Gen. James Patton Anderson Camp 1599
Celebrating 32 Years 1992 - 2024
Frank White had a liking for the stout young lad and made him his fireman; thus it happened that Hugh
Bradley "fired" the first engine that ever was run on that road. He stayed at this work until May, 1853, then quit and came north, stopped two weeks in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, went on to Johnstown and remained there a few weeks more. On leaving Johnstown he went by the old Portage railroad to Altoona and from there by the Pennsyvauia main line to Philadelphia. Soon afterward he went to Phoenixville, Chester county, and found work there as puddler in the iron works, which became his first regular occupation in life. At the end of six months he left Phoenixville and went to Safe Harbor, Lancaster county, and from there back to Johnstown, where he has lived since August, 1854, more than half a century.
When he came to live in Johnstown Captain Bradley was a little more than twenty years old. He was born
March 4, 1834. As a boy he was given little opportunity to attend school, but what he lost in that way he more than made up in learning by actual experience in travel and observation of men. Having settled at Johnstown he at once found employnent as puddler in the old mill of the Cambria Iron Company, and worked there constantly until August, 1892, a period of nearly forty years. He then was given the position of watchman and janitor in the general office of the Cambria Steel Company, which he held until May, 1905, and then resigned at the urgent request of his sons. Captain Bradley was in the service of the Cambria Iron Company and its successor, the Cambria Steel Company, more than fifty years, with but one or two events to break that remarkable period of employment.
The first of these intervals came in 1861, at the outbreak of the Civil war, when President Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand volunteers for three months "to suppress treasonable rebellion." At that call, on the 18th of April, he enlisted in Captain John Linton's company of the Third Pennsvlvania Volunteer Infantry, Colonel Minier commanding. On the organization of the company he was elected and soon afterward was commissioned first lieutenant. His service with the regiment was chiefly in the vicinity of Falling Water and Winchester, Virginia, where occasional skirmishes were had with the enemy. At the expiration of the term of enlistment Lieutenant Bradley would have re-enlisted for three years, but the objections of his good wife prevailed and kept him at home Avith her and their children. However, during the latter part of the war when the territory of Pennsylvania was seriously threatened with still another Confederate invasion, he led a company of volunteers to resist the invaders. His company was not regularly mustered into either the state or government service, but it was there and ready for action. Previous to the war Captain Bradley was for five years a private in the militia organization known as the Home Guards,
The second period of absence from work came in June, 1899, when Captain Bradley returned to Ireland and visited his old boyhood home for the first time in fifty years. His parents were not there then and few indeed of the friends of early days. He found relatives who treated him with the utmost kindness, but even they were almost strangers. In 1904 he attended the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic in San Francisco, California. In politics he always has been a firm Democrat, but never sought public ofice.
Hugh Bradley has been married three times. His first wife, whom he married November 16, 1858, was Mary Riley, of New Florence, Pennsylvania, by whom he had seven children. She died February 23, 1880. His second wife was Mary Bradley, daughter of John Bradley, of Allegheny township, Cambria county. She died after two and a half years of married life. His third wife was Katherine Blatte, of Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, whom he married September 24, 1885. She was a daughter of Jerome and Susan (Mouse) Blatte. Jerome Blatte was born in Bavaria, Germany, and his wife Susan near Frankfort, Germany. He was a millwright by trade, although his chief occupation was farming. He died March 12, 1903, but his widow still lives on the farm six miles above Hollidaysburg with her son — Frank Blatte — and her two daughters — Melinda and Jenny Blatte. Her four other children are Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Tierney, of Hollidaysburg; Mary, wife of William Brown, of Lily, Pennsylvania; Susan, wife of William Crist of Braddock, Pennsylvania, and Margaret, who now is in the convent at Braddock.
Children of Captain Hugh and Mary (Riley) Bradley: 1. Edward Riley, born 1859, married Agnes Curry, of Chicago. Mr. Bradley lives in Chicago, where he is the proprietor of the Del Prado Hotel, and owns a blooded stock farm in the Blue Grass region of Kentucky. He recently sold Accountant, a fast runner, for forty-five thousand dollars. 2. James Francis, died in infancy. 3. Mary E., born 1863, married (first) Byron Gibbons; married (second) Robert Scanlon. 4. John Roger, born 1866, a broker in New York city, an extensive traveler, is known as one of the six great hunters of the world's big game. He has hunted in the Rockies, Alaska. Mexico, South Africa, Siberia, China, and has the finest collection of heads of horned animals in the world. He is now a resident of New York City, and is a contributor to the columns of The Illustrated Outdoor News and other sporting magazines. 5. Hugh Patrick, born 1868, died aged eight years. 6. Peter Garvey, born 1870, a machinist now living in Boston, Massachusetts. 7. Katherine, wife of Edward W.
Bailev, of Johnstown.
It was in the year 1851 that Captain Hugh Bradley, then a stout boy of seventeen years, left the home at the countryside in old county Derry. Ireland, and took a ship for America. In good time he landed safe at New Orleans, Louisiana, from which city he started up the Mississippi on a northbound steamer with the purpose to make his way to Minnesota Territory, where he had relatives living at St. Paul, but the boat in which he took passage "snagged" near Memphis, Tennessee, and his trip came to a sudden end, as did his own plans as well, and he at once set at work in that locality. For a year or so Hugh lived with a farmer near Memphis and proved to be a handy man on the place, for he was a farmer bred and born with a willing heart and a pair of strong arms, and he could do a man's work, although he was only a boy. At the end of a year he went to the river and worked on the docks as a stevedore, passing bales of cotton from the wharves to the boats. While there he happened by chance to meet one Frank White, a locomotive engineer and probably the first man to "pull a throttle" on the first bit of track of the old Memphis & Charlestown railroad, thirty miles of which were just completed, from Memphis to a town called Moscow.

Portrait from Find A Grave

Altoona Times, Altoona, Pennsylvania, Saturday, September 26, 1885, Page 1
Mr. Hugh Bradley, a gentleman well and favorably known in Johnstown, when he has long resided, and Miss Kate Blatte, daughter of a well-to-do farmer living near McKee's Gap, this county, and much esteemed in that vicinity, were married in St. Patrick's church, Newry, on last Thursday morning, by Rev. Father Kittell. The happy couple will be at once serrle down to the realities of life in Mr. Bradley's home, corner of Market and Vine streets, Johnstown. We wish them well
Altoona Times, Altoona Pennsylvania, Saturday, September 20, 1890, Page 4
Captain Hugh Bradley Injured.
We learn from the Johnstown Tribune that Captain Hugh Bradley, of that city, whose presence here we noted a few days ago, and who has many friends in Altoona and Blair county, met with a painful mishap on the last Thursday evening. It seems that while Mr. Bradley was on his way home from the P.R.R. station he stopped to talk to a friend. Later the two men engaged in a friendly wrestle, during which Mr. Bradley stumbled and fell backward over the foundation wall of Emmanuel James' new building. He alighted, about ten feet below, on his head and shoulders. A number of men hastened to his assistance and found him insensible. A stretcher was obtained and he was carried to his home. His wife happened to be absent and he was taken to the residence of Mr. John C. Pender, near by. Subsequently, upon Mrs. Bradley's return, he was taken home and attended by Drs. J.C. Sheridan and L.H. Mayer. He remained unconscious throughout the night, but Friday morning he recovered his senses and was able to sit up, although very sore and suffering considerably. There was a scalp cut three inches long which had to be stitched, and his shoulders and arms were badly bruised. His neck is also very stiff and painful

Altoona Times, Altoona Pennsylvania, Monday, May 3, 1909 Page 6
Hollidaysburg, May 3
Captain Hugh Bradley, war veteran, pioneer resident of Johnstown and for the past several years a highly esteemed resident of Holliday-sburg, died at the Altoona hospital on Saturday night at 10:30, of congestion of the bowels, after a short illness. Mr. Bradly was first taken sick one week ago last Friday and was removed to the hospital for treatment. An operation was performed the day after he was admitted and a second one on Saturday morning, in the vain hope of saving his life, but his advanced age was against his recovery. The deceased was born in Ireland on March 4, 1833, and came to America when quite young. He became a resident of Johnstown when the city was in its infancy, and resided there for fifty years, becoming one of the most influential citizens being connected with some of the leading industries of the city. Mr. Bradley went to the front at his country's call , in the troublous days of the great civil strife, and proved himself a brave and loyal soldier, soon being advanced to the rank of captain of a company. He removed from Johnstown to this town three and a half years ago with his wife and lived here ever since, making a host of friends, being an amiable gentleman. He always had a pleasant word for everyone and was ever kind and courteous, being the possessor of a most affable disposition which nothing could change. When the end was near, those gathered at his bedside thought that he had lost consciousness and when a remark was made to that effect he opened his eyes with a kindly smile and weakly shook his head to show that he was still conscious.
Mr. Bradley was twice married, his second wife being Miss Kate Blatte. of Hollidaysburg, who survives him. He is also survived by the following children of his first wife. Edward, of Kentucky; Garvey of Boston, Mass.; John Bradley, a well known traveler and hunter of African big game; Mrs Scanlon Roth, of Ebensburg, and Mrs. Edward Bailey, of Johnstown. His sons will arrive today for the funeral, the time for which will be fixed later. Mr. Bradley was a member of St. Mary's Catholic church since his residence in Hollidaysburg.

Altoona Times, Altoona Pennsylvania, Saturday, April 24, 1909, Page 11
The venerable Captain Hugh Bradley was taken seriously ill yesterday, with congestion of the bowels and is now lying dangerously ill at his home on North Clark Street. He is being attended by two local physicians and a spec-ialist from Johnstown, who are doing all in their power to save his life
Altoona Times, Altoona Pennsylvania, Tuesday, April, 27, 1909, Page 6
The many friends of Captain Hugh Bradley, who last week taken to the Altoona hospital, suffering with congestion of the bowels will be pleased to learn that he has received suc-cessful treatment and that an operation will not be necessary. He is now somewhat improved and is on a fair way to speedy recovery.
Altoona Times, Altoona Pennsylvania, Saturday, May 1, 1909, Page 7
Dr. Charles E. Hannon, of Johnstown, will come to the Altoona hospital today, where he will perform an operation upon Capt. Hugh Bradley, formerly of that city, and now of Hollidaysburg. Capt. Bradley has been resting easy for a few days, but an operation has become imperative.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona Pennsylvania, Saturday, May 1, 1909, Page 9
A second operation will be performed on Captain Hugh Bradley at the Altoona hospital this morning. Dr. Charles E. Hannom, of Johnstown, has come to perform the oper-ation, which is imperative in character.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pennsylvania, Monday May 3, 1909, Page 3
Captain Hugh Bradley, well known throughout Blair and Cambria Counties died at the Altoona hospital Saturday night from the effects of a surgical oper-ation. The deceased was a son of Roger Bradley, and wasborn in Londonderry, Ireland on March 4, 1833, being aged 76 years, 1 month and 27 days. He came to the country in 1850 and took up his abode in Johnstown, where he was in the employ of the Cambria Iron company for many years. He was a member of the old city guard, a military orga-nization formed in Johnstown some months prior to the coming of the Civil war. This organization became company K of the Third Pennsylvania Volunteers. John P. Linton was its captain and Mr. Bradly was the 1st Lieutenant. Before the close of the war, he was made the captain of a company, that went to the front. Three years ago, Captain Bradley moved to Holidaysburg and led a retired life here, residing on Clark Street. He was a well read man, an ectensive traveler. He was twice married, His first wife wax a Mary Riley, to their union were born these children: Edward of Chicago; John of New York city; Peter G. of Boston; Mrs Robert Scanlon of Ebensburg; and Mrs Edward W. Bailey of Johnstown. He is also survived by his second wife, Catherine Bradley. He was a member of the Grand Army Post in Johnstown. The funeral will be held ain St Mary's Catholic church on Wednesday morning.

Mary Riley 1st Wife of Capt. Hugh Bradley
Died at age 43 of Consumption

Mary Riley Bradley
BIRTH; 1837 DEATH: 1880 (aged 42–43)
New Florence, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, USA
MEMORIAL ID135266613 · View Source

The Cambria freeman, Ebensburg Penn-sylvania Friday, February 27, 1880, Page 3
--We are sorry to record the death in Johnstown, on Sunday last, of Mrs. Hugh Bradley, a lady whom we knew for many years as a most exemplary wife, mother and neighbor, as well as a devout and faithful member of the Catholic Church. She was a cousin, if we mistake not, of Hon. John Reilly, of Altoona. The disease to which she finally succumbed was consumption, with which she suffered for over two years. Her remains were taken to New Florence Tues-day forenoon for internment, after a Req-uiem High Mass at St. John's church, Johnstown. May her soul rest in peace.
Mary E Bradley 2nd Wife of Capt. Hugh Bradley
BIRTH Unknown
DEATH 12 MAR 1884 • Johnstown , PA Died after 2.5 years of marriage

Newspaper and Date Unknown
Mrs Mary Bradley
A brief announcement of the death of Mrs. Mary Bradley, wife of Mr. Hugh Bradley, of the First Ward, appeared in the Tribune last evening. The deceased had been in failing health for some time. A week ago last Monday she expressed a desire to visit her sister, Mrs. Ignatius Delozier, who resides in Conamaugh Borough. Her wish was gratified, and the change seemed at the time to have a beneficial influence. When evening came, however, she did not feel able to return to her home, and therefore passed the night ay her sister's. The next morning she was much worse, and her decline therefore was rapid. Mrs. Bradley was born on the Hickory Ridge, Allegheny Township, this county. She was a daughter of the late John Bradley. Beside her sister, Mrs Delozier, the deceased leaves two brothers, Edward and John, the former living at the old homestead, and the latter in Iowa; and two sister, Mrs. Frank Moran, of Allegheny Township, and Mrs. Patrick Malloy, who lives in Texas. Mrs. Bradley was a member of St. John's Catholic Church, and enjoyed the respect and esteem of her neighbors and acquaintances.

Mary Bradley
Saint John Gualbert Roman Catholic Cemetery
Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, USA
MEMORIAL ID90706758 · View Source
CATHERINE BLATTE 3RD Wife of Capt. Hugh Bradley
BIRTH Unknown
DEATH 12 MAR 1884 • Johnstown , PA Died after 2.5 years of marriage

Catherine Bradley
DEATH1933 (aged 88–89)
Hollidaysburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania, USA
MEMORIAL ID12791027 · View Source
Altoona Tribune, Altoona Pennsylvania, Saturday, August 26, 1933 Page 10
Mrs. Catherine Bradley, widow of Patrick Hugh Bradley, was found dead in bed at 5 a.m. yesterday at her home, 718 Twelfth street, Hollidaysburg.
She was born December 15, 1844, a daughter of Jerome and Susan Blatte. She was married to Pat-rick Hugh Bradley, Johnstown, 46 years ago. She is survived by one sister, Sister Scholestica, Baden, Pa; five children, G. R. and John Bradley. Louisville, Ky.; Grover Bradley, Palm Beach, Fla.; Mrs Mary Scanlon, Washington, D.C.; and Mrs. Catherine Bailey, Phila-delphia.
She was a member of St. Mary's Catholic church, Hollidaysburg. Funeral services will be held at St. Mary's church at 9 a.m. Monday. Internment will be in the old St. Mary's cemetery.

1. Edward Riley, born 1859, married Agnes Curry, of Chicago. Mr. Bradley lives in Chicago, where he is the proprietor of the Del Prado Hotel, and owns a blooded stock farm in the Blue Grass region of Kentucky. He recently sold Accountant, a fast runner, for forty-five thousand dollars.
2. James Francis, died in infancy.
3. Mary E., born 1863, married (first) Byron Gibbons; married (second) Robert Scanlon.
4. John Roger, born 1866, a broker in New York city, an extensive traveler, is known as one of the six great hunters of the world's big game. He has hunted in the Rockies, Alaska. Mexico, South Africa, Siberia, China, and has the finest collection of heads of horned animals in the world. He is now a resident of New York City, and is a contributor to the columns of The Illustrated Outdoor News and other sporting magazines.
5. Hugh Patrick, born 1868, died aged eight years.
6. Peter Garvey, born 1870, a machinist now living in Boston, Massachusetts.
7. Katherine, wife of Edward W. Bailev, of Johnstown.
Published May 31, 2016 | By Caryn
Over the years, man has tried many ways to harness water. Water is a necessity to life, and without it, all things would die off. Some projects worked out better than others, and some simply needed to be replaced sooner than they were in order to prevent disaster. A good example of that is the earthen dam. An earthen dam is a dam that is built out of rocks and dirt, instead of steel and concrete. Of course, when dams were first built, earthen dams were the only way to go, but after so many failed, a new type of dam had to be designed, in order to save lives. One such failure was the earthen dam built in 1840 on the Little Conemaugh River, fourteen miles upstream from Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Johnstown is sixty miles east of Pitts-burgh, in a valley near the Allegheny, Little Conemaugh, and Stony Creek Rivers. The area lies in a floodplain that has had frequent disasters. This time would prove to be one of them. At nine hundred by seventy two feet, this dam was the largest earthen dam in the United States, creating the largest man-made lake at that time…Lake Conemaugh. At a time when here were no railroads in the area for trans-porting goods, the dam and its extensive canal system was the only way to transport goods to the people, but it became obsolete as the railroads replaced the canal as a means of transporting goods. The canal system was left to become a victim of the elements, and with its neglect, also came the neglect of the dam. In reality, people just didn’t really think anything would happen, and they most likely looked at the dam as just a part of the landscape.
By 1889, Johnstown had grown to a population of 30,000 people, many of whom worked in the steel industry…ironically. On May 30, 1889, it began to rain, and continued steadily all day. No one really gave any thought the potential harm so much rain could bring to the nearly sixty year old earthen dam. The dam had a spillway, and so everything seemed safe, but the spillway became clogged with debris, that could not be dislodged. On May 31, 1889, an engineer at the dam saw the warning signs, but the only way to notify anyone was to ride his horse into the village of South Fork to warn the people…a ride that took an eternity in the face of the impending disaster. Nevertheless, it should have been enough time, but the telegraph lines were down, and no warning ever reached Johnstown. At 3:10 pm, the dam collapsed with a roar that could be heard for miles. The water, moving at 40 miles per hour barreled down on the towns in it’s path, wiping out everything that got in its way. At Johnstown, 2,200 people lost their lives that day, including one Thomas Knox and his wife. Thomas, like a large number of the flood victims was never found. While I’m not sure that Thomas Knox is related to my husband, Bob Schulenberg’s family, it is quite likely that he is, as there are a number of Thomas Knox’s in the family…though none that I have found so far that died in the Johnstown Flood.
The people in the path of the raging flood waters, were tossed around, along with all that debris, including thirty three train engines that were pulled into the flood waters. I’m sure that for many, death did not come from drowning, but rather from blunt force trauma. Nevertheless, some people did manage to climb atop the debris, only to be burned alive when much of the debris caught fire, when it was caught in a bridge down-stream and burst into flames. There was a report of a baby that sur-vived on the floor of a house that floated 75 miles downstream, but that was some-thing that was not confirmed. It was during the Johnstown flood, that the American Red Cross handled its first major relief effort. Clara Barton arrived five days after the flood to lead the relief. In the end, it took five years to rebuild Johnstown, which went through disastrous floods in 1936 and 1977. I have to wonder if they should just move the town, but with no major floods since 1977, it’s hard to say.

The Palm Breach Post , Friday, August 16, 1946 Page 1
Edward Riley Bradley died Thursday morning at 3:35 (CST), a.m. West Palm Beach time, at his Idle Hour Farm at Lexington, Ky., following two years serious illness.
Death came to the famed winner of four Kentucky Derbies from a heart ailment he had suffered some years, on the nationally famous farm where he bred and raised thorobred horses internationally known for their racing ability.
At his bedside, where he remained conscious until the last, were: Mrs. Catherine B. Bailey, his only surviving sister; C. Barry Shannon, his long-time business associate and publisher of The Post-Times; Thomas S. Bohne, Mr. Bradley's private secretary, and Dr. Fred Rankin, Lexington physician.
Requiem high mass will be sung Monday at 11 a.m. (CST) at St. Paul's Catholic Church, conducted by the Rev. Father Joseph E. McKenna.
The body will reamin at the Milward Funeral Home until Saturday when it will be removed to the residence. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery there, press dispatches from Lexington said last night.
Mr. Bradley left his Palm Beach home May 28 after spending the winter here. Shortly after his arrival in Kentucky he underwent a successful operation.
Mr. Bradley left no children. Mrs. Bradley, who was Miss Agnes C. Curry, of St. Louis, Mo. died suddenly January 15, 1926, in the China Sea, while on a world cruiser with a party of friends. One brother survives Mr. Bradley. He is John R. Bradley of Palm Beach. The surviving sister is Mrs. Catherine B. Bailey, of Palm Beach , who at the time of his death was making her home with Mr. Bradley.
Nephews and nieces surviving are Lt. Lockwood Bradley, of California, son of John Bradley; Edward Bailey and Bradley Bailey, Philadelphia; John Bailey, Scotland; Joe Bailey, Mobile, Ala.; Miss Louise Scanlon, Silver Springs, Md; Mrs Charles Brennig, New Rochelle, N.Y.; Mrs. Frank Speno, Jr., Palm Beach.
The death of E. R. Bradley, nationally-known capitalist, sportsman and philanthropist, of Palm Beach, Fla. and Lexington, Ky., marked the passing of a man who as far back as half a century ago was a cons-picuous and colorful figure in the development of the Florida East Coast, when dreams of its wonderful possibilities existed in the minds of Henry M. Flagler and a small coterie of associates like E. R. Bradley, who from time to time were associated with the great pioneer and builder.
Edward Riley Bradley was a native of Pennsylvania, born at Johnstown, Dec. 12 1859, son of Hugh and Mary Ann Riley Bradley.
Cramped family fortune and the opportunities of the then village of Johnstown afforded small support or inducement for the aspirations of the rugged and adventurous spirit of this lad, and after a hardening experience of employment in the steel mills, etc., in the locality of his birth, the boy heard and answered the call of the new and great west.
Of these early years of his life in Texas, Mr. Bradley rarely conversed at length. He preferred to "talk about horses," as he expressed it. It is known, however, that he very early underwent all of the hard-ships which befell the average boy who went to the plains in search of fortune and adventure, worked as a cowboy, as a scout for United States troops in early Indian wars, as a prospector and miner for gold in Arizona and Mexico and so on.
Tiring of life in the West, and in possession of means to establish himself nearer the center of popu-lation, Mr. Bradley next located in the rapidly growing city of Chicago, became interested in real estate speculations and as a hotel proprietor, finally devoted all of his activities to thorobred horse racing.
In 1890 Mr. Bradley's health became precarious, and his doctors convinced him that the life of a country gentleman was his only hope of recovery. He then went to Blue Grass Kentucky and in 1905 established the now widely famous Idle Hour Stock Farm, near Lexington, destined to become one of the most famous institutions of its kind in the world. This beautiful property he owned until the day of his death.
In 1891, Mr. Bradley, again a health seeker, still maintaining his racing activities and the life of a sportsman, decided to establish a winter home in Florida. After a short residence in St. Augustine, he chose Palm Beach as his permanent abiding place. Here he joined Flagler enthusiastically in the early development of what later became and still is in particular respects the most widely known winter resort in the world.
In Palm Beach Mr. Bradley founded the Beach Club, a private institution with rigid membership regulations which allowed admittance only to adult residents of States other than Florida. In addition to a membership card, evening dress also was a requirement for admission.
Some evidence of the esteem in which Mr. Bradley has been held in "The Palm Beaches," is gained from a clipping from a local newspaper of some years ago, which said in part:
"Colonel E. R. Bradley, wh is closing the Beach Club this week, is one of the pioneers of Palm Beach. His career of more than 30 years is replete with good works and charitable and generous acts, and no one in Palm Beach more earnestly emphasizes in his daily life the "brotherhood of man." Always public spirited, he he is ever to the fore in matters of civic and public importance, and a generous contributor to every worthy cause as well as to the church. Many of the improvements in Palm Beach would never have been made had it not been for Colonel Bradley. His management of his own prop-erty here, with his high sense of honorable endeavor and his liberal business policy, has commanded him to all, and has brought to him the friendship of some of the most important men in the world of American affairs. His generosity is still further emphasized in Palm Beach by the beautiful Catholic Church to whose building he was so generous a contributor. He is a member of the Bath and Tennis Club, the Oasis Club, the Everglades Club, and prominently identified with all Palm Beach activities, although he seldom goes about socially, save when he has guests."
Mr. Bradley's charities and benefactions were widespread. Suffering and want of every nature quickly appealed to him, to what extent will never be known. Many churches other than of his own creed found him generously sympathetic in their financial troubles. Probably his pet object of charity recently has been the orphanages of the State of Kentucky, regardless of race or creed.
For some years it has been his habit to give one-day charity race meetings at Idle Hour Farm, which became an important social as well as interesting annual sporting event in the Blue Grass region. The proceeds from these meetings were distributed to orphanages in Kentucky. I pro rata sums, with the distinct understanding that the funds would be used to provide beautiful Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for the children. When these one-day meetings were for some reason abandoned, Mr. Bradley continued personally the annual holiday distribution of money to the orphanages. This one private benefaction has amounted to upwards of $10,000 annually.
To attempt to recount here Mr. Bradley's career as a horseman would practically be equivalent to writing the history of thorobred racing in America during the long period within which his major activities were maintained. To his talents as an organizer and business executive was added an uncanny knowledge of winning strains and blood lines, and breeding particular individuals for battles of the turf. This knowledge, combined with his own theories, he pursued so well that his stock farm and his stables ultimately became widely known the world around for the speed and stamina of his great race horses.
Mr. Bradley's greatest thrill was seeing a thorobred of his own breeding win the Kentucky Derby . "There wouldn't be much thrill in buying a horse and winning the Derby with me." he once said. "It would be all right as a commercial proposition, like buying an automobile that would run faster than others. The real thrill comes in choosing the sire and dam, watching the colt develop, then seeing your faith in those bloodlines justified.
With an ample fortune founded on his real estate and investment operations prior to his purchase and equipment of his Blue Grass stock farm, the breeding and training of thorobred horses became his major passion and pastime, and so continued until his horses had won almost every major stake in America.
When his thorobreds began winning the Kentucky Derby, most prized racing stake of the United States, with regularity, he was called "the nation's premier turfman." He is the only owner so far to send four winners to the post in the Kentucky Derby. Twice his entry ran one, two.
He first won the Derby in 1921 when Behave Yourself and Black Servant, both bearing the Bradly green and white silks, ran first and second in the classic. He repeated this feat in 1926, when Bubbling Over and Baganbaggage finished first and second. In 1932 he won with Burgoo King and the next year captured the rich prize with Broker's Tip. Several other Bradley horses finished second or third in the Derby, but Blue Larkspur, which proved to be Bradley's money winning horse, was able to win only fourth in the 1929 Derby. Blue Larkspur won $272,000 during his racing career.
Mr. Bradley entered thorobred racing in the 90s.
The Bradley stable for decades was known as the "Lucky B" establishment because of his habit of giving all his thorobreds names beginning with the letter"B." All his Derby winners had three char-acteristic names. Others bore such cognomens as Broadway Jones, Beau Butler, Bet Music, Befuddle, Busy Signal, Buttered Toast, Bootto Boot and Barn Swallow. Despite his large race winnings, both in stakes and from wagers on his entries, the turf proved a costly hobby for Mr. Bradley. Though his winnings from stakes and purses alone passed the $2,000,000 mark in 1932, he estimated that his net losses from racing, because of the heavy upkeep of his breeding farm and maintenance expenses of his horses amounted to $30,000 annually.
Idle Hour Farm has always been open to tourists and sightseers who were most impressed by one one barn which quartered four stallions with an aggregate value of $1,000,000.
The veteran turfman was vitally interested in the Army Remount Service, founded to improve the quaulity of Army horses. He donated many stallions to this service, including Behave Yourself, 1921 Derby winner, and others which would have brought excellent prices on the open market.
Although Mr. Bradley would "bet on anything," he frequently advised other against gambling. "Playing the races will break any man in time," he said on one occasion. "The better is always fighting the percentages and the percentages can't lose."

Col. Edward R. Bradley
Palm Beach Pioneer and Philanthropist
E.R. Bradley: A colorful Palm Beach character
October 28, 2010 | Filed in: Eliot Kleinberg's Post Time columns.
Last week’s column on Guy Metcalf sparked a request that we profile another colorful pioneer, E.R. Bradley, who owned competing newspapers, albeit in different eras. Here’s a reprise of a December 2001 column:
Kentucky Col. Edward Riley Bradley operated his popular, but clearly illegal, casino in Palm Beach for a half-century. The former livery boy was the only owner in history with four Kentucky Derby winners.
He would buy the Palm Beach Post, Palm Beach Times and Palm Beach Daily News in 1934.
He opened his Beach Club in 1898, just four years after Henry Flagler made Palm Beach a synonym for turn-of-the century indulgence. Bradley’s club was renowned for its cuisine, but that wasn’t the draw. The white clapboard building on Royal Poinciana Way attracted tycoons who thought nothing of plunking down hundreds of thousands of dollars at the tables. It was a private club with a cadre of security guards. Membership was a who’s who. Stung by poor patronage the first year, Bradley and his brother were about to abandon the club when they opted to break tradition and admit women. But no single women or people younger than 25. No smoking inside. Drinks only with meals. Evening dress mandatory after 7 p.m.
Florida residents were barred; Bradley reportedly targeted society Northerners who could afford to lose big because he feared locals would end up on, or before, a grand jury.
Bradley made generous contributions to churches, charities, and politicians.
There were feeble attempts at raids, but he always got a tip, and by the time agents showed up, tables had been folded and guests swayed to an orchestra or sipped tea. Bradley, in ill health, closed the Beach Club in 1945 and died at 86 on Aug. 15, 1946; as per his will, the club was razed for Bradley Park. On his death, Joseph Kennedy lamented, Palm Beach “lost its zipperoo.”

Edward Riley Bradley
Birth: Dec. 12, 1859
Cambria County
Pennsylvania, USA
Death: Aug. 15, 1946
Fayette County
Kentucky, USA
Philanthropist, race track proprietor, and owner and breeder of racehorses.
Calvary Cemetery
Fayette County
Kentucky, USA


Out for a spin on Worth Avenue, Col. Bradley was known for keeping a loyal staff of approx. 50 men and 20 women who were housed within the Beach Club’s compound. Mar-ried couples were not hired as they were believed to pass gossip among each other about the club’s guests. The staff was paid only once at the end of every season. Of course, this did not include the customary regular cash envelopes paid to local and state politicians and law enforcement officials. Noted for his many philanthropic endeavors in Kentucky and Palm Beach, Bradley was most generous to local Catholic and Jewish charities.

Groundbreaking for St. Edward Church, April 25, 1926. E.R. Bradley is in the foreground. Yes, It was named for him.

Col. ER Bradley's Helen Black leads to the winner's circle

Fun Facts
In Addition to Brokers Tip, Bradley won the Kentucky Derby Also With Behave Yourself in 1921, Bubbling Over in 1926, and Burgoo King in 1932.
Bradley was the breeder of 15 champions, Including 13 Whose names started with the letter "B" Baba Kenny, Balladier, Barn Swallow, Bazaar, Big Pebble, Bimelech, Helen Black, Blue Larkspur, Bridal Flower, Burgoo King, Busher, But Why Not, and By Jimminy. The other two champions I have bred-Miss Jemima and Oedipus-raced for other owners and Were not named by Bradley.
Along With His success in the Kentucky Derby, Bradley Also HAD his share of good fortune in the Preakness and Belmont Stakes, winning the former on three occasions With Kalitan (1917), Burgoo King (1932), and Bimelech (1940) and the Latter twice with Blue Larkspur (1929) and Bimelech (1940)
From 1929 Through 1947, horses bred by Bradley won 21 championships, an average of more than one per year.
Three horses bred Bradley That Were RANKED on the Blood-Horse 's list of the Top 100 Racehorses of the 20th Century: Busher (# 40), Bimelech (# 84), and Blue Larkspur (# 100.)
Col. Bradley and the Rosarian Academy
Rosarian Academy is an independent Catholic school in West Palm Beach, Florida that was founded in 1925. The school is owned and operated by the Adrian Dominican Sisters and is the only independent Catholic school in Palm Beach County. The mascot of Rosarian Academy is Rowdie Raider who wears the Rosarian Shield on his hat, carries the shield on one arm, and holds the Rosarian 'Torch of Truth'.
Rosarian Academy's academics in grades K-8 are centered around the Core Knowledge Curriculum, a consensus-based model of specific content guide-lines developed by the Core Knowledge Founda-tion. Rosarian Academy currently has a student population of approximately 400, along with 44 teachers, 6 teaching assistants, and 10 support staff. It is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Since 1974 Rosarian Academy has been home to an early childhood Montessori educational program. The program currently admits children up to 5 years old.

Originally known as St. Ann-on-the-Lake, Rosarian Academy was first established by St. Ann's Church in conjunction with the Dominican Sisters of Adrian, Michigan. The Jesuits established St. Ann's Church in West Palm Beach in 1895. Henry Flagler later contributed to the development of St. Ann's by building a rectory and financing the relocation of the chapel from the corner of Rosemary and Datura to Olive Avenue and Second Street.
In 1923 Patrick Barry, fifth bishop of St. Augustine, invited the Dominican Sisters of Adrian, Michigan to West Palm Beach to establish a school for Catholic children. By the time the sisters arrived, 126 students were already registered and there was insufficient housing for all of them. Colonel Edward R. Bradley, a wealthy businessman and racing horse breeder, gifted the sisters with a 7 ¼ acre plot for the construction of a combined dormitory and school for female students. The building, named Bradley Hall, opened in 1925. At the time the school was named St. Ann-on-the-Lake Academy in honor of Colonel Bradley's mother. A school building was opened downtown the same year and students traveled from one to the other for classes.
In 1926 Florida was hit by the first of two historically devastating hurricanes and the Bradley Hall building began to deteriorate. On the night of September 16, 1928, the second hurricane, with winds gusting up to 130 mph, struck Palm Beach and moved inland, causing widespread devastation and killing as many as 2,000 people. The grounds of St. Ann-on-the-Lake Academy were a scene of devastation. Two original towers on the building were ripped off and the roof was blown away. The roof was replaced, but the towers were not.
The first students graduated from St. Ann-on-the-Lake Academy in 1934. This was also the first year that the girls attended all classes at the school's property, separating entirely from the St. Ann's Parish school. The 1930s were lean times and the sisters supplemented their incomes by tutoring students of all ages and both genders. In 1939, to avoid confusion between St. Ann-on-the-Lake and St. Ann's parochial school, the name of the former was changed to Rosarian Academy.
In September 1941 the school purchased the adjacent property, La Casa Hermosa, for use as dormi-tories. The property was thereafter referred to as Casa Maria and was used to house elementary students until elementary boarding was ended in 1967.After Bishop Gallagher of Detroit recovered from a winter cold there, the guest quarters at the Academy became a popular destination for mem-bers of the church hierarchy, including Archbishop McNicholas of Cincinnati; Bishop Karl Albers of Lansing; Archbishop Amleto Cicognani; Archbishop Edward Hoban of Cleveland; Archbishop Ryan of Hamilton, Ontario; and Father Coughlin, the "radio priest". For the blessing of the newly opened Casa Maria, Cardinal Dougherty of Philadelphia, Cardinal Mooney of Detroit, Archbishop Stritch of Chi-cago, Archbishop Hurley of St. Augustine, and Bishop Muench of Fargo were all in attendance.
The outbreak of World War II saw Rosarian Academy students and staff getting involved with the war effort. Students and Sisters took First Aid courses and raised money for Polish refugees. Choral programs were performed for wounded soldiers at Reams Hospital (the current Biltmore Hospital in Palm Beach) and the students performed a Christmas play for the local USO club. In 1944 the students participated in an all-out bond drive which raised $48,000, earning the Academy a US Department of Treasury medal in recognition of its service.The 1940s brought Rosarian Academy increased recog-nition for its academic program. In 1943 it was accredited by the Florida State Board of Education and in 1946 it was given accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The Academy was accepted as a charter member of the National Honor Society in April 1947, and the first students were inducted into the Chi Tokos Rho Chapter during the Honors Assembly in May of that year. In 1947 the school also graduated twenty students for the first time. The number of students graduated would not fall below twenty again until 1991 with the exit of the final graduating class.
In the early years of the school male students had been admitted as day students, however in 1943 this practice was discontinued and the school would enroll girls exclusively until the creation of the Montessori Program in 1974. The tradition of Rosarian Week was first begun in 1945. The first Student Council was organized during the first Rosarian Week. Patricia Collier was elected the first student body president. Due to the school's rapid growth, the need for more schooling, chapel, and dormitory space was recognized. Ground on two new buildings was broken in March 1949 and in 1950 a new chapel and a new school building were dedicated. Recognizing the need to raise public aware-ness of Rosarian Academy, the school initiated a lively public relations program with the aid of Mrs. Frank J. Lewis whose culmination was the Red, White and Blue Ball at the Biltmore Hotel. In 1948 ground was broken on the new Rosary Chapel and the Angelicum, a new wing of the school.
In May 1951 Rosarian Academy Home Association (RAHA) was founded to promote cordial parent-teacher relationships and aid in raising funding support for the school. Mrs. Francis H. Sprankle, whose daughter was in grade school, served as the first chair. The first effort of the association was a theater benefit at the Paramount in Palm Beach which succeeded in raising $27,000. RAHA would later become RAFA. In 1952, Rosarian Academy purchased the Palm Beach Yacht Club for $75,000. The main floor was converted into an auditorium and eight music rooms. The basement was remo-deled to provide a shower room, lockers for day students, and a large classroom. To raise money for the remodel the school put together a fundraising drive with the motto Have a Heart for Rosarian. The highlight of the fundraiser was a showing of [The African Queen] at the Paramount Theatre, with Judy Garland and Peter Lawford among the guests. Door prizes included a donated Jaguar. Several school traditions were begun during this period, including the annual Spaghetti Dinner, which was first held in 1953. Other regular events that were established included the Reception Tea and the Spring Lun-cheon. The May Day Cake Social and benefit card parties that began at this time eventually evolved into golf tournaments, the Anniversary Ball, the Rosarian Roundup, and the fundraising auction. In 1956 Rosarian Academy acquired the Aiello property and in December of that year ground was broken for Lewis Hall, named for Academy supporter Frank J. Lewis. The new hall contained a large student dining room, a kitchen, a library, an art room, and an audio-visual room. For Christmas in 1958 Count and Mrs. Frank J. Lewis gifted the Harrington Apartments to the school. Later renamed Regina hall, initially it was used as the senior dormitory and lay faculty residence. Today it houses the Montessori Little School. The swimming pool and bathhouse were a gift from Bertha K. Evans in 1959.
During the late fifties the students of Rosarian Academy staged several high production-value musical shows directed by Paul Crabtree and financed by Frank J. Hale, first at the Palm Beach Playhouse, and later at the Royal Poinciana. Crabtree taught weekly classes in voice, acting, and stage construction, and was also managing director at the Playhouse and later the producer-director at the Royal Poin-ciana. The shows staged included Chonita in 1956, The Wizard of Oz in 1957, and Cinderella in 1958. Two original productions, The Perils of Pinocchio and Dreamland, U.S.A., were staged in 1959 and 1960. Rosarian Academy's traditional Christmas pageant got its start in 1958 under Paul Crabtree's direction, and the students designed the scenery and costumes themselves. This become a long-running annual tradition.
In 1961, Rosarian Academy's accreditation was renewed "unanimously and without reservation." In 1962, Rosarian Academy stopped taking boarders before the seventh grade, although day students were still accepted from younger grades. The kindergarten program was phased out in 1963. In December 1963, ground was broken for the Margaret Tighe Michlin Fine Arts Center in place of the old yacht club, which was removed by barge to Palm Beach Gardens. The Center was completed the following year. To inaugurate the building and dedicate the magnificent Allen organ (a gift from Perry Como and his wife) Berj Zamkochian, organist for the Boston Pops and Symphony Orchestras, was invited to play a concert in March 1965. That same year Perry Como and Ray Charles both visited the campus to hear the Rosarian Choral perform, and the Choral were later invited to be guests on Perry Como's nationwide television show, broadcast from Miami Beach Auditorium.
In 1966, trumpet player Al Hirt performed with the Rosarian Choral in a program called "Al Hirt Swings at Rosarian". Perry Como attended the program and sang during the intermission. In 1964 Sister John Virginia formed the Little Players of Palm Beaches for children in grades one through six. They performed productions including The Pied Piper, The Selfish Giant, and The Velveteen Rab-bit. In September 1964 Rosarian Academy inaugurated a nongraded program in mathematics and reading for grades one through four, extending it to grades five and six the following year. In 1966, team teaching became an integral part of the fifth and sixth grades' language arts, social studies and science programs. In November 1966 the Guidance Office, an area added to the second floor between the old and new sections of the school, was officially opened. In 1967 a study was undertaken that showed that Rosarian Academy's grade school was not a feeder for its upper level classes. The decision was made to phase out the grade school classes one grade level at a time. Father Gregory Durkin arrived in December 1966 from Springfield, Massachusetts to recover from a heart attack and became Rosarian's first resident chaplain, serving in that capacity until 1977. Organist Berj Zamkochian returned in February 1967 with a male choral called the Edmundites who performed in a joint recital with the Rosarian Choral. The Rosarian Choral then traveled to Boston to perform with the boys in their hometown. More joint concerts would follow in 1973 and 1975. A film studies program was introduced in 1967 by Sister Margaret Ryan (William Paul), head of the English department. The program focused on the technical aspects of filmmaking. The first student films to be presented to the public would be at the 1970 Rosarian Academy Awards, with trophies presented by Mrs. Perry Como.
In the 1972, Rosarian formally became a Middle School including sixth, seventh, and eighth graders, and a high school encompassing ninth through twelfth grade. At the same time the school transitioned to a strictly academic curriculum intended to prepare students for college. New electives were added to the coursework with the input of the students and Senior Projects, which often involved some form of community service project became a part of the senior year. During the spring Rosarian began offering week-long 'mini courses' as varied as yoga, decoupage, modeling, karate, computer program-ming, and gourmet cooking that students could voluntarily participate in. In 1973 interscholastic sports opened up a new area in which Rosarian Academy students in grades six through twelve could participate. Rosarian joined the Palm Beach County Junior High School Activities Association for grades six through eight and Florida High School Activities Association for grades nine through twelve. This gave Rosarian students access to competitive interscholastic sports such as volleyball, bowling, swimming, softball, tennis, and golf. In September 1974 the Montessori Little School opened under the directorship of Sister Jean Durrer. The program was for pre-kindergarten children 2 ½ to 4 ½ years of age and was located on the first floor of Regina Hall. Sister Anthonita Porta, an Adrian Dominican internationally recognized as a Montessori consultant, supervised the establishment of the program.
The Sophomore Religion Program also began in 1975. Students spent at least two hours a week in the community, comforting, helping, and teaching as needed. In 1976 Rosarian held its Golden Anni-versary Ball to celebrate its 50th anniversary. The event was held at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach. Mrs. Victor W. Farris (Celia Lipton) was General Chairperson of the event and [Gordon MacRae] and [Milton Berle] were the featured entertainers. In 1976 Rosarian Academy acquired Myer's House on Eighth Street, which would later be known as French House. Over time it would serve as a faculty residence, Barry University Office, kindergarten, and classroom. Sister Eileen Sullivan and Sister Medeleine Sophie McLeod became co-principals in 1977. Glenn and Joy Evans continued the Rosarian tradition of annual musicals when they arrived in 1978 by directing Once Upon A Mattress, Bye, Bye, Birdie, and Hello Dolly. They also directed several dramas including David and Lisa and The Impor-tance of Being Earnest. That same year a photography lab was added to the campus in a section of the laundry area and classes were taught by Timothy Sanders.
In 1982 Eugene C. Mildon took over the theater department at Rosarian Academy and began to direct elaborately staged Broadway shows, including The King and I, Carousel, and Annie. The latter's performance included the original Broadway dog, Sandy, who spent ten days on the campus with his trainer and understudy. Former Rosarian teacher Sister Thomas James Burns became principal of Rosarian in 1983. During her tenure, kindergarten through second grade classes were reinstated at Rosarian. Sister Phyllis Kreiner, O.P., was the consultant for the formation of the new elementary school. One grade was added each year and in June 1992 the first coed eighth grade graduating class received their certificates. In 1983 Rosarian Academy acquired its own yellow bus to transport students to and from the campus, as well as to aid with field trips and athletic events. By 1988 the service had expanded to three busses and a sports van, which served the areas south to oynton/Delray, north to Jupiter, and west to Military Trail, accommodating over sixty students. In early 1986 a fire burned the garage apartments used as a faculty residence behind Myer's House and the building was torn down. In September 1988 Sister Mary Rose Hochanadel, O.P., joined the staff as Elementary Principal for the expanding grade school. Sister Margaret Exworthy became director and High School Principal in 1989. By that year registration for grade school classes had ballooned to the point that there were two classrooms for each grade and the school's facilities were at maximum capacity.
In 1990 an after-school athletics program was organized for the students in grades one through six, which included basketball, soccer, flag football, and swimming. 1991 saw a momentous change as it was determined that Rosarian's all-girl's high school program needed to close. There were fewer students interested in attending an all-girls school and it was believed that male students would not be interested in attending a school that had formerly been known to be girls only. In May 1991 the high school graduated its last class of nineteen seniors, while the kindergarten through eighth grade programs continued. In 1994, Regina Hall was razed and the construction of new offices for the Adrian Dominicans begun in its place. The new Regina Hall was completed in 1996. In December 1996, Bradley Hall was razed in preparation for the new, larger Mary Alice Fortin Building. Because this building would require more space, Casa Maria was also razed to make room for it. In 1998 cons-truction of the Fortin Building was completed. The new structure replaced Bradley Hall. Its cons-truction was funded in part by wealthy philanthropist Mary Alice Fortin, widow of late oilman Philip Fortin. The school also purchased two neighboring houses on 8th street, which were converted for the use of office and maintenance personnel.
In 2001, ground was broken on the Margaret and Michael Picotte Center for Athletics and Fine Arts. The building was officially dedicated in May 2009. In 2010, the Garvy Gym was opened and the Rosary Chapel was re-dedicated with a Mass led by Bishop Gerald Barbarito. In 2012, the school reopened the theater and the Machlin family returned the naming rights of the Theater to Rosarian Academy. In 2012, Rosarian Academy reopened the theater and the Machlin family returned the naming rights to the school.
The Rosarian Academy campus sits on the edge of Lake Worth in West Palm Beach. It consists of nine buildings, most of which exist thanks to the generosity of the school's benefactors, including the Margaret Tighe Machlin Theatre, Lewis Hall, Victor W. Farris Library, and the Mary Alice Fortin Building. Until 1927 the campus extended to the water's edge, until the city of West Palm Beach paid the Rosarian Academy $1,650 for a sixty-foot right of way to build Flagler Drive. The Adrian Domi-nican Sisters retained riparian rights and the city also agreed to install a seawall and maintain it for forty years. In 1954 the State Road Department purchased another parcel of land for the purpose of widening the road, creating the present limits on the property frontage. The school's original building, which came to be known as Bradley Hall, was a three-story structure with a basement. The basement contained a lobby, gymnasium, furnace and laundry. The first floor contained a chapel, a dining hall, a community room for the sisters, a kitchen, offices, and a guest room with a bath. The second floor contained classrooms, a library, a study hall, three music rooms, an infirmary, and a large bathroom. The third floor contained the dormitories for the sisters and the students, bathrooms and changing rooms. The building featured two towers on the roof, as well as a rooftop garden, but these were destroyed during the 1928 hurricane. Today the structure has been replaced by the Mary Alice Fortin building. The Rosary Chapel was constructed in 1949. The interior design of the Rosary Chapel was the work of Sister Helene O'Connor, a former head of the Studio Angelico Art Department of Siena Heights College. The chapel contained fifteen rosettes surrounding the mahogany cross in the sanc-tuary. It also contained statues of St. Dominic, the Blessed Mother, and the Stations of the Cross. In the 1990s the chapel was converted into a physical education building and chapel services were held in the Margaret Tighe Machlin Theatre. In 2010, with the opening of Garvy Gym, the Rosary Chapel was rededicated as a chapel once more in a mass led by Bishop Gerald Barbarito. The original painting ""Our Lady of the Rosary" by C. Bosseron Chambers was donated by Frank J. Hale and still hangs in the student's dining hall. The Picotte Center Athletics and Fine Arts is a 49,000 square foot complex completed in 2009 which includes a dining area, health classrooms, a technology suite, a gymnasium, drama lab, music room, and after school classrooms.
Rosarian Week is a celebration of the Feast of the Holy Rosary and Rosarian Academy's patron which occurs the first week of October. First started in 1945, it was originally only a day long celebration. It began with a "Missa Cantata" sung by the students, continued with the debut of the whole student body in which they were presented to the faculty, parents, and friends around 4 pm in Our Lady's Garden, and came to its completion with an evening banquet. By 1957 the celebration had expanded to fill an entire school week with a special event on each of the five days. Special days often include Spirit Day, Color Day, Alumnae Day, Open House, and a Family Barbeque. Award ceremonies are held at the conclusion of each scholastic trimester. Students are recognized for achievement in academics, ath-letics, and community service. The highest award, the St. Dominic Award, is bestowed at graduation to a student who exemplifies qualities of joy, service, leadership, and achievement. A number of clubs have been organized on the Rosarian Academy campus, including an Art club, a Society of Creative Writers, a Spanish Club, a Drama Club, a Show Choir, and a National Math Club. Most clubs meet once or twice a week after school. The National Junior Honors Society at Rosarian Academy is a chartered member and affiliate of the national office of NJHS. Students in the 5th through 8th grades elect a student council each year who set standards for peer behavior and take leadership roles at school dances and social functions. A president and vice president are also elected. Officers are required to have a C average for the current school year and no failing marks, no less than a "2” in each class in effort and conduct, and no record of school suspension or chronic disciplinary problems.
Students in kindergarten through fourth grade participate in intramural school sports including soccer, tennis, golf, basketball, swimming, lacrosse, and space and movement. Students in grades five through eight may try out for the interscholastic sports teams. Sports include flag football, volleyball, cheerleading, swimming, basketball, soccer, tennis, lacrosse, and golf. In the 1986–1987 school year the Rosarian golf team became state champions, and the following year they earned the title of state runner-up.



Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, February 5, 1908, Page 3
After Hours in Hyde Park
Prosecution of the Del Prado Hotel proprietors on the charge of selling liquor without a license was ordered by Corporation Counsel Brundage in a communication to City Prosecutor George H. White.
The same action, it is understood, will be taken against Chicago Beach Hotel, both places are in prohibition territory.
Attorneys Church, McMurphy & Sherman, representing the Chicago Law and Order league and Hyde Park Protective association, secured the evidence against the hotels.
Edward R. Bradley and William S Meserve are proprietors of the Del Prado, and the action will be directed against them.
Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, November 29, 1910, Page 15
M. H. Cartwright Buys the Del Prado Property; 99 Year Lease Given Back
With others Sells Land Under Its Michigan Avenue Buildings to L. C. Railroad.
The fee under the Del Prado Hotel on Midway Plaisance just west of Illinois Central Railroad was sold yesterday by Lewis E. Ingalls of Joliet to M. H. Cartwright of Nashville, Tennessee for $150,000, the seller taking back a ninety-nine year lease on the land at an annual rent of $8,000, or 2.33 per cost upon the selling price.
The land has a south frontage of 800 feet on the Midway, an east frontage of 250 feet on Washington avenue and a west frontage of 200 feet on Madison avenue, and the average depth of 225 feet. The sale is on the basis of $300 a front foot and about $2 a square foot. The Del Prado, which is four stories high, was erected in 1893 at a cost of $200,000. It is one of the few of the many hotels built prior to the World’s Fair that has proved a success.
It is convenient to Washington and Jackson Parks, is within five minutes walk of Lake Michigan, and is only across the street from the University of Chicago. Mr. Ingalls now is expending $100,000 on new equip-ment and appointments, a new power house being erected at a cost of $35,000. The hotel is conducted by E. R. Bradley, who holds the property under lease for ten years, expiring May 1, 1911, and he has now renewed it for an additional term of ten years from that date an approximate net annual rental to the lessor of $20,000. The sale of the fee and the lease wrre negotiated by Charles H. Goodykoontz & Co.
Chicago Tribune, Sunday, January 27, 1918, Page 13
Hotel Manager of Chicago Dies In The West
Hector H. McLean for the last fifteen years manager of the Del Prado Hotel, was killed yesterday near Cascade Colo. When an automobile stage in which he was riding was struck by an engine on the Colorado Midland railroad. Charles Anderson of Cripple Creek and J. T. Hawkins of Colorado Springs also were killed. Edward McLean, sixteen years old, son of the hotel man, escaped.
Mr. McLean had gone to Colorado to appoint a manager for a mine owned by E. R. Bradley, owner of the Del Prado Hotel. Mr. Bradley is in Palm Beach, Fla.
Mr. McLean was born in Finch, Ont. 41 years ago. He had been a resident of Chicago for many years and was a member of the South Shore Country Club and was a Shriner. He is survived by his widow and three children. In addi- tion to Edward there being Hector, 12 and Robert, 2 years old. The body will be returned to Chicago.
Chicago Tribune, Sunday, November 10, 1918, Page 19
Del Prado Hotel Sol;
Manager Now is Head
The Del Prado hotel at fifty-ninth street and Blackstone avenue has changed hands. The new management took charge yesterday. A. J. Sheppard, manager of the hotel for more than ten years, is head of the syndicate which purchased the lease and furnishings. E. R. Bradly is the retiring owner. The consideration is not stated. Mr. Sheppard formerly was manager of the Virginia and Gladstone hotels. He was at each place for three or four years.

Mary Elizabeth "May" Bradley
Mary Elizabeth "May" Bradley wsa born on May 7, 1860 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, the second child of Hugh and Mary Riley. Im 1884 she married David Byron Gibbons, born in Ireland. The couple resided in Johnstown. They had three children who all died young. In addition to these tragedies, the couple was virtually wiped out during the cataclysmic Johnstown flood. After the flood they moved to Altoona where Byron passed away from the effects of tuberculosis which appears to have been contracted due to exposure. Byron was only thirty-three years old. May was now a childless widow at the age of thirty.
On June 12, 1900 May married Robert Scanlon of Ebensburg, Pennsylvania. Robert Scanlon was a widower, himself, his first wife having passed away a few days after the birth of his son, Richard G. Scanlon in 1893. Rob-
ert, May and Richard lived in Ebensburg where he was a successful banker.
Tragedy would strike again when Richard, being only twenty years old, shot himself in the head in a successful suicide. Robert and May had one child themselves, Margaret Louise Scanlon who was born June 2, 1906. Margaret died September 1, 1994 in Washington D.C. Robert passed away on Mat 29, 1925 in Ebesburg at the age of fifty-seven from cirrhosis of the liver.
May Bradley Gibbons Scanlon passed away on February 28, 1935 in Palm Beach, Florida at the age of seventy-five.

Altoona Times, Saturday, January 23, 1886, Page 4
Mr D. B. Gibbons of Johnstown, went to Houtzdale Thursday morning on a business trip. During the afternoon he was enjoying a sleigh ride, when the horse ran away. The sleigh was wrecked, and Mr. Gibbons was thrown forcibly to the ground. He was picked up in an unconscious condition and attended by a physician. He returned to his home in Johnstown, and is now in bed nursing his wounds.
Altoona Times, Tuesday, March 29, 1887, Page 4
Mr. Ed. T. Dunn, of this city, received a letter last evening from our mutual friend, Mr. D. B. Gibbons, of Johnstown, conveying the sad intelligence that the attending physicians, Drs. Lowmwn and Sheridan, had given up all hope of saving the life of his darling child, whose death was momentarily expected. This will be sad news to the many fiends of Mr. Gibbons and his estimable wife, whose name is legion.
Atoona Times, Tuesday, February 7, 1888, Page 1
The many friends in this city and community of Mr. D. B. Gibbons, of Johnstown, will be sorry to learn that his health is again in a precarious condition. The Johnstown Tribune of last evening says that he has had four or five severe hemorrhages, the later occurring the night previous. His condition yesterday, it is gratifying to learn, was reported by his attending physician to be much improved.
The Altoona Tribune, Thursday, February 9, 1888, Page 6
From Tuesday's Johnstown Tribune: Mr. D. B. Gibbons had another severe hemorrhage last evening, continuing from 8 until half past 9 o'clock. His condition then seemed so critical that the attending physician advised the calling in of a priest. Father Rosensteel was accordingly summoned and admin-istered the last rites, after which Mr. Gibbons seemed to rest easier. Today there has been no recurrence of the hemorhages, and the doctor hopes that there will be a decided turn for the better within a few hours.
Altoona Times, Saturday, June 8, 1889 Page 4
Mrs. D. B. Gibbons and her little sister, Katitie Bradley, who with Mr. Gibbons passed safely through the valley and shadow of death at their home in Johnstown, arrived in the city last evening, and are now the guests of Mrs. Ellen Dunn, of Twelfth avenue, near Thirteenth strett.
Altoona Times, Tuesday, June 18, 1889, Page 4
D. B. Gibbons, of Johnstown, another of the survivors of the great flood, rejoined his wife and young sister - in -law, a daughter of Mr. Hugh Bradley, in this city on Saturday last, and contemplates locating in our midst if he can suit himself. Mr. Gibbons was the recipient a few days ago of a $50 check from his venerable and venerated uncle, the renowned Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore.
Altoona Times, Friday March 21, 1890 Page 4
Mr. D. B. Gibbons, of this city as his host of friends will be sorry to learn, is gradually growing worse, being so ill at present that he cannot leave his bed, much less his room.
Johnstown Weekly Democrat, Friday, April 4, 1890
His Promising Life Comes to an End Friday Morning at 12:25 O'clock -- The Funeral
David Byron Gibbons, one of the best known and widely esteemed citizens of Altoona, and for many years a much respected resident of this city, died at his residence, 1809 Twelfth Avenue, Altoona at 12:25 O'clock Friday morning, aged 38 years, six months and twenty four days. Death was the result of consumption, a disease which had been slowly sapping his life away for many months past. About one year ago he was attacked with hemorrhages of the lungs, which left him in a weakened condition.
The Altoona Times of yesterday pays him an eloquent tribute, and in doing so voices the sentiments of many friends of the deceased in this city. Continuing the Times says: He had apparently recovered from this first attack and was in good health until the Johnstown flood. In that fearful calamity he was subjected to exposure, which finally terminated in the disease which caused his death. During the long and weary weeks of suffering he bore himself with Christian fortitude and was never heard to complain. He was conscious to the last and affectionately bade his sobbing wife and friends farewell.
The deceased was born in County Mayo, Ireland, in the Parish of Giver. He was the son of John and Murrie Gibbons, parents of excellent character and the highest peerage. He came to America in the year 1870, when but 16 years of age. For several years he attended schools in Philadelphia and Scranton, and during these early years fitted himself for his later life. As a scholar he was considered unusaully apt and bright, and always head of the class.
About six years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Bradley, eldest daughter of Mr. Hugh Bradley, a well known citizen of Johnstown, and soon after that date took up his residence in that city. He was there at the time of the flood, and his escape from death was indeed a miraculous one. All his property and possessions. including a magnificent library, were swept away and destroyed. After that calamity he came to Altoona and had resided here ever since.
Three small children have preceded him to the grave, the youngest, James Leo, having died only a few weeks ago, and of the once happy family a sorrowing wife remains. Three brothers--Peter, of Philadelphia, and Dennis and Edward and one sister, Mume residing in Leadville, Col--survive, as do several brothers and sisters, being at the old home in Ireland. David Gibbons needs no eulogy. He was a man too pure and noble to have his virtue painted in the feeble colors of language. His memory will live after him, and will be cherished by all who knew him.
Possessed of rare intellectual physical endowment, he was destined to make his mark, and hard indeed was it to find a man of wider and more practical knowledge than he. He was the means of aiding many a sorrowing and unfortunate fellow-being; and numberless the acts of charity and kindness performed by him. But, most of all, he was a Christian. At the time of his death he was a member of St. John's Church in this city, and few men are there who lived as consistent and faithful a life.
The funeral will take place from the residence of Mrs. E. Dunn, No. 1309 Twelfth Avenue, at 0:80 o'clock Saturday morning and proceed to St. John's Church, where he will be celebrated Requiem High Mass. From there the remains will be taken to Johnstown on Pacific Express. When the remains arrive here they will be taken to the residence of Mr. Hugh Bradley, corner of Vine and Market streets, where they will remain until Sunday afternoon, when internment will take place at 3 o'clock in Lower Yoder Cemetery.
Col. Bradley and his brother John, known as Jack, were 50/50 partners for all their ventures in Chicago, New Orleans, New Jersey and Palm Beach, including hotels, restaurants, horses, race tracks, and private clubs. “My grandfather, Tip Reese, would go hunting with Jack Bradley in Alaska,” recalled David Reese, whose father Claude Dimick Reese, “Mr. Palm Beach,” was Colonel Bradley’s godson. Above, a 1905 newspaper account of Jack Bradley’s five-month safari across Equatorial Africa tended by a staff of 130.

The Palm Beach Post Tuesday, April 28, 1953 Page 1
John R. Bradley Dies At Home In New York At 86
John R. Bradley, 86, surviving member of the famed Bradley brothers, died late Sunday night at his apartment in the Waldorf Towers, New York.
His noted sportsman brother, Col. Edward R. Bradley, died Aug. 15, 1946, at his Idle Hour Farm in Lexington, Ky., at the age of 86.
In gradually failing health, Mr. Bradley did not make his customary visit to Palm Beach this season, but his wife, the former Katherine Lockwood who survives him, was here briefly. Although he came to Palm Beach periodically, he retained his legal residence in Florida, and came down to vote.
According to dispatches from New York, private funeral services, followed by cremation, are to be held Wednesday i that city. In addition to his wife, he is survived by a son, John Lockwood Bradley, San Francisco; a sister, Mrs. Catherine B. Bailey, of Palm Beach, and the following nieces and nep-hews, Mrs. Charles C. Brennig, Mrs. Frank Speno, Jr., both of Palm Beach; Miss Louise Scanlan, Silver Springs, Md.; Joseph Bailey, Mobile; John Bailey, Edinburgh, Scotland; Edward and Bradley Bailey, both of Philadelphia, and two granddaughters in San Francisco.
John R. Bradley was born in Pennsylvania, the son of Hug and Mary Ann Bradley. In early life he and his brother engaged in ranching in texas, and at one time had the Baechus Club in El Paso. After its sale they built the famous Beach Club, widely known as Bradley's, which opened in Palm Beach in 1898. Jack Bradley, as he was called by his friends, had much to do with establishing the club's restaurant fame for fine food.
However, he soon withdrew from active participation in operation of the club. Travel and ranching activities in Colorado occupied much of his time. After his brother's death, he served as exec-utor of the estate.
Acting both as executor of his brother's estate and for himself, in 1848, Mr. Bradley worked out arrangements for the disposition of the Beach club property and the house occupied for years by Col. Bradley, the whole occupying a track between Royal Poinciana Way and Sunset Ave., Bradly Place and Lake Worth. It had long been known that Col. Bradly had wished the property to go to the Town of Palm Beach for park purposes, and he so stipulated in his will, with certain restrictions attached to the house.
Under the contract entered into by Mr. Bradley and the Town Nov. 12, 1948, the property was deeded to the municipality, with a life interest in the residence being retained by Mr. Bradley until his death. Also, according to this contract, the residence can be utilized by the town only as a public library, with the proviso that should this prove impractical, the building may be demolished and the site made part of the park.
Should the Bradley property ever be used for anything but park purposes and in any way not recog-nized by this agreement, it would revert to the Roman Catholic bishop of the diocese for school purposes.
Bradly Park has been developed as a result of this agreement after the town acquired title.
Though the matter will be up to the Town Council, Town Manager L. Trevette Lockwood Monday indicated that as the town now had a fine library in the Society of the Four Arts, to which it makes an annual appropriation, it is not likely that town authorities will consider another library.

John R Bradley visiting his brother, Col. E. R. Bradley at Idle Hour Farm 1909

Col. Bradley and his brother John, known as Jack, were 50/50 partners for all their ventures in Chicago, New Orleans, New Jersey and Palm Beach, including hotels, restaurants, horses, race tracks, and private clubs. “My grandfather, Tip Reese, would go hunting with Jack Bradley in Alaska,” recalled David Reese, whose father Claude Dimick Reese, “Mr. Palm Beach,” was Colonel Bradley’s godson. Above, a 1905 newspaper account of Jack Bradley’s five-month safari across Equatorial Africa tended by a staff of 130.

Pensacola News Journal, Saturday, September 11, 1909, Page 1
John R. Bradley, the man who backed the Cook polar discovery, has produced checks and other documents to prove that the entire expedition, including the cost of the schooner and the big game hunting trip which preceded the actual journey to the pole was less than $50,000. These documents, which are still in Mr. Bradly's possession, show how carefully the undertaking was planned . Cook had everything he needed, Bradley says, but nothing that he did not need. He declares that polar expeditions have been defeated in their aims by the very weight of unnecessary impediments. He insists that Cook's achievement exposes the folly of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to fit out a polar search. Everything which Cook elected for the dash to the pole was as light as it could possibly be made. For instance, the stoves that Dr. Cook used weighed only three pounds, whereas Peary and other arctic explorers have carried cumbersome cooking outfits, some of the stoves weighing fifteen pounds. Bradley further points out the very common sense fact that the smaller the party and the less food and equipment necessary, , which he declares was the real secret of Dr. Cook's success.

The Most Dangerous Wild Animal.
By John R.Bradley
The Evening World New York Tue, Dec. 31, 1907, Page 9
What is the most dangerous of all the wild animals that I have encountered? "The rhinoceros," said John R. Bradley, one of the big game hunters of the world. "A happy day with Rhino on the rush will last a healthy hunter for a year. In equatorial Africa you will find the rhinoceros almost everywhere, the high land and in the low land, in the open country and in the brush. You will find him when you least expect him. He is a vicious and heavily armored beast, almost the exact color of the earth which you find out in that sun baked region, and when stalking through the habitat, wholly unconscious of his presence, you suddenly hear his "chug, chug!" Then God help you if you are not provided with a rifle of large calibre and carrying steel bullets.
"You will want some steel in your nerves, too, for the brute usually weighs about 2,000 pounds and his rush is like that of a locomotive. Now your rifle might be of the biggest calibre and your bullets of the hardest steel; but no matter how many you pump into him you could no more stop his rush by this means than a person could stop a battle-ship. The heaviest of steel bullets could not reach a vital spot after going through that great bone armor, and it would require an extra heavy hard one to cut through it all. Your only chance is to d o a swift side step, and even then you have only three shots that will enter the brain, the neck and the heart shot. When he is charging haed on it is impossible for you to reach either one.

The New York Times, Sunday, Dec. 31, 1905 Page 3
Mr. John R. Bradley of New York, Paris, London, Mombasa, Zanzibar and principally the Africa Jungle; is a sportsman, one of the few Americans who have taken the time to do what the English, some French, and an occasional Italian can do, to stalk big game in the jungle and the forest, on the highlands and by the rivers. His respect for an elephant or a rhinoceros (rhino for short) is that of the man behind the gun.
"If snakes could shoot and lions had guns, it wouldn't be possible to hunt them," he says in answer to questions of the uninformed or the inexpertienced. He admits the superior cunning of the wild animal, since the call of the wild is always the call of those that kill--to live."
Just why a good-looking man should wish to bury himself for five months in the trailless wastes and jungles of Equatorial Africa in these days of pleasant times and pleasant places is in itself as interesting as the experiences he has encountered.
It is the call of the wild in man.
When I asked Mr. Bradley why he found the forest so attractive, he smiled incredulously at the notion that anyone could fail to understand the pleasure of it.
He had been a sportsman all his life--not a hunter. There is a neat distinction between the two.
A hunter is a professional, who goes into the jungle for ivory and skins for the market; the sportsman is the aristocrat, free from commercial pursuit, who hunts for trophies only.
"Few people in this country realize the great variety of animals there are in Equatorial Africa," said Bradley, "we think that our deer species in this country are more numerous than anywhere else, for instance. Why, I have seen animals out there that scarcely a handful of white men have ever seen. Animals that no one scarcely in this country ever heard of."
Then he told me about the incredible bongo, a huge, grass eating animal that no white man has ever killed, that no museum has ever seen, excepting the horns of one that were bought from a black man, and which upon investigation by the naturalists proved to be an undiscovered species.
The Hon. Walter Rothschild of London, whose collection of natural history specimens is famous, has offered 1,000 Pounds for a bongo.
"When I was coming out of the game country," said Bradley, "I was told that Guy Baker had gone into the bush to remain there, no matter how long it took, till he had got a bongo. It is a big animal, and inhabits almost im-penetrable jungle country."
The country beyond Mombasa, where Mr. Bradley spent the first five most beautiful months of the year-- from June till October-- lies between latitude 1 1/2 north of the equator and longitude 36 1/2 east of Green-wich. He chose these months because it is in the dry season. No one hunts in that country when it rains, usually for two months at a time consecutively.
There is never any lack of game.
Here is a list of it as seen by Mr. Bradley:
Elephants, rhinoceros, hippopatomus, three species of giraffe, three species of hartebeast, (an animal belonging to the antelope family:) Hunter's antelope, iopi, wilderbeast, three kinds of dinker, four species of dikdik, oribi, the Zanzibar antelope, steinbuck, kilpspringer, waterbuck, Thomas Cob, two kinds of reed buck, impalas, four kinds of gazelle, sable antelope, oryx, bushbuck, bongo, greater kudu, the eland, (the largest of the antelope tribe:) African buffalo, (a dangerous beast, that charges:) wart hog, bush pig, tens of thousands of zebra, lions, leopards, cheetahs, serval cats, jackals, and thousands of ostriches, monkeys and snakes.
It is a busy place for the sportsman, as this list implies, and a man must be prepared.
The preparations for a hunt of this kind involve an expense of about $20,000-- that is, including the mounting of the trophies brought out of the forest.
"I had 130 people in my caravan," said Mr. Bradley, "consisting of black men from different tribes, Swahillis, Samallia, and Masai people.These men act as porters, mule drivers, gun bearers, armed men, cooks, and so forth. We carry a complete camping outfit, ammunition, guns, and everything necessary for a long sojourn away from civilization. Say, we strike out in a northerly direction."
"With a compass?"
Bradley smiled once more one of those incredulous, patient smiles, and snapped his fingers as he said: "I wouldn't give that for a compass in the forest or mountains. A man who is used to hunting knows instinctively in what direction he is going. I couldn't get lost in a mountain country, that is something that's born in one, and then there is always the light of the sun to guide you. For instance, two men never hunt together. In the morning, one man, we will say, will stalk game to the left, making a semi-circle toward a certain mound or hill which they pick out in the distance as a meeting place for luncheon. The second man chooses a semi-circular route to the right toward the same point, and they couldn't miss lunch together at that spot any more than if it were on Fifth Avenue. The instinct of the location is born in a man of the outdoors. Now, if we decide upon a northerly course through the country, we stick to that, not being lured to west or east by sight of big game. We let that pass, and keep due north till we find other game. Our programme was usually to hunt from 6 in the morning till 10, when the intense heat of the sun gets up; from 10 to 4 we stayed in camp, and from 4 to 6 we did some shooting. The nights in the highlands are always cool, but the days are intensely hot. We feed our servants usually on the flesh of the game we kill, saving the trophies of course."
The danger is constant, for although few animals will charges a hunter, any wounded animal usually will.
The success in stalking big game depends on killing promptly, upon standing your ground when an animal charges, and upon being a good shot. If you turn and run from a wounded animal, the chances are he will catch you. Mr. Bradley told me of a celebrated sportsman of whose death he had heard as he was returning to Mombasa.
He was hunting elephants, the most dangerous of all animals to shoot.
"It was in dense forest country," said Bradley, "and the hunter faced the elephant to give him the death shot through the brain. The animal came rushing down upon him, looking like an animated and vicious brick house, and suddenly losing his nerve, the hunter turned to run, and the elephant just seized him with his trunk and smashed him up against a tree. You must never lose your nerve, never give ground or you'll be killed. Hunting big game is always dangerous. The sportsman always has his gun bearers around him, who keep the guns loaded and hand them to him as he asks for them. I remember one morning catching sight of some antelope just beyond the fork of a tree. I saw by their attitude of attention that they were looking at something unusual. They did not see me. I crept up to the tree, and looking through the fork I saw an unusually large leopard sitting with his back to me. To show you how cunning he was, he must have noticed at once by the look of the antelope, which could see me, that there was some-thing behind him. He just turned coolly around, looked over his shoulder calmly at me, and turned his head again, as though he had not seen me. My gun bearers were not near enough, and by the time I had got the gun I wanted and returned to the tree, my leopard had slipped away into the tall grass. My foreman was quite sure that it was a lion, and pressed eagerly along by my side. A lion is not half as dangerous as a leopard. At last, when we came within 200 yards of the beast, it turned and began snarling and spitting at us. I took a shot at it, and it dragged itself in the grass. Fearing that I had merely wounded it, I made a wide detour of the place where I knew it must be, all of which proved to be unnecessary because the leopard was dead when we found it." The rhinoceros is the most dangerous of big game. He usually weighs 5,000 pounds, and charges viciously, tearing up everything in his way. "The principal danger is of coming upon a rhino when he is asleep," said Mr. Bradley. "He is the color of earth, and before you know it you may stumble upon him. He is very quick, and when you hear his "Chug, chug;" look out. I had two dogs with me during all my trip, and they were very useful in keeping one particular rhino busy till I had a chance to get the right shot at him-- in the neck. The hippopotamus is an animal you hunt in canoes. The best shot at him is when he rises to the surface of the water to breathe and throws up his nostrils; then, if you can put a solid steel bullet into one of them, you've got him. But be careful that he doesn't tip you out of the canoe to make food for the crocodiles."
Mr. Bradley never shot a giraffe because there was no trophy on him, and there was other game for food. Snakes didn't seem to worry him.
"As long as I've got a gun, I'm not afraid of a snake, or any other dangerous animal, for that matter."
The elephant, the rhinoceros, and the hippopotamus are the three really dangerous animals of the big game country in Africa, to say nothing of fevers and cholera.
Mr. Bradley has made a study of the natives of this wild country, who protect themselves from the beasts of the jungle as best they can with spears and poisoned arrows.
"Frequently the natives in these villages begged me to stop over- night and kill some lion that had been stealing their goats, but I never did, because it necessitated spending the night in one of their filthy huts, and I preferred my own camp tent. I came across a native tribe that had never seen a white man before-- the Suk tribe. I am writing a book upon what I have learned behind the gun around the world," said the most active American sportsman we know about.
John Lockwood Bradley
Published 4:00 am PDT, Tuesday, June 11, 1996
Attorney John Lockwood Bradley, who had been a partner in two large San Francisco law firms, died of heart failure on June 3 while vacationing in France.
Mr. Bradley, who lived in Hillsborough, was 86.
A native of New York City and a graduate of Yale University and the University of California at Berk-eley's Boalt Hall Law School, Mr. Bradley formed the law firm of Crimmins, Kent, Draper and Bradley after serving in the Air Force during World War II. The firm later changed its name to Crimmins, Kent, Bradley and Burns.
In the 1980s, he joined the downtown law firm of Pettit and Martin. Mr. Bradley was a longtime board member of Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Survivors include Gabrielle Bradley, his wife of 59 years; two daughters, Nora Wolcott of Locust Valley, N.Y. and Anne Donahoe of Scottsdale, Ariz.; four grandchildren; and a great-granddaughter.
Memorial services will be private. Contributions can be sent to Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, 2211 Palm Ave., San Mateo, 94403.
Gabrielle Wright Bradley
Obituary Condolences
BRADLEY, Gabrielle Wright - Died at her home in Hillsborough on October 16, 2005 at the age of 92. Born in Los Angeles on August 12, 1913, the former Gabrielle Wright (known throughout her life as Gay) spent her childhood in Pasadena.
In 1930 she graduated from the Ethel Walker School in Simsbury, CT, and in 1934 graduated magna cum laude from Radcliffe College. She and John Lockwood Bradley of New York City were married in 1937. During World War II, while her husband served in the Army Air Corps, Mrs. Bradley became a nurses' aide. They returned to the Bay Area after the war.
A former president of the Board of Trustees of the San Francisco Museum of Art, Mrs. Bradley began her involvement with the Museum shortly after the war when she worked for their rental gallery, which she subsequently managed. In the 1960s she became president of the Museum's Woman's Council and was later elected to the Board of Trustees. A recently issued statement from the Museum declared that "Mrs. Bradley leaves behind a notable legacy and will be sorely missed." Motivated by her interest in archeology, as well as frequent visits to Africa, Mrs. Bradley became an active member of the L. S. B. Leakey Foundation in 1975. Elected to the Board of Trustees in 1980 she served as its secretary in 1988 and again from 1993 to 2001.
Mrs. Bradley is survived by two daughters: Mrs. Samuel H. Wolcott of Locust Valley, NY, and Mrs. Daniel J. Donahoe of Scottsdale, AZ; and by four grandchildren and eight great-grand-children. Funeral Services will be private. In lieu of flowers, please send contributions to: Wildlife Conservation Society or Planned Parenthood.

The Los Angeles Times, Saturday, , March 20, 1937, Page 15
Bradley - Wright Engagement Announced By Juana Neal Levy
That the spinsters have received another blow, inasmuch as one of its most popular members will desert the ranks and become a member of the Matron's Club is evidenced in the announcement made this morning by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wright of South Pasadena of the engagement of their attractive daughter, Miss Gabrielle Wright, to John Lockwood Bradley of San Francisco, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers Bradley of New York City.
Miss Wright, who belongs to one of the pioneer families of Los Angeles, is the granddaughter of the late G. Alexander Bobrick of the Chancellor on West Seventh st. She was voted as the popular debutante by a large majority of bachelors a few years ago in a Times society contest.
After attending the Westwood School in Pasadena, She was graduated from Ethel Walker School in Simsbury, Ct. and from Radcliffe College in Cambridge, Mass. She also is a member of the Pasadena Junior League.
Her fiance is an alumnus of st. Paul's School in Concord, and was graduated from Yale University with the class of 1931. He is a member of the Racket and Tennis Club of New York, the Yale Club of New York City and the Pacific Union and University Clubs of San Francisco and the Burlingame Country Club.
Thew wedding will take place late in May, and after the honeymoon Mr. Bradley will take his bride to San Francisco to make their home.
The Los Angeles Times, Saturday, , May 21, 1937, Page 33
Bridal Vows Recited In Garden At Sunset
Gabrielle Wright and John Bradley Married
Before Smart Gathering On South Pasadena Estate
By Jean Kentle
Slanting sunrays late yesterday afternoon traced a lacy pattern through the wide spreading live oaks in the gardens of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wright of South Pasadena and added their radiance to one of Maytimes loveliest weddings when their daughter, Miss Gabrielle Wright, became the bride of Mr. John Lockwood Bradley of San Francisco, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers Bradley of New York City.
Several hundred guests assembled for the 5:30 o'clock services at which Rev. John R. Atwill, rector of the Church of Our Savior, officiated before an improvised altar.
The bride wore a moyen age gown of cream satin with tight sleeves and very long court train. A rope of pearls worn by the bride's godmother, Mrs. Francis Graves, at her wedding, formed a girdle. The loops extended to the hemline of the gown. The extremely full tulle veil and its complimentary face veil was held in place by a tiny cap of exquisite rose points. Gardenias, loosely arranged formed the bridal bouquet.
Mrs. Gordon Cronkhite was matron of honor.
Miss Marion Wright, 12 year old sister of the bride as maid of honor, wore a Kate Greenaway frock of corn yellow organza and a sash of deep orange satin, The poke bonnet was wreathed in African daisies, the same flowers which formed her old-fashioned nosegay.
Misses Julia McWilliams, Katherine Burnham and Helen Hunter, bridesmaids, wore bouffant gowns of corn-colored organza with tiny puffed sleeves. Natural leghorn shepherdess hats with wide satin streamers extending to the hems of their frocks and bouquets of African daisies were carried.
William H. Howard of San Francisco was best man and the ushers were Alfred Wright Jr., the bride's brother; Neil Lilly and John C. Scudder of San Francisco, Prentise Porter of Chicago, Charles McCormick of Portland, Or., Macy Galloway of New York City, and James Cairns of Los Angeles.
Colored lights concealed in the branches of the oak trees, shed a glow over the guests and hundred s of candles were lit on the tables where supper was served.
Mrs. Wright received guests in a gown of eggplant chiffon and lace and large hat and wore a corsage of orchids. Mrs. Bradley, mother of the bridegroom, wore soft green chiffon and small brown cloche and corsage of green slipper orchids.
A special platform for dancing was erected in the garden, bordered by fragrant Easter lilies.
Mr. Bradley and his bride left for New York City where on June 1 they will embark on the SS Europa for a two month's European honeymoon. They will make their home in San Francisco.
The bride, a member of the Junior League of Pasadena automatically relinquishes her membership in the Spinsters with her marriage.
Nora Bradley

The San Francisco Examiner, Fiiday, August 12, 1960, Page 23
Nora Bradley Will Be Wed To Samuel H. Wolcott III
ANNOUNCED todat here and the East is the engagement of Nora Bradley to Samuel H. Wolcott III. The bride-elect is a daughter of John Lockwood Bradley of Hillsborough and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Wolcott Jr. of Milton, Mass.
Nora was graduated from Smith College and took her junior year at the University of Geneva. She was presented at the 1955 Cotillion Ball and at a dance given that season by her parents at the Burlingame County Club. Her sister, Anne Bradley is a Smith College student.
The future bride is the granddaughter of Mr. John R. Bradley of New York and the late Mrs. Bradley and of Mrs. Alfred Wright of Pasadena and the late Mr. Wright.
Her fiance, who has been working in San Francisco for the past couple of years graduated from St. Paul's School at Concord, N.H. and from Harvard where he was a member of the Porcellian Club and the Hasty-Pudding-Institute 1770 and the Varsity Club. He is a member of the University Club of San Francisco.
The prospective benedict is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Wolcott of Milton, Mass. and of Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Weld of Hamilton, Mass. Mrs. Stephen M. Weld of Wareham, Mass. is his great grandmother.

The Times (San Mateo, California), Monday, January 2, 1961, Page 8
Bradley, Wolcott Nuptials
Nora Bradley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lockwood Bradleyof Hillsborough and Samuel H. Wolcott III, the son of of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Wolcott Jr. of Milton, Mass. exchanged vows Thursday in an elaborate ceremony at the Episcopal Church of St. Matthew.
The bride's father escorted her to the altar where the Rev. Leslie wilder conducted the 5 p.m. ceremony. Four hundred relatives and friends witnessed thew wedding which was followed by a reception at the Burlingame country Club.
For her wedding, Nora chose a traditional gown of white satin fashioned with a bateau neckline embellished with rosepoint applique. The skirt extended into a full train which was covered by a rosepoint cap which had been worn by Mrs. Bradley at her wedding.
Anne Bradley was her sister's maid of honor, and bridesmaids were Pamela Wolcott, sister of the bridegroom; Lisa Howe, who attended Smith College with the bride; Winhrop Reid; Mrs. Stephen Brown (Dini Montgomery); Dorothy Fay; and Kathleen Lee of Westwood, Massa-chusetts.
The attendants were dressed alike in pale yellow Pena de soie designe with boat necklines. They added headbands of tangerine carnations and white freesias.
Forrester A. Clark Jr. of Massachusetts was best ma. Ushering duties were given to Philip and Prescott Wolcott, brothers of the bridegroom; Charles Devin Jr., a cousin; and Cordon Douglas III, John Lonsdale, Randall W. Hacket, John Lapsley, Arthue Hodges, Miller Ream, Michael Hooker, Daniel Donahoe, and Jeremy Wintersteen.
The couple will return from a honeymoon in mid-January and will live in San Francisco.
The new Mrs. Wolcott was graduated from Miss Porter's School in Farmington, Conn. She took her junior year of college at the University of Geneva and was graduated from Smith. A debutante of the 1955 Cotillion season, she was also presented by her parents at a ball at the Burlingame Country Club. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. John R. Bradley of New York and Mrs. Alfred Wright of Pasadena.
Samuel was graduated from St. Paul's School in Concord, N.H. and from Harvard where he was a member of the Hasty-Pudding-Institute. He is a member of the University Club.
Anne Bradley

The Daily Oklahoman, Monday, June 2, 1962, Page 17
Bradley-Donahoe Engagement Told
ANNOUNCED BY Mr. and Mrs. John Lockwood Bradley, Hillsborough, Calif., is the engagement of their daughter, Miss Anne Bradley, to Daniel Justin Donahoe III, San Francisco. He is the son of Mr. nad Mrs. Daniel Justin Donahoe Jr. Ponca City and Scottsdale, Ariz.
Miss Bradley graduated from Garrison Forest School, Garrison, Md. and Smith College, Northamp-ton, N.Y.. While a Smith student she took her junior year of study at the University of Florence. She made her debut at the 1957 Cotillion Ball.
Mr, Donahoe was graduated from Portsmouth Priory School, Portsmouth, R.I. and from Harvard Univeristy, where he was a member of the Owl Club and the Hasty-Pudding-Institute of 1770. He served as an officer in the U. S. Air Force and is a member of University Club of San Francisco.
Peter Garvey Bradley, the sixth child and youngest son of Hugh and Mray Riley Bradley was born on May 3, 1872 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania and died on August 29, 1943 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida . Peter joined his brother in Chicago where they operated a clothing and tailoring business.
On August 21, 1924, Peter married Agnes Ada McCarthy in Manhatten, New York. Agnes was born in Canada, the daughter of Patrick and Anna Ferrell McCarthy, both being born in Ireland. Agnes passed away a mere two years after her marriage to Peter on August 12, 1926. She was forty-seven years old and was buried in Saginaw, Michigan
At about age sixty, Peter moved to Ft. Lauderdale where he continued in the clothing business. On Sunday afternoon the 29th of August, Peter suffered a sudden heart attack and died at his home. He was buried at Evergreen Cemetery in Ft. Lauderdale.
Fort Lauderdale News, Monday, August, 30, 1943, Page 1
Peter Bradley 72, Succumbs
Peter Garvin Bradley, 72, brother of Colonel Edward Riley Bradley, famous in racing circles, died sud-denly Sunday afternoon at his home, 1720 N. E. 15th Ave., following a heart attack.
A native of Johnstown,, PA., Mr. Bradley came to Ft. Lauderdale 12 years ago from New York City. He was in the clothing business for several years and recently was chairman of the USA drive. A member of the Elks Lodge here, he was defeated in the race for city commission.
In addition to Colonel Bradley, of Palm Beach and New York City, he is survived by a brother John, of California; a sister, Mrs. Katherine Bailey, who lives with Colonel Bradley; and a niece, Mrs. Louise Scan-lon, of Silver Springs, Md. Funeral arrangements are pending at the Fairfield Funeral Home, awaiting arrival of relatives.
Chicago Tribune, Friday, August 12, 1926, Page 24
BRADLEY-- Agnes A. Bradley, beloved wife of Peter G. Bradley, fond sister of A;ice McCarthy. Funeral , Friday, Aug. 13, at 9:30 a. m., from her late residence, 1635 Lunt-av., to St Jerome's chirch. Internment at Saginaw, Mich. Please omit flowers.
Fort Lauderdale News, MOnday, October 13, 1941, Page 6
Born May 3, 1872 in Johnstown, Pa., Peter G. Bradley came to Ft. Lauderdale in 1924 to make his permanent home. He now resides at 1720 NE 15th Ave.. In 1935 he was an unsuc-cessful candidate for the city commission, but has always displayed an interest in civic affairs. He is a widower and has no children. Bradley bases his platform on the theory of giving the taxpayers the most for their money, and favors parks and playgrounds for the children.
Fort Lauderdale News, Wednesday, September 6, 1939, Page 5
Lightening Hits Bradley's Home
Bolt Plays Pranks On Kitchen Sink
Lightening plays some funny tricks and as a result many tales are told about it, the latest of which comes from a local resident
According tp Peter G. Bradley, who lives at 1720 NE 15th Ave, a bolt struck his residence during the thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. And thisis the way it happened according to his story.
"After striking a pine tree the lightening ran along a metal clothes line, melting it, and burned all of the leaves from a guava tree."
"Then," said Bradley, "the bolt jumped to a drain pipe and ran into the kitchen sink which splintered along with light bulbs in the room."
"Breaking into two balls of fire, one smashed its way outside through a kitchen window and the other tore into a bedroom, destroying a radio before passing out of another window, Bradley said.
Fort Lauderdale News, Sunday, July 12, 1945, Page 1
Peter G. Bradley Will Be Head of USO Drive Here
Confirmation of the appointment of Peter G. Bradley to the chairmanship of the benefit drive for the USO in Ft. Lauderdale and north Broward County is expected Monday or Tuesday it was announced Saturday.
Approached by Arthur C. O'hea Friday night to take the chairmanship of the local USO drive, Bradley said that he would be pleased to undertake the position if he could be of service to the community.
Since his arrival here ten years ago, Bradley has been connected with charitable drives and last winter his division fulfilled the greatest percentage quota in the Community Chest drive.
The Palm Beach Post, Wednesday, April 21, 1948
Bradley Beneficiary Petition is Filed
John R.Bradley, as executor of the estate of the late E. R. Bradly, filed a petition in probate court Tuesday to determine beneficiaries in an estimated $2,000,000 residue., in view of the prior death of Peter G. Bradley, for which exigency no provisions were made in the will.
According to the petition, the E. R. Bradley will stated that eleven twenty-fourths of the rtesidue of the estate was to be held in trust for each of several heirs, including Peter G. Bradley. The latter Bradley died in Fort Lauderdale Aug. 29, 1943, and his last will and testament was probated in Broward County courts.
The petition asks the court to determine if the executor shall pay over to the trust fund the full eleven twenty-fourths stipulated in the E. R. Bradley will as due Peter Bradley, or in the event he should not do so, in what manner should the amount be apportioned.
Named as persons interested in determination of the procedure are the First National Bank and Trust of Lexington, Ky., as a trustee under the late E. R. Bradley will; Katherine B. Bailey, of 115 Royal Poinciana Way, Palm Beach; Louise Scanlon, Silver Springs, Md., Johyn R. Bradley, the petitioner, of 2 N. Lake Trail, Palm Beach; Agnes Brennig (Mrs. Charles Brennig) Baltimore, Md., and Margaret (Peggy) Bradley Bailey Speno, Palm Beach.
While no figure was given in the petition, papers previously filed in connection with the will indicated that the residuary involved may amount to $2,000,000.

Catherine Ellen Bradley
Catherine Ellen Bradley
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: There was a double wedding when Kate Bradley and Edw. W. Bailey were married. Kate's oldest sister Mary Elizabeth (Aunt May) was married (second husband/first died) at 6:30 A.M. (Kate was married at 8:00 A,M,) the following is a copy of the newslip that could not be legibly copied.
Johnstown, Pa. paper Monday, June 12, 1900.
Mrs. May Gibbons of Market Street and mR. Robert Scanlon of Ebensburgh, were married at St. James Roman Catholic Church at 6:30 o'clock this morning by Rev. Father John Boyle. Mrs. Edward R. Bradley, of Chicago, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Gibbons was their attendant. They will attend the reception to be tendered the participants in the Bailey-Bradley wedding party at Elks Hall this evening by Mrs. Edward R. Bradley and will leave on the Eastern Express for New York and Philadelphia. Mr. Scanlon is Assistant Cashier of the First National Bank of Ebensburgh and is a relative of Mr. William A. Scanlon, the well known salesman of this city. Mrs. Scanlon is the daughter of Captain Hugh Bradley.
One hour after the Scanlon-Gibbons wedding this morning Miss Katherine Ellen Bradley, youngest daughter of Captain Hugh Bradley, was married to Mr. Edward William Bailey son of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bailey. This ceremony was also performed by Rev. Father John Boyle in St. John's Church, which was filled with friends of the contracting parties. Mrs. Ross Sloan presided at the great organ. The bride was attended by Miss Agnes M. Boyle and the groom by his brother Mr. Samuel Bailey, Jr. The ushers were Philip Caufel and Louis King. The bride was attired in a beautiful white gown and wore a hat trimmed with white plumes, while the bridesmaid wore white silk and lace. Following the wedding the bridal party was conveyed to the Bradley homestead where breakfast was served to both bridal parties. The following persons from out of the city were in attendance at the Bailey-Bradley wedding: Mr. Edward R. Bradley of Chicago; Mrs. Maze Hewe of Buffalo, N.Y.; Miss Ella and Mr. James McKinley of Latrobe; Miss Ellis McSteen of Pittsburgh and Mr. Walter S. Pershing of New Florence. The reception to be tendered Mr. and Mrs. Bailey by Mrs. Edward R. Bradley in Elks Hall this evening will begin at 8:30 o'clock.
Catherine Ellen Bradley Bailey

1930 United States Federal Census
Name: Catharine Bailey
Birth Year: abt 1872
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Marital Status: Widowed
Relation to Head of House: Head
Homemaker?: Yes
Home in 1930: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Street address: Westview
Ward of City: 22
Block: 339
House Number: 707
Dwelling Number: 256
Family Number: 286
Home Owned or Rented: Owned
Home Value: 150,000
Radio Set: Yes
Lives on Farm: No
Age at First Marriage: 21
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father's Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Mother's Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Able to Speak English: Yes
Household Members:
Name Age
Peggy Bailey 21
John Bailey 20
Ira Mcgrogan 24
Mary Morris 20
Mary G*Y 22

The Palm Beach Post, Sunday, February 2, 1958, Page 4
Mrs. Bailey, 84, Dies At Resort
Mrs. Catherine Bradley Bailey, 84, died Saturday at her home, 332 Seaspray Ave. after a long illness.
A native of Johnstown, Pa., Mrs. Bailey had long made her home in Palm Beach, where she was a member of St. Edward's Church.
She was a sister of the late Col. Edward R. Bradley, whose property is now a town Park here.
Surviving are four sons, Edward Bailey, Philadelphia; Francis Joseph Bailey, Mobile, Ala., John R. Bailey, Scotland; Bradley Bailey, Delray Beach; two daughters, Mrs. Agnes Brennig, Palm Beach and Mrs. Frank Speno, Jr. of Summitt, N.J.; and a number of grandchildren.
Mrs. Speno is in route to this country from Rome, having been notified in Italy of her mother's death.
Funeral arrangements await her arrival in Palm Beach. They will be announced by Mizell-Simms Faville Funeral Home.
The Palm Beach Post, Friday, September 12, 1958, Page 28
Children Seek Voiding Of Will
Four children of Mrs. Catherine B. Bailey of Palm Beach were seeking yesterday to have the probate of their mother's will revoked in probate court.
Mrs. Bailey, a sister of Col. Edward R. Bradley and the late John R. Bradley, lived at 332 Seaspray Ave., Palm Beach. She died last Jan. 31.
Her will, executed Nov. 22, 1957, was admitted to probate Feb. 7 by Judge Richard P. Robbins. Atlantic National Bank is executor of the estate.
Alleging effect of the will is to give the entire estate to Mrs. Bailey's youngest son, Hugh B. Bailey, 20 N.E. 18th St., Delray Beach., two sons and two daughters are seeking revocation of probate and an equal share of the estate.
They are Edward B. Bailey, Jenkinsville, Pa., Mrs. Margaret B. Speno, Summitt, N.J., Mrs. Agnes B. Brennig, Mobile, Ala.,and John B. Bailey, Black Bridge, Scotland. Another son, not involved in the litigation, is Joseph A. Bailey, Mobile.
The contestants allege Mrs. Bailey was 86 when the will was made out and that she suffered from senile dementia and mental weakness brought on by age and long suffering of general arteriosclerosis and arterio sclerotic heart disease.
They say their brother, Hugh, provided the will "through the exercise of undue influence upon his mother, to the attempted prejudice and detriment of his brothers and sisters.
It is further alleged Mrs. Bailey had an annual income of about $30,000 and held power of testamentary disposition of about $ million in assets. She was "overwhelmingly" concerned that her youngest child be provided for, they claim.
The petition for revocation of probate was filed by Attys. R. D. Maxwell Jr., Miami, and Manley P. Caldwell, West palm Beach.
The Palm Beach Post, Friday, May 8, 1959, Page 6
Court Dismisses Petition To Void Bailey Will
A petition to revoke a deceased mother's will was dismissed Thursday and the youngest son of five children will inherit the bulk of the estate.
The court battle to change the will of the late Catherine B. Bailey, Palm Beach, was ruled on by Probate Judge Richard P. Robbins. Hugh B. Bailey, Delray Beach, who had been willed the bulk of the estate was favored by the verdict.
He was represented by the law firm of Warwick, Paul and Warwick.
The will, executed Nov. 22, 1957, was contested by Edward B. Bailey, Jenkinstown, Pa.; Mrs. Margaret B. Speno, Summitt, N.J.; Mrs. Agnes B. Brennig, Mobile, Ala.; and John B. Bailey, Black Bridge, Scotland, represented by the local law firm of Caldwell, Pacetti, Robinson and Foster and Atty. R. D. Maxwell Jr. of Miami.
Costs of the proceedings were taxed against the contestants.
Judge Robbins said the court found" no substantial evidence .to support the allegation of undue influence " that Hugh Bailey was accused of using and that the four petitioners "failed... in showing the lack of testamentary capacity" of Mrs. Bailey.
No appraisal of the estate has been filed, but it was said Mrs. Bailey had an annual income of about $30,000 and held power of testamentary disposition over about $1 million in assets.
She died Jan. 31 1956, at 84. She lived at 332 Seaspary Ave. and was survived by a sixth child, Joseph A. Bailey of Mobile who did not enter into litigation. Mrs. Bailey was a sister of the late Col. Edward R, Bradley and the late John R. Bradley.
Atlantic National Bank is the executor of the estate
No. 1411.
122 So.2d 243 (1960)
In re ESTATE of Catherine B. BAILEY, Deceased. Edward B. BAILEY, Agnes B. Brenning and John B. Bailey, Appellants, v. Hugh Bradley BAILEY and Atlantic National Bank of West Palm Beach, Florida, As Executor of the Estate of Catherine B. Bailey, Deceased, Appellees.
District Court of Appeal of Florida. Second District.
July 20, 1960.
Rehearing Denied August 2, 1960.
Attorney(s) appearing for the Case
R.D. Maxwell, Jr., Miami, and Caldwell, Pacetti, Robinson & Foster, West Palm Beach, for appellants.
Warwick, Paul & Warwick, West Palm Beach, for appellees.
Of the six children of Catherine B. Bailey, deceased, three of them are appealing from an order of the county judge's court dismissing petition for revocation of probate of their mother's will sought by four of the children in the court below. One of the petitioners, Margaret B. Speno, withdrew from the case after entry of the probate order. The others, complaining that [122 So.2d 245] their mother under the will left substantially all her property to one son to the exclusion of her other children, are grounding their appeal upon testamentary incapacity of the testatrix at the time she executed the will in question and upon undue influence by its primary beneficiary, the decedent's youngest son, Hugh Bradley Bailey. These are the grounds upon which the petition in the court below was predicated.
Catherine B. Bailey died on January 31, 1958, at the age of eighty-four, and the will here involved was executed November 22, 1957, slightly more than two months before the decedent's death. Under the terms of the will, after provisions for certain expenses and for a bequest of $1,000.00 to a religious organization, Mrs. Bailey devised and bequeathed all the remainder of her property, about $30,000.00 in value, to her children in equal shares. A power of appointment given to Mrs. Bailey in 1920 in a certain agreement between her brother, Edward R. Bradley, deceased at the time Mrs. Bailey died, and Bankers Trust Company in New York, and another power of appointment given her by that brother through his last will creating a trust for Mrs. Bailey's benefit were exercised in the decedent's will in favor of her youngest son, Hugh Bradley Bailey. These trust funds over which the deceased held powers of appoin-tment constituted the bulk of her estate, representing a value of three quarters of a million dollars and having brought an annual income of about $20,000.00 to Mrs. Bailey prior to her death.
The probate judge found that there was no substantial evidence to support the appellants' charge of undue influence and that the appellants otherwise failed to carry the burden cast upon them to show lack of testamentary capacity on the part of the deceased at the time of the will's execution. He found that much of the appellants' testimony was medical in nature and consisted of hypothetical questions to two medical experts purporting to show that the deceased lacked testamentary capacity because of drugs such as phenobarbital and thorazine which she had taken for a number of years prior to and at the time of execution of the will, but that such testimony fell far short of establishing lack of testamentary capacity.
Whether one has testamentary capacity is a question determinable only by mental capacity of the testator at the time he executed his will. The making of a will does not depend upon a sound body but upon a sound mind. The term, "sound mind", means the ability of the testator "to mentally understand in a general way the nature and extent of the property to be disposed of, and the testator's relation to those who would naturally claim a substantial benefit from the will, as well as a general understanding of the practical effect of the will as executed." In re Wilmott's Estate, Fla. 1953, 66 So.2d 465, 467, 40 A.L.R.2d 1399; Newman v. Smith, 1919, 77 Fla. 633, 82 So. 236, 241; Hamilton v. Morgan, 1927, 93 Fla. 311, 112 So. 80; and Neal v. Harrington, 1947, 159 Fla. 381, 31 So.2d 391.
Catherine Bailey suffered a stroke in 1950 which left her with some weakness in her left arm, left leg, and in the left side of her face. There is evidence to the effect that she experienced a good recovery so that she was able to go to the race track, to do her own shopping, and to entertain friends. There is also evidence to the effect that she continued to suffer small strokes. For a number of years she had found it necessary to use certain drugs, including phenobarbital and thorazine. There is evidence to the effect that her physical condition worsened and to the effect that she was not mentally alert, while there is other evidence to the effect that she was alert, that she took care of her own affairs, and that she knew what she was doing. She had a housekeeper for the last seven years of her life, but the housekeeper took Fridays off and enjoyed a month's vacation during August and September in 1957. It appears that Catherine Bailey handled her own financial affairs, including her own bank [122 So.2d 246] account, payment of her bills, and consultations with her tax advisors and accountants.
Much of the evidence on behalf of the appellants as to testamentary incapacity consisted of expert medical testimony given by two physicians through hypothetical questions propounded to them. On the other hand, testimony on behalf of the appellee included that of the only surviving witness present when the will was made, secretary to the now deceased attorney who drafted it. That witness testified that she visited at Mrs. Bailey's home in the summer of 1957 and again on November 22, 1957, when the will was executed and that the deceased was alert and in good health on both occasions. She testified additionally that Mrs. Bailey stated at the time the will was executed that, concerning Hugh Bradley Bailey, "* * * she felt that she had fixed it so that he would get what she had." The personal physician of Mrs. Bailey who from 1950 until her death made weekly house calls upon the deceased, stated that she listened to the radio, liked television, watched the horse races on television, had a good grasp of the betting odds, had good comprehension, and in his opinion was competent to execute her will on the date she did so. Three other witnesses who had known the decedent for many years were the private secretary of Edward R. Bradley, the accountant who handled the decedent's tax returns, and another accountant of the same firm. These three testified to the effect that Mrs. Bailey had been alert and possessed of good comprehension.
The appellants place great stress upon the use of drugs such as phenobarbital, thorazine, and others by the deceased over a period of time, together with her age and illness, as having impaired her mental capacity to the extent that she lacked the ability to understand the nature and extent of her property, the proper objects of her bounty, and the nature of her testamentary disposition.
That one may be a user of narcotics does not necessarily deprive him of testamentary capacity. In re Wilmott's Estate, supra. As was said in that case, at page 468 of 66 So.2d: He may be an addict and yet have the capacity which the law requires for making a will, if, in spite of the use of narcotics, he has sufficient mind and memory to understand the nature and extent of his property, the proper objects of his bounty and the nature of his testamentary act. Indeed, it is possible that a testator may have testamentary capacity even though it is proven that he was somewhat under the influence of drugs at the time he executes a will. The same is true where the ravages of disease combine with the effects of drugs.
See also Fernstrom v. Taylor, 1933, 107 Fla. 490, 145 So. 208.
The burden of overthrowing a will because of lack of testamentary capacity is a heavy one and must be sustained by a preponderance of the evidence. In re Kiggins' Estate, Fla. 1953, 67 So.2d 915. Under the principles here cited, the testimony of testamentary incapacity of Mrs. Bailey falls short of meeting the required criteria.
Now directing our attention to the appellants' contention as to undue influence, we see that in order for undue influence to exist such as may authorize invalidation of a will, it "* * * must amount to overpersuasion, duress, force, coercion, or artful or fraudulent contrivances to such a degree that there is destruction of the free agency and will power of the one making the will. Mere affection, kindness, or attachment of one person for another may not of itself constitute undue influence." Heasley v. Evans, Fla.App. 1958, 104 So.2d 854, 857. See also In re Starr's Estate, 1935, 125 Fla. 536, 170 So. 620; In re Peters' Estate, 1945, 155 Fla. 453, 20 So.2d 487. [122 So.2d 247]
A testator who possesses a sound mind at the time of the execution of his will has a right to disinherit his children or others who may have a claim on his bounty. Hamilton v. Morgan, supra; and Flagler v. Flagler, Fla. 1957, 94 So.2d 592.
Again, the appellants have fallen short of sustaining their position through their failure to show that undue influence as required under the above cited principles was exerted by Hugh Bradley Bailey. The appellants' position is that presumption of undue influence arose from the asserted confidential relationship between the decedent and the primary beneficiary of the will, the unnatural provisions of the will, the appellee's opportunity to have exerted undue influence, the testatrix' expression of a contrary intent prior to the will's execution, and the decedent's advanced years. Of the six brothers and sisters affected by the will, two of the three appellants testified against the will; one appellant did not testify; one of the original petitioners not only did not testify but withdrew from the case prior to this appeal; one brother testified in support of the will against his own interests; and, of course, the sixth is the appellee. The one who testified against his own interests, Joseph Bailey, denied both charges advanced on this appeal by the appellants, stating as his reason for not joining in the petition that to testify his mother had been senile and to testify his brother Bradley had influenced her would be swearing to things which were not true.
Of fundamental import is the long established tenet that a probate court's findings of fact based upon conflicting evidence in a will contest will not be disturbed by an appellate court where the substantial competent evidence is sufficient to sustain those findings unless the probate judge has misappre-hended the evidence as a whole. Hooper v. Stokes, 1933, 107 Fla. 607, 145 So. 855, 146 So. 668; Neal v. Harrington, supra; In re Wilmott's Estate, supra; and Williams v. Kane, Fla. 1956, 88 So.2d 599. The testimony offered by the appellants conflicting with that offered on behalf of the appellees, was deemed by the probate court to have been not substantial to support the charge of undue influence and to have fallen short of showing lack of testamentary capacity on the part of the deceased at the time of the will's execution. We uphold the findings and conclusions of the court below.
ALLEN, C J., and KANNER and SHANNON, JJ., concur.


MARGARET "Peggy" Catherine Bailey

The Palm Beach Post, Saturday, March 24, 1935, Page 3
Mrs. Catherine Bradley Bailey of Philadelphia and Palm Beach announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Peggy Bradley Bailey, niece of Edward R. Bradley, to Frank Speno Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speno of Ithaca and Palm Beach.
This announcement made last night will be of great interest in Plam Beach, where both Miss Bailey and Mr. Speno are well known. They plan to be married in early May, but no other plans were announced beyond the fact that the wedding would not take place in Palm Beach.
Miss Bailey and her mother have made their winter home for a number of years with Mr. Bradley at his home on Lake Trail.
The Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, May 6, 1934, Page 66
The marriage of Miss Peggy Bradley Bailey, whose charming photograph is shown above, the daughter of Mrs. Catherine Bradley Bailey, of Philadelphia and Palm Beach, and Mr. Frank Speno, Jr., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speno of Ithaca, N.Y. and Palm Beach,will take place tomorrow in the lovely stone chapel on the famous estate of the bride's uncle, Colonel Edward R. Bradley, at Lexington, Ky.
This chapel is built of field stone assembled on the spac-ious place and was erected as a place of worship for Mr. Bradley and his family and the many employees of these extensive acres. It is fitted up in a very ecclesiastical fashion and it is there that the ceremony will take place, a small reception following at Mr. Bradley's country house, which is in the very heart of Idle Hour Farm.

This family picture was taken at the Idle Hour Golf Club where Peg's>reception was held

Speno Wedding: Margaret Bradley Bailey wedding to Frank Gabriel Speno, Jr. in Lexington KY.

Bailey-Speno Miss Margaret Bradley Bailey and Mr. Frank Speno to Be Married.The weddng of Miss Margaret Bradley Bailey and Mr. Frank Speno of Ithaca, N. Y., and Palm Beach, Fla., will take place at 11 o'clock Monday morning, May 7, at the home of the bride's uncle, Col. E.R. Bradley. The ceremony will take place in the chapel on the Idle Hour Farm, and will be followed by a reception at the Ashland Country Club near Lexington.
Miss Mary Kenney of New York will be the maid of honor and the bridesmaids will be Misses Nina Ball of Philadelphia. Helen Schoff of Philadelphia. Louise Scanlan of Washington and Mary Williams Gerst of Louisville.
Published in The Courier-Journal Louisville, KentuckySunday, April 29, 1934 Page 19
Mrs. Catherine Bradley Bailey of Philadelphia and Palm Beach, announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Peggy Bradley Bailey, niece of Edward R. Bradley, to Frank Speno, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speno of Ithaca and Palm Beach.
This announcement made last night will be of great interest in Palm Beach, where both Miss Bailey and Mr. Speno are well known. They plan to be married in early May, but no other plans were announced beyond the fact that the wedding would not take place in Palm Beach. Miss Bailey and her mother have made their winter home for a number of years with Mr. Bradley at his home on the Lake Trail.
Published in The Palm Beach Post West Palm Beach, Florida Saturday, March 24, 1934 Page 3
Speno, Frank Jr....Margaret Bradley Bailey, May 7, 1934; children- Frank III, Edward Bradley, David P., Margaret C, Mary Ann. Trainee Speno R.R. Ballast Cleaning Co.. Ithaca, N.Y., 1923-33, operating v.p.. 1933-50. pres., 1950 — ; president, director Spema Rail Service, S.A., Lausanne, Switzerland; dir. Speno Realty Company (Ithaca)....
Published in Who's who in Commerce and Industry, Volume 14

Colonel Edward Bradley with his niece on her wedding day - Lexington, Kentucky.