Gen. James Patton Anderson Camp 1599
Celebrating 32 Years 1992 - 2024
January 2021
Woodlawn Cemetery
West Palm Beach. Florida

Senator Sanders thought our Lee-Jackson event was for Sheila Jackson Lee and Jesse Jackson. Not too happy.

Commander Shirley, Commander Odell,
Compatriot Caullett, Adjutant Johnston
April 2021
Confederate Memorial Day
Thomas Benton Ellis Chapter, UDC
Woodlawn Cemetery
West Palm Beach, Florida

May 2021
Dedication and Opening
of the
Isaac Chapman Fowler B & B
Bristol, Virginia
I. C Fowler, CSA Officer, Editor and owner of the Bristol News,
Merchant and member of the Virginia House of Delegates
1st Cousin of Adj. Johnston's Great Grandmother
Adj. and Mrs. Johnston represented Camp 1599 and SCV at the ceremony

The home (1873) is available for rent as a B & B property. Completely renovated with all modern conveniences

Keziah (Kizzie) MacDonald and
Capt. Isaac Chapman Fowler

Mayor of Bristol, Virginia, Cousin Rita, now 93, great granddaughter (UDC) & Adj. Johnston

Elbert Fowler, younger brother of I.C.
Killed in a shoot-out
Hinton, West Virginia (1893)

Mrs. Johnston UDC (Center)
flanked by the owners (Dr. Tom and Vicki
June 2021
Florida Division Reunion
Ocala, Florida


July, 2021
SCV National Reunion
Metairie, Louisiana

Doubletree Hotel Metairie, Louisiana
Adj. Johnston with the General
(Mr. Pendergraft of Houston, Texas

Life-size replica of the CSS Hunley
From South Carolina.
Cut-away view showing interior -
about five feet tall.
Grand Banquet

Grand Ball

Destrehan Plantation
A side trip and dinner on-site was one of the highlights of the Reunion.

The very long road-trip from South Florida to the mountains of Tennesse
It rained almost the entire trip to and from Columbia, Tennessee

Chatanooga, Tenessee

Commander Shirley & Adjutant Johnston
Resting at a rest stop between the rain showers
Adjuatant Johnston

Commander Shirley & Compatriot Caullett
Our friendly hosts at the Quality Inn, Columbia, Tenn.

Commander Shirley & Compatriot Caullett

December, 2021
Fond Farewell to Compatriots Wratislaw
Wishing them good fortune in their move to Charleston, S.C.
Hosted by Adj. & Mrs. Johnston
Photos courtesy of James L. Shirley Jr.

December 2021
Wreaths Across America
Camp 1599 SCV
Thomas Benton Ellis Chapter, UDC
Order of the Confederate Rose
Woodlawn Cemetery
West Palm Beach, Florida
Photos courtesy of James L. Shirley< Jr.

The wreath laying crew

Site of the Confederate Memorial Monument, now in Alabama

Tiny Sowell was brought home to West Palm Beach and buried with full military honors. More than one hundred people were in attendance for the funeral, including the SCV, UDC, DAR and DAR along with many dignitaries.
He was born in December of 1922 and shortly thereafter his father, Charles Lewis Sowell Fr. passed away. His mother and the rest of the family removed to West Palm Beach in 1926. The ladies of the Sowell family were members of the UDC and were financial contributors for the Confederate monument, which coincidently, was relocated to the Sowell family's ancestral home state of Alabama. Tiny's grandfather, Charles Lewis Sowell, Sr. was a Confederate veteran.

Obituary - Condo News, November 8, 2017
SGT Richard Gordon “Tiny” Sowell (USAR) was killed in action at the Battle for Saipan, on July 7, 1944. Tiny was 21 years old at the time of his death. He was born December 13, 1922, in Quincy, Florida, and came to West Palm Beach in 1926, along with his family. One of the city’s most popular young men at the time, Tiny was the mascot for the Palm Beach High School football teams for a number of years, later being a member of the All-State high school baseball and basketball teams, and a member of the American Legion Junior baseball championship team of 1938.
A graduate of Palm Beach High School, Tiny was a sophomore at the University of Florida when he went into the service in April 1943. He was a member of the Alpha Tau Omega, national social fraternity. SGT Sowell had been overseas since November. He had been in seven major engagements and saw service in the battles of Wotje, Kwajalein in Marshall Islands, and Saipan. At the time of the battle for Saipan, SGT Sowell was a spotter with the 295th Joint Assault Signal Company, 3rd Battalion, 106th Infantry Division. He was killed in action during the Japanese rush of the Island. His family was told there were no remains.
A year later, remains were discovered in a fox hole, and were shipped to a military base in Hawaii, and buried, with full Military Honors in a numbered grave. The grave was re-discovered in 2015, and with DNA provided by his nephew, SGT Sowell was finally identified. He is now being brought home, after 73 years, to be put to rest with his family. At the time of his death, SGT Sowell was predeceased by his father, Charles, in 1923, and was survived by his mother, Jimmie Sowell; his sisters, Mrs. Hazel Gorham, Mrs. Lucille Cochrane, Miss Margaret Sowell; and his three brothers, Charles Lindsey Sowell, Lewis Sowell, and Julian Sowell, all who have gone to join Tiny.
Surviving family are his nephew, Lewis Sowell, Jr., of Savannah, Georgia, and a niece, Mary Baldwin, of Lake Park. A Military Funeral, with full honors, will be held at 11:00 AM Friday, November 10, 2017, at Woodlawn Cemetery, located on Dixie Highway just south of Okeechobee Boulevard, in West Palm Beach.

Tiny's Grandfather
CHARLES L. SOWELL.-Among the substantial and successful businessmen whose names have added luster to the fame of Escambia county, few are as widely and favorably known as the popular banker, Charles L. Sowell. Mr. Sowell was born November 12, 1835, in Monroe County, Ala., and is the son of James and Nancy (Coleman) Sowell, natives, respectively, of South Carolina and Georgia.
James Sowell was a wealthy planter and owned, at one time, over 800 acres of finely cultivated land, and from forty to sixty slaves. He was married three times, first, in his native state, to Anne Brown, who bore him four children. After her death, he removed to Alabama, where his second marriage was consummated with Mrs. Bradford, who was accidentally killed about two years later, being thrown from a horse, while on her way to church. The third marriage took place in Monroe County, Ala., in. the year 1830, with Nancy Coleman, who bore her husband the following children: Andrew J., deceased; Sarah, widow of Eranda Bethea; Charles L.; Samuel; Thomas, deceased; Douglas S.; Anne; Caroline, wife of William Crook, and John L. Of the above sons, five served through the late war, and earned the reputation of brave and gallant soldiers.
The father died in 1849, after which Mrs. Sowell resided on the old homestead for some time, but subsequently moved to the village of Monroeville, where she maintained a homestead until the war gave freedom to her slaves. Since then she has made her home with her children in Brewton, where she still lives at the ripe old age of eighty, retaining in a remarkable degree her faculties, physical and mental.
Charles L. Lowell spent the first eighteen years of his life in Monroe County and then left the parental roof, going to Milton, Fla., where, until the breaking out of the Civil war, he was employed in the milling and lumbering business. On the 5th of April, 1859, he entered into the marriage relation with Annie, daughter of Silas Jernigan, and in April, 1862, responded to the call of his state for volunteers, enlisting that year in Capt. Jack Deloach's company of volunteers, from Monroe county. This company became a part of the Thirty-sixth Alabama infantry. Col. Bob Smith commanding; but on the commencement of the Georgia campaign of 1863, it was transferred to the First Florida regiment, and designated as company G, J. D. Lee captain, and such it remained until the final surrender in 1865. Mr. Sowell's military record, of which he feels deservedly proud, is replete with a long series of valorous deeds. He was with his command in the bloody battles of Murfreesboro. Mission Ridge, Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga, took part in the Atlanta campaign from Resaca to its close, and then went with Hood to Tennessee and participated in the battles of Franklin and Nashville.
He passed through the greater part of the war without receiving the slightest injury, but at Nashville, he received a wound which deprived him of his left arm and left him maimed for life. During the progress of that terrible battle, the two armies had driven each other backward and forward, for two days, and on the second day, Mr. Sowell, with others, was detailed as a sharp-shooter and ordered to a position far in advance of the Confederate lines. Finding, as he supposed, a secure position in a hole in the ground, he opened fire on a Yankee sharpshooter, partially secreted in a tree, but the blue coat returned the fire with such effect that Mr. Sowell's left arm was shattered by a ball which passed entirely through the member and killed a comrade sitting a few feet in the rear. After receiving the wound he walked to the rear of the lines, and that night the mangled arm was amputated, close to the shoulder. The next day he was made prisoner but was not able to leave the hospital for over ninety days. Subsequently, he was sent to Camp Chase, where he had a severe attack of smallpox, and upon his recovery therefrom, he was started with others to Richmond for exchange, but for some reason did not get any farther than Point Lookout, where he was detained with others until after the surrender at Appomattox.
At the close of the war, he started home, and on landing at Mobile his clothing was in shreds, and not a penny graced his pocket. In this dilemma, a comrade presented him with a new Confederate uniform, and on reaching home his wife made him a couple of shirts out of a linen dress which she had kept secreted during the gloomy period of the war, and this raiment, with a few articles of household furniture, saved from the general destruction, represented the sum total of his earthly possessions. Within a brief period, he was fortunate in securing the appointment of station agent for the L. & N. railroad at Brewton, which position he held till 1869 when he resigned and engaged in buying and selling timber. This proved very remunerative, and he continued it successfully for about eight years, during which time he realized a comfortable fortune. He built a large sawmill, employed a large force of workmen, and followed lumbering very extensively until 1888, at which time he disposed of his mills and engaged in the banking business, which he carried on alone until the fall of 1891.
At that time the bank was reorganized and chartered under the state law, with Mr. Sowell as president, a position he still retains. The same year he again embarked in the timber business in partnership with S. J. Foshee, under the name of Sowell, Foshee & Co., a firm which now owns 16,000 acres of timberland in Escambia county, upon which are mills with a capacity of 50,000 feet of lumber per day, and dry kilns and planing machinery sufficient to take care of the same. The plant represents a capital of $100,000 and the yearly business of the firm aggregates in the neighborhood of $150,000. In addition to the business enterprise referred to, Mr. Sowell owns a large amount of valuable real estate throughout southern Alabama, possesses fine property in Brewton and other towns, and is, perhaps, the most extensive capitalist in Escambia county. He is public-spirited in all the term implies, enjoys almost unbounded popularity, and, while always foremost in every laudable enterprise, has never sought official preferment at the hands of his fellow citizens. Notwithstanding his inclination in this respect, however, he was elected tax assessor in 1872, in which position he resigned at the end of one year, and in 1882 was chosen commissioner of Escambia county, in which capacity he served one term.
Since the war, he has raised a large family of children, and in their education has expended over $9,000. The names of his children are as follows: Charles L., foreman of Sullivan Lumber company, Wallace, Ala.; James, general manager of Sowell, Foshee & Co.'s mills at Hammac Station; John L., telegraph operator, Dothan, Ala.; Mary L.; Preston B., merchant at Hammac Station; Annie; Julia, wife of Richard Parks, of Pollard; Samuel; Daisy; William W., deceased, and Sanford.
Additional Comments: from "Memorial Record of Alabama", Vol. I, p. 998, 999-1001 Published by Brant & Fuller (1893) Madison, WI

Charles Lewis Sowell (seated) with unnamed family members

Charles L. Sewell, private from Company G, 1st Florida Infantry. Age 29. Wounded November 30, 1864 at Franklin, Tennessee. Amputation performed Decem-ber 2, 1864 by Surgeon Robert, 1st Alabama. Admitted February 6, 1865 to Hospital 1 in Nashville Tennessee.