaler Hillyer, an old Peterburg, Ga merchant.
The Hillyers ahd three sons as follows:
A. John Freeman Hillyer
B.Judge Junius Hillyer
C. Rev Shaler Granby Hillyer
(All three of the above Hillyers lived to be very old men and filled honored positions in church and
state in Georgia.)
IV George Freeman, non-officer in the American Revolution, was born in Virginia circa 1758 and died 12
May1796 at his plantation home on the road between Mallorysville and Washington in Wilkes County, Ga. He
married in Virginia to Frances “Franky” Taylor. their children were:
1. John Freeman 6.George Westley Freeman
2 William Freeman 7. Ailsey Russau Freeman
3. Joseph Freeman 8. Laban Taylor Freeman
4. Elizabeth Freeman 9. James Freeman
5. Allen Freeman 10. Henry Freeman
(Some of these Freeman Children settled in Morgan County, Ala. One such was Labam Taylor Freeman,
born 1794 in Wilkes Co. Ga, whose daughter, Mary Ann Rebecca Freeman, was born in Morgan
County, Als, 26 Nov. 1830. She mared Dr. James Monroe Key, brother of my great grandfather, Dr.
George Washington Key.) (Consult Key History for further data.)
V. James Freeman, non-officer in the American Revolution, married ____?____ whose first name was Rhoda.
In 1815 he lived near Mallorysville, Wilkes Co. Ga.
VI. Jimmy Freeman, a gentlewoman who never married.
VII. Ann Freeman was born in 1761 in South Carolina and probably entered Georgia with her parents. In
1850 she was 89 years old and living in Alabama with a son. She married John Simmons, wealthy planter of
Elber County, Ga. They had the following children:
1. Susanna W Simmons, born 1797 in Georgia, married John L. Richardson of Nacoodhee,
Georgia. The Richardsons had two daughters and perhaps other children.
2. Colonel Holman Freeman Simmons, born 1798 in North Carolina, was married 25 Dec.
1818 in Franklin County, Ga to Sarah Eliza H Burns of Elbert County, Ga.
Col Holman Freeman Simmons removed from Georgia to Talladega Territory, Alabama and
became a prosperous planter. He and his wife had the following children:
A. Holman Felix Simmons who married Theodora Saxon
B. Robert Simmons
C. Dr Bibb Simmons
D. Mary Ella Simmons who married William Mallory
E. Fletcher Simmons
F. Troup Simmons
G. Prof. Henry Clay “Nobe” Simmons who married Antoinette Saxon
H. Susan Burns Simmons who married Capt. Walter Terry Saxon
I. Ann Jane Simmons who married Rev. Edward Joseph Hamill
J. Martha Simmons
(consult Simmons History and Saxon History for further details.)
3. James Ballenger Simmons, born about 1800 in North Carolina, removed from Georgia to
Alabama and became a well-to-do planter. He married Lucinda Calloway. They had the
following children:
A. C.H. Simmons E. Adalaidell Simmons
B. W.H. Simmons F. Lucinda Simmons
C. Susan Simmons G. Alma Simmons
D. Ellen Simmons H. James Simmons
Page 3 of 3
4. Moses Waters Simmons was born in 1800 in Georgia and married Harriet Renfro. He
removed from Georgia to Alabama and became a well-to-do planter. Moses and Harriet
Simmons had the following children:
A. John Felix Simmons F. Holman Freeman Simmons
B. Ann Simmons G. Martha Simmons
C. Nathaniel Hawthorne Simmons H. Moses Waters Simmons
D. Jane Simmons I . Elijah Simmons
E. James Simmons J Elisha Simmons married Martha Ann Russell
(consult Simmons History for further data on Elisha Simmons)
5. John Simmons, born about 1803, probably in Georgia, removed to Alabama where he was a
well-to-do planter. He died in 1846 in Talladega County, Ala.
He married Francis Ann Stocks, and they had the following children:
A. Anna Martha Simmons
B. Elisa Jane Simmons
C. John Moses Simmons
D. Edna Adelia Simmons.