Gen. James Patton Anderson Camp 1599
Celebrating 32 Years 1992 - 2024
Alfred Campbell's father, Englishman William L. Campbell, settled in Tampa after drifting across the United States. Crow writes that the senior Campbell opened one of Tampa's first general stores in 1840. His son, who enlisted in the Confederate Army when he was 18, married Nancy Lanier while on medical leave. After the war, they settled on a sprawling Polk County ranch near what today is Lake Alfred before moving east into what became Osceola County.
Alfred S. Campbell. Campbell was born in Tampa in 1844, enlisted March 10, 1862, and was assigned to Capt. James Gettis' Company , Gates Division, 7th Florida Regiment. He was promoted to 2nd Sergeant on Nov. 21, 1862.
Campbell fought in 13 major battles and was at Missionary Ridge in 1863. It is also thought that he was wounded at Dalton, Ga. He was captured near Jonesboro, Ga., on July 19, 1864, and exchanged on Aug. 31 at Rough and Ready, Ga. He was captured again on Dec. 16, 1864, near Nashville, Tenn.
``Campbell took the oath of allegiance June 12, 1865, from Camp Chase Prison in Ohio. He carried a minnie[ musket) ball in his chest until his death,'' Bronson said.
After the war, Campbell became a rancher and often drove herds of cattle through the town of Lake Alfred in Polk County. Some say that Lake Alfred was named after him and others say it wasn't.
One story was that people could hear him cracking his bullwhip across the lake herding the cattle. They first called it Alfred's Lake, but it became Lake Alfred later. A book says it was named after somebody else named Alfred, Bronson said.
``But it's definite that Campbell Station was named after him. In 1881, before there was a Kissimmee, he headed up the railroad there. Campbell Station today is known as Campbell City and some folks don't know that a railroad went through there and that it was a voting precinct in this county. It was a thriving little community,''
With the conflict over, Campbell lived in Bowling Green and was a member of the United Confederate Veteran Camp Pat Cleburne. He and his first wife had 10 children. There were no children born during his second marriage. He died on Nov. 6, 1920, and is buried in West Palm Beach.
Osceola history - THE COUNTY'S ROOTS
July 7, 1996|By Jim Robison of The Sentinel Staff
Today Pleasant Hill Road links the 11,500 residents of Poinciana with Kissimmee.
The 47,000-acre community, though, was once within the cypress swamps of Reedy Creek that provided sanctuary in the wilderness of Florida's interior for the Seminoles in the early 1800s. They farmed and raised herds of Spanish-era scrub cattle.
John Milton, Florida's governor during the Civil War, sent an aide to tell the Seminoles that the Confederacy depended on the cattle-grazing lands near Seminole camps.
The Seminoles traded with the Confederacy and ''gave the cattlemen little trouble during the conflict,'' James W. Covington writes in The Seminoles of Florida.
After the war, many pioneer families moved onto the former Seminole lands.
When Osceola County broke away from Orange and Brevard counties in 1887, the pine flatwoods, wet prairies, cypress swamps and bay swamps known today as Poinciana were part of the Yates family ranch near the border of Osceola and Polk counties. The family lived on a high ridge bordered by swamps, Reedy Creek and an old railroad line.
For fun, the pioneer families gathered to hold square dances. Joel Yates played the fiddle. Other times, church groups gathered under live oaks near lakes for camp meetings.
''Those meetings were looked forward to with much pleasure,'' Paul Yates recalled in a 1930s newspaper article. ''The women would cook a variety of good things to eat, and the men would go hunting for deer. And between the sermon and the cooking, the women would talk about making quilts and about the best way of keeping house; also of the possibility that the bustle would go out of style. The men, squatting around on their heels, would narrate their hunting exploits . . . the big buck they killed at the Double Pond or the big bear killed in Reedy Creek Swamp . . . and others the possibility of the success of the breech-loading gun.''
Cattleman John Lanier ventured over into old Orange County in the 1860s, looking for pasture land. He bought land at The Point from the widow of pioneer Needham Yates, whose family were the first settlers of the cypress mill community at Shingle Creek.
The Lanier and Campbell families joined the community.
John Lanier built a large log house at Edgewater on Lake Tohopekaliga. Myrtle Hilliard Crow writes in Old Tales and Trails of Florida that voters in the mid-1870s gathered at Lanier's house to cast ballots. The nearby cypress swamps soon would provide thousands of railroad ties for the coming of the railway system.
After the tracks of Henry Plant's railroad reached the area, the community adopted the name Campbell, then Campbell City, for the settlement around the store run by Alfred Sidney Campbell, whose father-in-law was John Lanier.
Alfred Campbell's father, Englishman William L. Campbell, settled in Tampa after drifting across the United States. Crow writes that the senior Campbell opened one of Tampa's first general stores in 1840. His son, who enlisted in the Confederate Army when he was 18, married Nancy Lanier while on medical leave. After the war, they settled on a sprawling Polk County ranch near what today is Lake Alfred before moving east into what became Osceola County.

The Palm Beach Post, Sunday, November 7, 1920 Page 1
Aged Confederate Veteran
Dies at Riviera
Alfred S. Campbell, father of Tax Collector T. J. Campbell, died at the Riviera Hotel shortly after eleven o'clock last night. Mr. Campbell, who was 77 years old, was a veteran of the Civil War. He was a member of Company B, Seventh Regiment, Finley's Brigade, Florida Volunteers, serving as sergeant. He was with Bate's Division, Hardee's corps. His widow, who is his second wife, and ten children survive him.
The body was removed to Ferguson's undertaking establishment. The fguneral will take place from the residence of T. J. Campbell, 532 Hibiscus avenue this afternoon at three o'clock.

Alice Lizzie Campbell
William Hosea Peeples

Headstone of Artamesia Artie Hendrix daughter of Margaret Summerall & Peter D. Hendrix. She married Isaac S. Campbell. Cemetery is located in Bloomingdale, Florida south of Brandon Florida Directions: Take rout 301 on Bloomingdale Avenue go left cemetery is on the right about one mile east of Lithia Pinecrest Road.

Ritta Island's first residents arrived around 1909. In 1917 The U. S. Government surveyed all the Okeechobee islands and declared them open for homesteading. Early settlers include John Windham, Mays Thomas, and Captain Ed Forbes, who ran the mail boat to the Ritta Island Post Office. The land was originally covered by custard apple trees which had to be cleared before anything could be planted. Corn, onions, and green beans were the main crops, and there was one mule on the island to help plow the fields. Continued heavy rains in 1922 completely flooded Ritta Island and most of the mainland around the Lake. The entire island was under more than a foot of water, ruining most of the crops and infesting the area with water moccasins. Following the flood most of the residents moved away. The final end came in 1928 when the Hurricane washed away all the buildings on Ritta Island.
The following narrative describes the journey of the Hendrix Family from Alabama to Florida in 1872. Based on a copy of a daily diary, information provided in an article in The Blossoming of Bloomingdale and family recollections, the party consisted of: James Hendrix with his wife; his sons Rueben, Peter and Noah with their wives, a son Asa, and Jamess daughters Artemesia, Lucy A. and Margaret with their husbands. Other families probably were along as other names are mentioned in the diary. Israel Garner, the husband of Artemesia Hendrix, kept the dairy. In the diary Israel refers to Father several times and it is not known to me if this was his birth father or if he referred to his father-in-law as father. It seems that he is referring to James Hendrix, his father-in-law.
Entries made by:
Israel Garner On His Trip to Hillsborough County, Florida from Monroe County, Alabama
Year 1872
Journey Began: February 21, 1872
Journey Ended: April 30, 1872
2/21/72 Traveled 14 miles. Passed through Ballville. Got dog bit. Killed him and went on.
2/22/72 Traveled 12 miles. Broke down in Murder Creek Swamp. Passed through Evergreen.
2/23/72 Traveled 20 miles. Passed through Brooklyn. Crossed Speulga and camped.
2/24/72 Traveled 17 miles. Crossed the line of Conach and Coventon. Had a fine rain. Camped on the bank of the Conuco River.
2/25/72 Sunday Lay up till 2 oclock. Crossed the river. Traveled 4 miles. Camped in an old field.
2/26/72 Had a fine day. Traveled 15 miles. Had a good road. Passed many houses. Generally fair. Camped on the side of a beautiful branch.
2/27/72 Traveled 18 miles. Passed over many beautiful sand hills. Camped at a church. Went to a house and got some milk and butter and crout. Also some peas. Had a good time.
2/28/72 Traveled 13 miles. Had a good road. Passed a beautiful little village called Clintonville. Camped in an old field. Had some rain.
2/29/72 Traveled 14 miles. Kelly (Dan Kelly, husband of Lucy Hendrix) broke down. Passed over a beautiful sandy road. Passed through a nice village called Lowridge. I myself went by Ozark to visit some relatives. Enjoyed myself finely. Brought my sister-in-law out to the wagon.
3/1/72 Traveled 8 miles. Had rain on us all day. I met with the wagon three miles from Newton. Spent a very disagreeable night on account of the wind and rain. Some of the tents blew down.
3/2/72 I traveled 11 miles. Had a fine day. Father broke down in Naricon Creek. Camped in an old field. Spend a pleasant night.
3/3/72 Sunday Traveled three miles to get convenient to wood and water. A beautiful Sabbath.
3/4/72 Traveled 20 miles. Had a very pleasant day with the best road I ever traveled. Passed many nice places. Crossed some of the prettiest branches I ever saw camped. Ate our supper. Done some washing and so on. Heard the many hundreds of different noises of the frogs.
3/5/72 Traveled 12 miles. Passed through Garden, which is a beautiful little town. Crossed the Chattahoochee River. Came one mile and had to unload our wagon. Toted the things across and then swam the teams across. Camped near it. All are very fatigued.
3/6/72 Traveled 18 miles. Passed many beautiful places from four among them some of the nicest branches I ever saw. Myself and Kelly went hunting in the afternoon. Killed no game except five rabbits. Caught some fish.
3/7/72 No entry
3/8/72 No entry
3/9/72 No entry
3/10/72 Sunday We have spent a beautiful Sabbath at Thomasville after a very stormy night. This is a very fine place. Has many fine buildings. In fact, I think it is a very nice town.
3/11/72 traveled sixteen miles. Had a very absent day with the exception of a little hard road. We passed many beautiful farms. The maple love that in the country. The fine land will make 75 to 120 bushels of corn to the acre. It is fine corn that we buy. I went to buy some meal at a mill. I got three bushels. The mill grinds the corn in 3 to 12 minutes. On my way to the mill I saw 2 mules run away with a wagon, though nothing very seriously injured.
3/12/72 Traveled 16 miles. Had a very bad road all day. Passed many beautiful farms. Corn and fodder very cheap. In the evening we passed two country stores and also one very fine country town, Montacella. Continued one mile and camped.
3/13/72 Traveled 18 miles. Had a very pleasant day. The worst road that we have had for some time but the best country for farming that I seen. This is between Monticello and Aucilla. We got within one mile of this ferry and Kelly broke down.
3/14/72 In camp at River ferry on the Aucilla River we have finished the wagon. Myself and D. Kelly have crossed the river. The flat has gone after another wagon. We are all across safe. The river is about a quarter (mile?) across. We drove about half mile and camped on the side of a large lake. The air is fresh and abundant with ducks.
3/15/72 Traveled 17 miles. Traveled all day in the lowest country I ever saw. There was no river mining done. The water was in our wagon some time.
3/16/72 Traveled 15 miles -- a day to long to be remembered. We had water all day. There was many places. Some of us had to take the water waist deep. To some had to hitcht to stumps and bent one of the axles. We were detained for some time, then went on. We got within one mile of Madison. Camped for the night.
3/17/72 Sunday Some of us went to the depot and got some refreshments. Lay up till the afternoon. Hitched up and traveled one half mile. Camped in an old soldier camp. We had rain in the evening.
3/18/72 Traveled 18 miles. Had a pleasant day with very good road. Myself and Dan Kelly left the wagon for a hunt in the afternoon. Saw a great deal of deer but killed none. We are camped at one Mr. Dickson. He tells us in a day about 7 or 8 miles from this place there is bear, panther and tiger in abundance. Kelven H. happened to the luck of getting one of his buggy axles broke this evening. He had to go five miles to get it mended. We expect to go out in the morning to hunt. Lafayette County, Florida.
3/19/72 Got that buggy done. Traveled 15 miles without any difficulty. A pleasant day with very good road. A great many if us had never seen any of the cabbage trees until today. It is a very nice tree. We did not get any on account of high water.
3/20/72 I am across the Suwanee River. I am now in Suwanee County. Thank God all of us are safely across with a great deal of difficulty and much danger. I was helping Kelly across the river and the boat got out in the current and after a long and very dangerous time we go back and got hold of the wire. After crossing the river we had to swim our team something like fifty yards across a slew. We got our mules boat dragged it by hand some hundred and fifth yards than unloaded and carried our buggy across. We are all much fatigued.
3/21/72 Travel 12 miles. Had a fine day. Good road. Had to camp before night on account of getting water.
3/22/72 Traveled 20 miles. Good road. Water scarce and very bad when we got to it. There is a great deal of live deer in this country though they are very wild and hard to kill. We are camped by a natural well tonight. There are more holes and sinks in this country that I ever saw. There is many cows that get in the sinks and die.
3/23/72 Traveled 11 miles. Had good road. Camped on the side of the Santa Fe River.
3/24/72 Sunday morning Crossed the Santa Fe River on a very bad flat boat and we are now in camp expecting to remain until Monday morning.
3/25/72 traveled 12 miles. Had a pleasant day. Traveled on a good road most of the way. We had some farms and some beautiful lakes. Some of the boys fished in any lake to catch some fish.
3/26/72 Stayed in camp until 12 oclock then traveled on ten miles. Had rain all day. It has rained for two nights in succession which made it very unpleasant for moving.
3/27/72 Traveled 15 miles. Had a pleasant days travel through some very nice country. The best farm land I ever saw. Got to the railroad. It arches which is the best place of travel I ever saw.
3/28/72 Traveled 15 miles. Had a good road. A fine day. One of my oxen gave out this afternoon. We had to camp before night.
3/29/72 Traveled 13 miles. The days are getting very warm to travel steady and if it was not my oxen would not hold out any further. They traveled up to this date 542 miles but we are not that many miles from home we have come at the best calculation 75 or 100 miles out of the way on account of high water. We are all well tonight and getting along fine considering so many families together.
3/30/72 Traveled 12 miles. We made that till about 12 oclock we had to camp on account of my oxen. One of them is about to give out and have him go for 3 or 4 days. Struck camp near the Withlacoochee River in Hernando County, Florida. Some of the boys went fishing and caught a fine lot of fish while myself and P. D. H. (Peter D. Hendrix) went a fire hunting. Found eyes and shot twice. Got no meat on the account of not having a good gun or perhaps it was my fault. Our next point is flat ford on Little Hillsborough River.
3/31/72 Traveled 4 miles. Camped. Spent a pleasant Sabbath at --------- Cholafrapke Lake where there are fish, gators, ducks, crane, eagles with many other things too tedious to mention. This lake is from 1 to 1 miles wide 25 miles long. There is a fine hammock between this lake and the river. There is much game in this hammock, bear, panther and tiger. High and dry in the pinewoods this country is not too beautiful -- unnoticed I dont think I am mistaken this is the finest country I ever saw. I cant except Tennessee. I saw some fine orange groves in this hammock. I cant give the name of the hammock as my memory is bad. I will give you the place of the hammock from 1 to miles per acre.
4/1/72 No entry
4/2/72 No entry
4/3/72 No entry
4/4/72 No entry
4/5/72 No entry
4/6/72 Still in camp at 12. Hunting oxen. Found none yet. Found the oxen traveled - gave 29 dollars to boat them. Traveled on 6 miles to camp. Found good water.
4/7/72 Traveled 10 miles. Had a pleasant day. Saw five deer on the road. We saw some fine hammock. There is one thing I can say this is better land in Hernando County than any I know in the country I left.
4/8/72 Traveled 15 miles. Had a very warm day. Good road except for some sand. Crossed the Hillsborough River. We have just entered into Polk County. We are camped on the side of the swamp. There are tigers aplenty. One of D. H.s got snake bit by a rattlesnake.
4/9/72 Traveled 16 miles. Had a pleasant day. Good road. The snake bit boy is well. We gave him whiskey to drink. Bound it up with salt and dough and then poured kerosene oil on it. We had a fine mess of fish for breakfast.
4/10/72 Traveled 15 miles. Had a fine day with real good road. We stopped at noon and looked at a hammock. Passed a country store then camped. This country is very low and wet ponds and feraras with many other things not good is tolerable fair country for stock.
4/11/72 Traveled 14 miles. Had a fine day. Crossed the Alafia River. Traveled on three miles. Got to a creek camp. Had dinner, cut some cabbage trees had a fine supper.
4/12/72 Traveled 8 miles to one Mr. Simmons. Got dinner there. Drove out, camped, went hunting. Killed two deer. Had a good time. (Based on the information in the diary it seems they were camped close to the mouth of the Alafia River either around present day Gibsonton or Riverview)
4/13/72 Still in camp. Some of us went hunting. Killed 1 deer. Had a fine time.
4/14/72 Sunday April 14th. Father, Reubin, Peter, David, Kelly started this morning to Manatee to look at the country.
4/15/72 Still in camp. Waiting for the return of father and the boys. Myself and Calvin Napley and one of S. Ds boys went hunting this morning. I killed one deer. The day passed off fine.
4/16/72 We are still in camp. Myself and the little boys is enjoying ourselves the best we can killing deer,
4/17/72 Father and the boys still not returned.
4/18/72 Now the time has come the old man and the boys have returned. Found no place that they are willing to spend the rest of their days. They found all the country well and doing fine.
4/19/72 Myself and father, R. S., (?) P. D., (?) and D, K. (Dan Kelly) went out on the Alafia River to look we found some fine hammock land -- we also sighted the bay. Got us many oysters as we wanted.
4/20/72 R. J., (?) P. D. (Peter Hendrix) is up and on the Alafia to look. Myself and D. Kelly went out on the bay. We found some of the finest shell hammock.
4/21/72 Sunday We had the pleasure of once more hearing preaching. After the service was over I quit camp and moved into a house on the account of the condition of my family.
4/22/72 Looking for tobacco and hunting. Nothing killed today except one turkey that P. D. (Peter Hendrix) killed.
4/23/72 Father and the boys went to look at the Archa hammock. Did not like it.
4/24/72 Father and the boys started out on the Alafia River to look.
4/25/72 Father had not returned.
4/26/72 Father and the boys have gotten back. Father bought a place. Crop and all for $900. (They went east from their camp into what is now Bloomingdale and the property purchased was just east of the present day Lithia Pinecrest Road and Bloomingdale Avenue intersection.)
4/27/72 Now the trying time has come for me. All the camp all gone and left me in a strange land.
4/28/72 Spent the Sabbath alone except for my one family.
4/29/72 Still alone waiting on my family
4/30/72 Things is a little better with me. I got to go hunting this morning, though I killed no deer, saw 6 - - got back about 10 found my family feeling well. One of my neighbors had paid a visit during my hunt and brought me a half quarter of fat pork and I also feel better.

Mary Virginia Hollingsworth, 82
LABELLE - Mary Virginia Hollingsworth, age 82, of LaBelle, passed away Sept. 12, 2009, in Fort Myers. She was born June 9, 1927, in Arcadia, daughter of the late Robert Basil Waldron and the late Willie Catherine (Campbell) Waldron. She grew up in the LaBelle area and lived here for most of her life. She was a member of the Order of the Easter Star and the American Legion Women's Auxiliary Survivors include her husband, Glenn Wesley Hollingsworth; son, Robert Ernest Hollingsworth and wife Marilyn of LaBelle; grandsons, Nathaniel Hollingsworth of Dillard, Ga., and Cody Hollingsworth of LaBelle; and step-grandson, William Watson of LaBelle; step-great-grandson, Dalton Watson of LaBelle. She was preceded in death by her son, Wesley Hollingsworth. Funeral services will be 11 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 17, at Fort Denaud Cemetery in LaBelle with Pastor W. T. Maddox Jr. and Pastor Benny Anthony officiating. Interment will follow in Fort Denaud Cemetery, LaBelle. Visitation will be Wednesday from 6-9 p.m. at Akin-Davis Funeral Home in LaBelle. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home - LaBelle. - See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/newszapfl/obituary.aspx?n=mary-virginia-hollingsworth&pid=132898856#sthash.moNhTDfi.dpuf

Waldron Boys
Hugh is third from left Julian Robert Herbert

Glenn Wesley Hollingsworth
Wesley Glenn Hollingsworth age 55 of the Satolah Community passed away November 18, 2005 at the Lanier Park Campus of North East Georgia Medical Center. Wesley was born in LaBelle, Florida January 1, 1950 the son of Glenn Wesley Hollingsworth and Mary Virginia Waldron Hollingsworth. He worked as a welding inspector in the construction Industry for many years. He was a Master Mason, a member of LaBelle Masonic Lodge No. 379, and a proud member of SCV Camp 1929, Rabun Gap Rifleman Clayton, Georgia, and a member of American Welding Society. Wesley is survived by his parents, loving wife Teresa White Hollingsworth of the home, one son Nathaniel Hollingsworth of Dillard, GA, one brother Earnest Hollingsworth of LaBelle, FL. A graveside service will be held 2:00 PM Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at Macedonia Church Cemetery with Rev. William T. Maddox officiating. Beck Funeral Home, Clayton, Georgia is in charge of arrangements.
Fort Myers News-Press Oct 17, 2009 Glenn Wesley Hollingsworth, age 86, of LaBelle, passed away October 15, 2009 in Cape Coral. He was born July 17, 1923 in White Star, KY, son of the late Earnest Hubert Hollingsworth and the late Flossie Irene (Smith) Hollingsworth. He served during World War II in the Marine Corps, 4th Division. Glenn grew up in and graduated from high school in Lynch, KY. He also graduated from Western Kentucky University. After graduation, he taught and coached at LaBelle High School. Glenn owned Gulf View Restaurant in LaBelle and Town and Country men's clothing store in Fort Myers. He served as a parole and probation officer for twenty years in the Hendry, Glades, Palm Beach and Collier counties. Survivors include son: Robert Ernest Hollingsworth and wife Marilyn of LaBelle, sister: Shirley Hollingsworth Troglia of Atlanta, GA, grandchildren: Nathaniel Hollingsworth and wife Amanda of Dillard, GA. And Cody Hollingsworth of LaBelle, step grandchildren, William Watson of LaBelle and step great-grandchild. Dalton Watson of LaBelle. He was preceded in death by his, wife, Mary Virginia Hollingsworth, son, Wesley Hollingsworth, brothers: Ernest Hollingsworth Jr. and Joe Hollingsworth and sister: Mary Lee Hollingsworth Phillips.Funeral services will be held Mon. October 19, 2009, 11:00 am at Fort Denaud Cemetery in LaBelle with Pastor W. T. Maddox Jr. and Pastor Benny Anthony officiating. Interment will follow in Fort Denaud Cemetery, LaBelle. Visitation will be Sunday from 5-8 p.m. at Akin-Davis Funeral Home, LaBelle, FL.

Ft. Myers, Lee County, Florida
Four generations: Elmer Hough, Harold Carleton Case holding his son Victor Carleton Case, Victor Boltin Hough.
Harold Carlelton Case, son of H. C. and Ada Greer Case, was a grauate from Fort Myers High Scheel. He attended the University of Florida and was the owner of Hough Chevrolet-Cadillac. Later he was active in real estate. He served as President and longtime Director of the Fort Myers-Lee County Chamber of Commerce, President of Fort Myers Kiwanis Club and President of Lee Memorial Hospital. He was survived by his wife of 42 years, Margaret Waldron Case; daugher, Carolyn Case Evans of Rock Hill, SC; sister, Eleanor Case Grace of Henderson, NC and Fort Myers; stepsons, Robert J. Cross of LaBelle, FL and Donald M. Cross of Jackson, MS. He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Vivian Hough Case, son Victor (Vicky) Carleton Case, stepson Hayward Cross. Funeral service were held at First Methodist Church in Fort Myers with interment at Fort Myers Cemetery. Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home. (News-Press, 5/24/2001