Gen. James Patton Anderson Camp 1599
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Mysteries and Questions
William S. Gill the Early Years
When did William S. Gill come to Texas? According to the Levelland Notes we read: “Grandpa Gill come to Nacogdoches County, Texas in 1833, from Tennessee.” Though I have not been able to establish exactly when William S. Gill came to Texas, there is enough documentation a you will see later, to give a good estimate.
The question is how to establish a reliable date since, other than family memory, there seems to be no documentation of his arrival prior to the earliest land grant dated 7 November 1839.
In another statement we find: “William Stevens Gill was in the Mexican War, and it is his name that is on the San Jacinto Monument in Houston, Texas.” If this were true then he would have been in Texas earlier than 21 April 1836.
If William S. Gill had been in the battle of San Jacinto, 21 April 1836, we would have had several other confirming pieces of evidence. We do know that a William Gill was a member of Company I, 1st Regiment Volunteers, under the command of Lt. Col. Millard. Unfortunately, this turns out to be a William C. Gill and was married to a Sarah Woodruff on 13 August 1838. He was awarded 640 acres of donated land by certificate #580 dated 2 November, 1838 (see attached). The land was located in the District of Goliad, Karnes County, Texas. This land was part of the Bounty grants issued to those who had served in the Army of the Republic. This is the William Gill who’s name appears on the monument that honors those who fought in the Battle of San Jacinto.
We do know that William S. Gill was awarded a Second Class headright land grant, #256, for 640 acres in Nacogdoches Co. on 7 November 1839 (see attached).
“To encourage the establishment settlers to remain in Texas during a time of instability, the Constitution of 1836 established a first class headright act. Every head of a household, male or female, living in Texas on March 2, 1836, would receive a league and a labor of land (4,605 acres) while single men at least 17 years old would be given a third of a league (1,476 acres). The acres excluded Indians, Blacks, anyone who had left Texas to avoid military service, and anyone who had already received the same amount of land from Mexico. Those who had received a smaller amount from Mexico were entitled to the difference. Grantees were not required to live on the land, as they had been under Mexico.” History of Texas Public lands, General Land Office/Archives and Records
“To attract new settlers, the Republic passed three more headright acts. In December 1837, a second class headright act granted 1,280 acres of land to heads of families (640 acres to single men) who had settled in Texas between March 2, 1836 and October 1, 1837. This was a conditional grant, as the grantee was required to remain in Texas for three years, perform duties of citizenship and pay surveying and other fees.” History of Texas Public lands, General Land Office/Archives and Records
“To obtain a headright grant, individuals applied to the board of land commissioners in the county of residence. Applicants could choose land in that county or in another county where land was available. (The county boards had been created in December 1837 to review all claims for head rights. A board consisted of the chief justice, associate justices and clerk of the county.) Two witnesses were needed to prove the applicant had been in Texas by the required date and to attest to marital status. The applicants paid the board $5.00 for a certificate.” History of Texas Public lands, General Land Office/Archives and Records
From the above, it would seem that William Stevens Gill came to Texas permanently some time between March 2, 1836 and October 1, 1837. Had he come prior to March 2, 1836 he would have been entitled to a first headright grant of 1,476 acres of land as a single man of at least 17 years of age. William was born in 1811; so, well above the age limit.
I must therefore conclude that he migrated to Texas after March 2nd of 1836 and before October 1st, 1837 from Tennessee. The original Conditional Second Class Headright Grant, Number 256 for 640 acres was issued on November 7, 1839. It was issued in Nacogdoches County (see attached). Further, there were the requisite two witnesses attesting to the marital status and his being in the state by the required date. But why did he come to Texas at all?
His father moved to Tennessee sometime between 1827 and 1829. This also has given me a clue as to why William S. chose Texas to grow his fortune and raise a family. It has been suggested that while in Tennessee, the family knew or were known to Sam Houston and that they went with him at or about the same time Wm. S migrated to Texas.
Alexander Gill (WS’s father) moved himself and his family to Bedford Co., Tennessee some time between 1827 and 1829. How involved he was politically or his affiliations at that time seem to be unknown, but Sam Houston on the other hand was a large figure in Tennessee politics.
Houston’s rapid rise in public office continued in 1823,
when as a member of Jackson’s political circle, he was elected to the United States House of Representatives from the Ninth Tennessee District. As a member of Congress, he worked mightily, though unsuccessfully, for the election of Andrew Jackson to the presidency in 1824, In 1825 he was returned to Congress for a second and final term. In 1827, ever the Jackson protégé, Houston was elected governor of Tennessee. He was thirty-four years of age, extremely ambitious, and in the thick of tumultuous Tennessee politics…
On January 22, 1829, he married nineteen-year-old Eliza Allen of Gallatin, Tennessee. Houston subsequently announced his bid for reelection to the governorship. After eleven weeks and amid much mystery, the marriage ended. Eliza returned to her parents’ home.
Extremely distraught, Houston abruptly resigned from his office on April 16 and fled west across the Mississippi River to Indian Territory. “ He then drops out of political life for two years, and re-emerges with a flair.” The Handbook of Texas Online, page 3 of 8.
“On the evening of April 13, 1832, on the streets of Washington, Houston thrashed William Stanbery, United States representative from Ohio, with a hickory cane. The assault resulted from a perceived insult by Stanbery over an Indian rations contract. Houston was soon arrested and tried before the House of Representatives, Francis Scott Key served as his attorney. The month-long proceedings ended in an official reprimand and a fine, but the affair catapulted Houston back into the political arena.
…. Houston crossed the Red River into Mexican Texas on December 2, 1832, and began another, perhaps the most important, phase of his career. His “true motives” for entering Texas have been at the source of much speculation. Whether he did so simply as a land speculator, as an agent provocateur for American expansion intent on wresting Texas from Mexico, or as someone scheming to establish an independent nation, Houston saw Texas as his “land of promise.” For him, it represented a place for bold enterprise, rive with political and financial opportunity.
He quickly became embroiled in the Anglo-Texans’ politics of rebellion. He served as a delegate from Nacogdoches at the Convention of 1833 in San Felipe, where he sided with the more radical faction under the leadership of William H. Wharton. He also pursued a law practice in Nacogdoches and filed for a divorce from Eliza, which was finally granted in 1837. As prescribed by Mexican law, he was baptized into the Catholic Church, under the name Samuel Pablo. In September 1835 he chaired a mass meeting in Nacogdoches to consider the possibility of convening a consultation. By October, Houston had expressed his belief that war between Texas and the central government was inevitable. That month he became commander in chief of troops for the Department of Nacogdoches and called for volunteers to begin the “work of liberty.” He served as a delegate from Nacogdoches to the Consultation of 1835, which deliberated in Columbia in October and at San Felipe in November. On November 12 the Consultation appointed Houston major general of the Texas army.”
Whether W.S. Gill was actually acquainted with Sam Houston or not is not able to be proven. It is very possible that W.S. was familiar with Sam Houston and that he had forsaken Tennessee and had left for the Nacogdoches, Texas and was further familiar with the fact that Texas had won it’s independence from Mexico. The fact that a W.
C. Gill was involved with the fighting to secure the Texas independence could have also been a factor, but I have not been able to secure a direct connection with William C. Gill and William S. Gill. Any help on that would be appreciated.
William S. Gill had property or lived in what was at one time Nacogdoches County, Rusk County, and Liberty County, I will at this time provide some historical background of the three counties and what was going on during the formidable time that William S. Gill was either purchasing land or settling on land purchased in these areas. It will also set the stage for the background during the early years of William Alexander Gill’s life.
From The Handbook of Texas Online - Nacogdoches County. “…Immigrants from the United States continued to pour in to East Texas during the 1830s, many of them passing through Nacogdoches on their way to Burnet, Zavala, or Vehlein grants further south. A sizable number also settled in the town or surrounding area. From January 2, 1835, to December 14, 1835, 822 certificates of immigration were issued at Nacogdoches. Also among the stream of immigrants were Choctaws, Creeks, Seminoles, and other Indians, who had been driven out of the Old South.
As the clouds of revolution gathered in 1835, Henry Rueg, political chief of the Department of Nacogdoches, called a meeting at which Frost Thorn, Thomas J. Rusk, and others were appointed to form the Nacogdoches Committee of Vigilance and Safety. The committee organized a militia and collected arms and provisions for the revolution. During the winter of 1835-1836 hundreds of volunteers poured through the area on their way south to fight for independence. During the Runaway Scrape in 1836 the area was virtually abandoned once again, but with the defeat of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna at the battle of San Jacinto the residents of Nacogdoches and the surrounding region returned en masse. Immediately after the Texas Revolution the municipalities within the Nacogdoches Department, Liberty, Jefferson, Jasper, Sabine, San Augustine, and Shelby, were established as counties of the Republic of Texas. The remaining area east of the Trinity River was designated Nacogdoches County on March 17, 1836. …
In June 1837 the city of Nacogdoches was officially incorporated with an aldermanic government….Although smuggling remained a mainstay of the economy, toward the end of the republican period a new economy based on cotton began developing in the Nacogdoches region. Now immigrants from the United States continued to move into the area, many of them accompanied by their slaves. By 1840 the county reported 197 slave owners…. The first state wide census made the following year showed the county to have a population of 4,172 of whom 1,228 were slaves and twenty-eight were free blacks….
Several stage lines began service to Nacogdoches in the 1850s. Until the late 1840s the Old San Antonio Road remained the principal transportation rout through the county….During the antebellum period the population of Nacogdoches County continued to grow as more and more families arrived. Between 1835 and 1860 at least 388 families moved to the area. The overwhelming majority of these immigrants - some 70 percent - came from the Old South, with the largest number coming from Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Census figures from the late antebellum period also show a rapid growth of the slave population. In 1850 the county had a population of 3,758; 1,404, or 27 percent, were slaves. By 1860 the total population had increased to 5,930, with slaves numbering 2,359, or 28.4 percent of the population. Despite its relatively large slave population, the economy of the county remained largely based on subsistence farming. In 1858, 38,221 acres were under cultivation. Of these, 20,038 were planted in corn, while only 11,823 acres were devoted to cotton. The remaining land included 1,589 acres in wheat, fourteen acres in sugar, and 5,200 acres in various other crops, mostly vegetables. Although most families raised a few cows or pigs, stock farming formed only a modest part of the economy. In 1860 a total of 11,633 cattle worth &86,541 were reported. Small farms rather than large plantations were also the rule. The census of 1860 revealed that only seventeen men in the county owned real estate valued at $25,000 or more. Although three men had more than 100 slaves in 1860, including John J. Hayter, the largest slaveholder with 140 slaves, the majority of the slaveholders had fewer than ten slaves, most only one or two.
In politics, Nacogdoches County before the Civil War was staunchly Democratic. The Democratic party polled over 70 percent of the vote in the presidential elections of 1848, 1852, and 1856. Only the Whig party, which received 24 percent of the votes cast in 1848 and 21 percent in 1852, attracted a sizable number of the remaining voters. During the pivotal election of 1860 Democrat John C. Breckinridge attracted 67 percent of the votes, but a large minority, some 33 percent, cast their votes for Constitutional Union party candidate John Bell. The county’s white inhabitants overwhelmingly supported the secession movement during the winter of 1860 - 1861. When the Secession Ordinance was submitted for popular approval in February 1861, county voters approved the measure 411 to94. In contrast to many other East Texas counties, however Nacogdoches County also has a significant number who opposed secession, possibly due to the large number of small farmers, who were less likely to support the measure than plantation owners, as well as the comparatively large Mexican population. County residents nevertheless strongly supported the Confederate war effort. One source estimated that as many as 2,000 men from the county served in either state or Confederate army units….”
The issuance of the grant did not mean William S. actually had land, only that he was entitled to same. He then had to find the land that was available, had to fulfill the residency requirement, and finally he then had to have the land surveyed.
William Gill first chose a parcel of 320 acres approximately 6 miles south and east of the city of Henderson. This parcel was surveyed on 3 April, 1848. The second piece of 320 acres was approximately 6 miles due west of the first and about 4 miles south of the city of Henderson. This parcel was apparently surveyed twice for some reason. The first time was 4 January, 1853 and the second time was on 13 October, 1853. Both were done after William Gill had received an Unconditional Second Class Grant Number 483 for the 640 acres (after proof of residency and improvements) that was issued by the County of Nacogdoches on 12 March, 1847.
It is this document that has caused me considerable question. The wording states, “The Heirs of William Gill - deceased are entitled to Six hundred and forty acres of Land by virtue of Certificate No 256 dated November 7, 1839. Granted said deceased by the Board of Land Commission for the County of Nacogdoches proof having been made before us that said William Gill arrived in the Republic of Texas in 1839 - died in Liberty County in 1839 or 1840 and in his lifetime performed he duties required of him as a Citizen.” Here we have a mystery. I family records show William Stevens Gill living until 1866. His father was named Alexander Gill, I have a federal census of him and his wife Mary living in Bedford, Tennessee as of 9 September of 1850 (See Attached Census dated 7 September 1850). William Alexander had not been born yet. Therefore, I must ask to whom were they referring?
The issuance of the Second Class Grant was conditioned on the individual remaining in the Republic three years and performing the duties of citizenship and having arrived between 2 March 1836 and 1 October 1837. The issuance of Certificate No. 256 dated November 7, 1839 would have allowed for the three years of residence and his having performed the duties required of him as a Citizen.
At some point William Stevens Gill went back to Bedford, Tennessee and married Salina Henrietta Evans. They were married on 25 February 1841. There seems to be no record of how these two met or courted, but we do have census data indicating that their first born, Margaret (Mary) Gill was born in 1841 and, according to family tradition and the census data, was born at the “Bosque Plantation” in Texas. WS had brought his bride home to Texas. This would also indicate that he had built a house on at least one of his properties and in all probability it was on the land near Bosqueville.
But there were three properties. The two properties in Rusk County, account for the Second Class conditional Head Right (See Head Right #256 dated 7 Nov. 1839) and another in Liberty County which became Mc Lennon County. It is on this property that the “Bosque Plantation” was situated, and on this property that all the children were born. Further, it seems that it was this property that Solina came to from Tennessee after the marriage. The property was located some where around the city of Bosqueville.
From History of McLennan County from The Handbook of Texas Online
“… Following the annexation of Texas by the United States, settlement of the area proceeded rapidly. Planed for a permanent town site at the fort Waco Indian village were made in 1848, when Jacob Raphael de Cordova and several others became involved in a project to sell land in the area at a dollar an acre. The town site was laid out in 1849, and George B. Erath, one of the surveyors for the project, suggested Waco Village as the name of the settlement, in honor of the previous inhabitants. The sale of town lots was very successful, and a small business district began to develop.”
“McLennan County was established by the Texas legislature on January 22, 1850, and names for Neil McLennan, one of the early settlers. The county government was organized in August 1850 with Waco as its county seat. Their county originally included its present area, as well as the land to the northwest as far as the northern boundary of the Robertson colony: it was reduced to its present size in 1854, when Bosque County was established. Although McLennan County was organized too late to be included in the 1850 census, its population at that time has been estimated at several hundred. Rapid growth was possible because, within two years of the establishment of Waco Village, the frontier was pushed well to the northwest of the area. The Indians who had lived there were moved to a Texas reservation in 1854 ant them to Oklahoma in 1859. Aside from Waco, the earliest communities in the county were at Bosqueville and Bold Springs (later called West). Most of the settlers who came to the county before the Civil War were Americans of English, Scottish, and Irish decent who moved from other parts of Texas or from the southern Unites States. Many of them were well-educated, well-to-do people with money to invest in the establishment of new towns, schools, and churches….”
William S. Gill was more associated with Bosqueville then with Waco as we shall see later. In order to understand our family and the environment around them it is necessary to look in to the history of Bosqueville.
From The Handbook of Texas Online, Bosquevill, Texas: page 1 of 2
“Bosqueville, Texas. Bosqueville is four miles northwest of downtown Waco near the intersection of Farm roads 1637 and 3051 in north central McLennan County. Settlement of the area was well underway by the 1850x, and the community may have served as an early voting site. Little Berry White donated ten acres of land for a school and cemetery in 1850. In 1854 the Bosque Academy was established by Cumberland Presbyterian minister John C. Collier. As the community’s Methodist population began to grow, that denomination also used the academy’s facilities for its gatherings. The school, which eventually added a conservatory of music, by 1860 had 180 students and two institutions: the Bosqueville Academy for Boys and the Seminary for Young Ladies. The school closed when the Civil War began, but was later reorganized as the Bosque College and Seminary, a nonsectarian school that purported to be the country’s first coeducational institution. A town site was laid out in 1858, and the Bosqueville post office was established in April 1860 with Cornellius P. Petit as postmaster. …”
From History of Bosqueville Methodist Church – Bosqueville, Texas
“ We may say, then, as Bosqueville Community was begun between 1850 and 1855. In 1854, a school district was created, J. H. Sparks, J. T. Eubanks, and W. Gill as trustees.”
This was apparently true for William Stevens Gill, for we find the following on the plaque commemorating the founding of the Bosqueville Baptist Church: “The Rev. S.G. O’Bryan organized this church in Nov. 1854. Frank Broadus, N.W. Brain, W.S. Gill (emphasis added), Mr. and Mrs. W.R. and Mrs. S.F. Sparks were charter members. They met in a log schoolhouse, and later at Bosqueville College. In 1887 the Bosque Masonic Lodge and this church jointly built a meeting house that burned within four months. The first sanctuary was completed in 1895; present one in 1917. One of the oldest rural congregations in McLennan County, this church has worshiped without interruption since 1854.”
This property is located approximately 150 miles from the property in Rusk County, and would have been impractical for WS to commute on a daily basis at that time. It is interesting though that in the 1860 census, he lists his family in both census residing in each county at the time of the census.
It is also correct to state that he was a good business man as well as farmer. By the 1860 census the value of the real estate in McLennan County alone was worth $6,580 and the value of the personal estate was $12,650 (see 1860 Census dated 27 July, 1860). This compares very favorably with the 1850 census in which the value was stated at a combined total on $1,300 (see 1850 Census dated 31 August 1850 Liberty County). It can probably be assumed the value of the 1850 census reflects the value of the property at one dollar an acre.
Separately, on the schedule of slaves dated 20,21 July 1860 for McLennan County (see attached), WS Gill is listed as owing fifteen (15) slaves, of those fur (4) were listed as “Fugitives from the State” and having three (3) slave houses. It seems logical that there was at lease one slave house on each of the three properties. The fact that 4 of the slaves are listed as fugitives would probably come to play in later decisions concerning the coming war.
There are a couple of other stories from the Loveland Notes that deal with the early years. First is the reference to the “Bosque Plantation“, and second, is the story of how William Alexander Gill and his brother met “Billy Bud’s” first wife.
Pa married Fannie Garlington at the close of the Civil War. Her family was from Mississippi or Louisiana & had settled at Waco. They were neighbors in McLellan County. The first time Pa saw Fannie was the result of their (Pa and Brother Ed) finding a package of candy in the road. They followed the wagon tracks, looking for the owner, and it led them to the Garlington place. The parents had been to town and bought the candy for the children, losing it on the way home. Pa met Fanny, who was very beautiful. They danced many a set during their courtship.
1850 United States Federal Census
Name: William S Gill
Age: 37
Birth Year: abt 1813
Birthplace: Kentucky
Home in 1850: Nacogdoches, Texas, USA
Gender: Male
Family Number: 328
Household Members:
Name Age
Salina Gill 30
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: W S Gill
Age: 49
Birth Year:abt 1811
Gender: Male
Birth Place:K entucky
Home in 1860: Mclennan, Texas
Post Office: Waco
Family Number: 656
Value of real estate:View image
Household Members:
Name Age
W S Gill 49
Salina Gill 42
Wm Gill 17
Harriet Gill 16
Charles Gill 12
Saml Ralph 68

William S. Gill & Salina Evans Marriage Record -
Lincoln County Tennessee February 25, 1841
Jonathan Weaver Killed by Indians
Jonathan Weaver was killed by indians near Wilkes. He was an appraiser 1804 Early, GA. Was baptised in Anson, NC in 1770. Jonathan Weaver came to Early County Georgia in 1817. Soon thereafter, during the Summer of 1817 a Passel of Indians came into the neighbohood of Jonathan Weaver and drove off his cows and two calves. The Indians killed and barbecued the cattle (worth about $60). Johnathan and Mrs. Brown Liverman were killed by the Lower Creek Indians on 14 February 1818, about 5 miles below Fort Gaines near the mouth of Roaring Branch. The US Soldiers stationed at Fort Gaines went out and brought his body into the Fort and buried it there. The name of Jonathan's widow is not known. She died before August 1828. Jonathan had at least five children. 1795 Knowland District, Richmond County, GA
Aaron Weaver was probably born around 1691 because he was about 90 years old when killed during the Revolution about 1781. Since he is at this time thought to be the son of Jonathan and grandson of William Weaver he would probably have been born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania
because William was living there at that time.
Aaron was a sympathizer with the American side and his son Othniel was a minister and shoe- maker for Elijah Clark's American troops. He and his wife Hannah Jane Weaver were murdered in their home by Tories under the command of "Bloody Bill Cunningham". Since he was killed at the age of 90 and William was not living in South Carolina in the 1690, Aaron was probably born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

North Carolina's Piedmont
Anson County, NC is located in North Carolina's Piedmont region. The Piedmont is a broad, upland plateau lying between the coast and the Appalachians far to the west. It is usually considered to start at the "fall line"—the point at which the numerous rivers drop suddenly in waterfalls or rapids from the plateau to the coastal plain. Because this once represented the limit of waterborne traffic upstream—and because of the opportunities for exploiting the rivers for power at this point—the fall line developed into a densely settled region of prosperous towns and cities.
It's no accident that the state's capital, Raleigh, is located in this region.This Piedmont area attracted very different settlers than had populated North Carolina’s Coastal regions. The reason lies in the origins of North Carolina’s 18th-century (1700s) newcomers. The English who had largely settled along the colony’s coast in the colony’s earliest days did not need to move inland. However, those who arrived later had to go further inland. These new settlers included:South Carolinians moved north into the Lower Cape Fear region to establish pine plantations with African slave labor. And, as land grew scarce in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia after 1730, migrants trekked down the Great Wagon road (at the eastern foot of North Carolina’s Appalachian Mountains). This path began near Philadelphia and extended southwestward to the Shenandoah Valley before veering east into the North and South Carolina Piedmont.These newcomers (settling primarily in the Piedmont) included a variety of ethnic and religious groups, including Quakers, German Lutherans, German Moravians, and Scotch-Irish Presbyterians and Baptists. They contrasted with the mostly English and African coastal areas and, in fact, had little contact with those areas. The rivers of the Piedmont flowed into the South Carolina colony and that is the route commerce and communication followed as well. By the end of the eighteenth century, residents of Piedmont North Carolina had more contacts with Pennsylvania than they did with the coastal district of their own colony.
Aaron Weaver's parents & birthplace
Aaron Weaver was probably born around 1691 because he was about 90 years old when killed during the Revolution about 1781. Since he is at this time thought to be the son of Jonathan and grandson of William Weaver he would probably have been born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania
because William was living there at that time.Aaron was a sympathizer with the American side and his son Othniel was a minister and shoemaker for Elijah Clark's American troops. He and
his wife Hannah Jane Weaver were murdered in their home by Tories under the command of "Bloody Bill Cunningham".Since he was killed at the age of 90 and William was not living in
South Carolina in the 1690, Aaron was probably born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
The Little Saludy River
South Carolina's Little Saludy River (now called the Little Saluda RIver) is one of four tributaries to the larger Salude River system. The Salude River flows southeasterly on a diagonal course across the state from its head above Greenville, SC. At Columbia, the Salude joins th Broad River to form the Congaree which continues southeasterly and exits Lake Marion as the Santee River. The Santee empties north of Chalreston, SC.
The Little Saluda River upon which Aaron Weaver was granted 150 acres ~1772, is the Salude River's southern most tributary. The Little Saluda is formed at the town of Saluda by the confluence of Mine Creek (adjacent to which Aaron Weaver sold 50 acres of his Little Saludy acreage to John Douglass on 3 Jan 1776) and Red Bank Creek. From these sources, the Little Saulda flows south into Lake Murray in Saluda County.
The Salude River is named after an Indian tribe that once lived along its banks near the community of Chappells, SC. According to the Geographic Names Information System, the Saluda River has also been known as the:
Corn River
Saludy River
Saluta River
Salutah River
Santee River
Seleuda River
Clouds over Cloud's Creek
Concuring with the assessment below, snakyhollow provided the following information: Aaron Wever was slain by Tories at Mine Creek, along with a Sisson and Allen (meaning not at Clouds Creek, though the two attrocities by Bloody Bill may have been closely related in time and place).
Below is a version of the full story of the Cloud Creek Massacre that can be found at http://wateroakhill.com/JB/Cloud_Creek_Massacre.pdf
Several family trees list Aaron and Hannah Jane Weaver’s place of death as Cloud’s Creek, SC and their date of death as that of the Cloud’s Creek Massacre (17 Nov 1781). Based on the work referenced above and somewhat edited below, I do not believe Aaron's wife "Hannah Jane" was killed in the Cloud’s Creek Massacre. Not one woman was mentioned as killed in that action. In addition, a surviving “Jane Weaver” is found in Edgefield County, SC on the 1790 Census and in 1791, signed her X on a transaction involving the sale of land her husband Aaron Weaver had owned. Further, because Aaron is supposed to have been a 90-year old man at his death, it is equally unlikely that he was included in the party of Patriots killed at Cloud's Creek Massacre. The men killed in the Massacre had just returned from a raid on "Bloody Bill" Cunningham's men. Not many 90-year olds would have been an active participant. It is somewhat possible that Aaron was one of a handful of locals who had joined the Patriots at the Leesville Tavern to celebrate after the raid. Like the Patriots, these five or so were also killed the next morning by Bloody Bill Cun- ningham. However, even this seems a bit of a stretch since Aaron's property on the Little Saludy River (Mine Creek specifically) was some 15+ miles away. It is however, still possible. It is also possible that Aaron was a victim of Bloody Bill Cunningham's Tory raiding parties which were active in the area at the time of the Cloud's Creek Massacre. The retelling below states that settlers ~6 miles east of Saluda, SC were terrorized just before the Massacre. Mine Creek (the location of Aaron’s land) runs ~12 miles north from ~ mid-way between Leesville and Edgefield, SC through Saluda before joining Red Bank Creek to form the Little Saluda River tributary. It is entirely possible Cummingham carried on to harry/murder Aaron at his homestead, either before or after the Cloud's Creek Massacre. However, if "Hannah Jane", wife of Aaron Weaver is Jane Weaver listed in the 1790 Census and signatory on the 1791 sale of land formerly owned by Aaron Weaver, at least she was not killed by Bloody Bill and his Tory raiders.
(During the “Southern Campaign” of American Revolution) Captain Bill Cunningham, known as “Bloody Bill Cunningham”, left a record of bloody deeds and atrocities across South Carolina. (A colonist), He was born not far from “Ninety-Six” (a pre-county designation), an area of South Carolina now in the present County of Abbeville. He had been a man of some promise and influence, and at the beginning of the Revolution had enlisted in a military unit made up of men from the region of Saluda, Little River and Mudlick Creek. He deserted the American cause in 1776, and became an active partisan leader on the British side. As the leader of a band of Loyalist, he soon embarked on his campaign of terror.
Late in the war, Major William Cunningham launched a raid into the back country, crossed the Edisto River and made his way from the Edisto to the Saluda River with his various detach- ments. Two of his parties, under a Captain Williams and Radcliffe, began plundering local settlers around an area six miles east of the town of Saluda.
A small band of patriots assembled and started in pursuit of Captain Ratcliffe and his party of Tories. These patriots were drawn from Captain Sterling Turner’s militia. Smallwood Smith, Matthew Jones, 19-year old James Butler Jr, and others. At the Saluda River, Butler swam the stream and brought over a canoe from the opposite side. The group used this to cross the river and pursued the Tories into what is now Newberry County. There were 21 men in the small body of Patriots under the command of Captain Sterling Turner. Upon catching up with Ratcilffe’s band they successfully made a surprise attack. Ratcliffe and several of his party were killed. The rest were scattered. Young Bulter must have had something to do with the death of Radcliffe as later events would prove.
After the encounter with Ratcliff, Captain Turner undertook to deal with the other of Cunning- ham’s units. Captain Hezekiah Williams was still lurking in the area. Captain James Butler Sr was requested to head the small band, but declined in favor of Captain Turner, though Butler did offer his service as a volunteer. Butler Sr had only recently been released by the British after serving 18 months imprisonment in Charlestown.
On 16 Nov 1781, Turner’s command caught up with Captain Hezekiah Williams and his Tory unit at Tarrar’s Springs. At the time, the site was in a dense forest. Williams and his band were camped, resting at Tarrar’s Spring. The bold attack by Turner and his small band ended in a negotiated settlement. Captain Turner left the scene with cattle that the Tories had stolen and Captain Williams and his men were released.
Returning, Captain Turner and his group stopped at Cloud’s Creek for a little rest and refreshments. They visited a tavern near the present town of Leesville run by a man also by the name of Turner. The men were tired, but jubilant and wanted to celebrate their victory. Against the advice of Captain James Butler (Sr), the Patriot group failed to take some necessary precautions. “Bloody Bill” Cunningham was on their trail, not with a small band, but with a sizable fighting unit of 300 men.
Captain Turner’s Whigs spent that night resting and celebrating. They killed a beef and apparently had no worries. At dawn the next day, 17 Nov 1781, they found themselves surrounded and at the mercy of the enemy. It was then evident that the band of Tories attacked at Tarrar’s Spring the previous day was part of Cunningham’s command. Cunningham had caught the Whigs off guard. Turner’s command consisted of only 21 men and himself. Apparently, there were some locals who had joined in the night of “refreshments” and celebration. One of these was probably young Benjamin Hughes—just a “boy” of 22 at the time. He (and seemingly the elderly Aaron Weaver??) was not on any official roster of the unit, but certainly appears to have been among those surrounded by Cunningham’s men.
The Patriots took refuge in the unfinished log house of a Mr. Carter on whose land the house stood and attempted to parley with the Tories. Cunningham demanded an unconditional surrender. Cunningham and Captain Butler (Sr) knew each other having served together in the Indian Wars. Cunningham agreed to talk and Butler sent a prisoner who had been taken and was being held to carry the message. The prisoner, by the name of Kuffman (later Caughmen), told Cunningham how the small unit had been the one that had killed Ratcliffe’s party of british. Radcliffe had been a friend of Cunningham’s. Captain Butler’s son, Butler Jr, “Jim”, apparently had joined his father that morning upon hearing that Cunningham’s larger force was in the area, the young Butler having had a major part in the killing of Radcliffe. When Cunningham learned that Butler Jr was in the party he declined to consider any further negotiation. Captain Butler unselfishly offered himself as a hostage for his son, but without avail. Young Butler decided to go down fighting and grabbing a rifle, killed a leading Tory named Stewart. The fight was on.
The only protection the brave band of Patriots had was the shelter of a man named Carter’s newly constructed log house, without doors of shutters on the windows. Young Butler was killed while he was reloading to fire again. With the death of Jim Butler, and realizing the hopelessness of their situation, and running out of ammunition, the small band surrendered. The struggle had lasted an hour. Several had been killed, and those who had not were lined up and then heard Cunningham’s order to exterminate them. Captain Butler then seized a pitchfork, and was using it effectively until his right hand was severed by a sabre stroke. The survivors were then brutally murdered, 28 in all. (Since the original group had been 22 plus the addition of Young Butler, at least five of the massacred were local citizens.)
A few of the names of Turner’s men have been forgotten, but we know the identities of most of them and the nature of their fate. James Butler Jr, Smallwood Smith and Matthew Jones were killed before the battle actually started. Nathaniel (Nat) Corley was shot down while attempting to make a run for his horse after he was captured. Sterling Turner, James Butler Sr, Burdit Escridge, Benjamin Bell, William Scissom, John Bland, Gideon Nicholson, Peter Foy, Berryman Bledsoe and a man by the name of Sullivan were all apparently massacred by the Tories after the battle. Two men were reported spared through the intercession of friends in Cunningham’s band. Benjamin Hughes was the only man to successfully escape. It was told that he concealed himself among the cattle, gained the cover of a fallen tree. While Nat Corley cut his way through the Tories, Hughes ran with him. As Corley was shot, Hughes jumped in a pen with a large gang of cattle. The cattle, probably those taken from Ratcliff, broke out of the pen and ran off. Hughes ran with them til he got to a swamp and was there able to hide and escape. He was the only one who survived to tell the fate of the band of Patriots.
Hoping to capture another of James Butler’s sons, William Butler, a Captain of Patriot Rangers, Cunningham left a detachment of Tories to meet any party that might be sent to bury the victims. Luckily, William Butler was too far from the scene to reach it in time. But, Elizabeth Butler (15), another of Captain Butler’s children, rode a horse to the scene that night but found none breathing. When she realized she could render no assistance, she returned home. Mrs. Smith, the wife of Smallwood Smith (and sister of Captain James Butler Sr), and other women, relatives of the fallen, buried the bodies, aided by their servants. Captain Butler’s 17-year old daughter, Nancy, accompanied her Aunt, Mrs. Smith, to the tragic scene to bury the dead and to identify her father and brother. Captain Butler’s negro named Marmaduke came to help bury the dead only to be compelled by a ragged Tory to stand by as his master’s clothes were stripped from his dead body so the Tory could dress in the bloodstained clothing. James Butler Sr and Jr were buried in separate graves while the other victims were buried in a large mass grave. There are three markers, placed at different times by different commemorative organizations: The Lexington Genealogical Exchange Magazine; The Star Fort Chapter of the DAR and the Lexington County Historical Society.
As far as history shows, Cunningham was never captured and it is believed that he escaped after the war to Cuba. He is believed to have died there. Benjamin Hughes died in Georgia at the age of 101. When asked if he knew the Butler family he answered “Yes, I knew them well. I was the only boy left when Bloody Bill Cunningham killed Captain Butler and his men; I sprang under a brush heap covered with gourd vines and saw them kill him in cold blood”.
** Note: Apparently Benjamin Hughes was not a soldier as such in the American Revolution. Surely his name would have appeared on a pension list or as a living veteran on a census record. Benjamin was 91 in the 1850 Census of Coweta County, SC, meaning he was born about 1759. That means Benjamin was about 22 when the events took place at Cloud’s Creek. When asked if he knew the Butler Family, Benjamin referred to himself as “the only boy left”. At 22, he would hardly have been called a boy. Although no official records have been found at this time that Benjamin Hughes was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, he would certainly be considered a patriot. As to whether the evidence would be sufficient to qualify one of the DAR, I don’t Know. Many members of the DAR are admitted because of an ancestor being a Patriot. I would think that the chances are good that Benjamin Hughes would qualify ** HRC
Harold R. Coffman
31 Jan 1989
Harold & Jane Coffman
721 Chaparral Trail
Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
SOUTHERN MESSENGER AND REVIEW by Wm Gillmore Simms, Sep 1846
Article entitled “THIRTY MEN IN ONE GRAVE STONE MARK SITE”, by Mildren H McLen (1946)
“DR W T BROOKER’S ACCOUNT, The Dispatch, 1 June 1901
And a letter written by H Arthur Fort, dated 8 Oct 1874 (found in the Draper Manuscripts)
Killed by Cornelius Cargill
At the start of the American Revolution, Cornelius Cargill (also known as "Neil" or "Neely"), was a Whig or Patriot. But, like many of his family members, he crossed the line and became a Loyalist or Tory, in favor of England. His reason for changing political parties is unknown, but it was this turning point in his life that would result in his death.
During the later years of the American Revloution, in the early spring of 1781, Cornelius Cargill led his troops in South Carolina to assist the Tory Lt Col. John Cruger. Along the way they passed the home of a Patriot, Capt. Solomon Pope. Three of Pope's men were there (90-year old Aaron Wever, along with Joe Allen, and Fred Sissan/Sissom). Cornelius and his troops took those men as prisoners. It was at this time (22 May - 18 Jun 1781) that the Siege of Ninety-Six occured. Lt Col John Cruger's men were stationed at Star Fort, a Tory held fortress which was beseiged by American General Nathaniel Greene. (Months?) After the Tories were successfully relieved from Greene's seige by British Col Lord Rawdon, Cornelius and his men took their three prisoners to a swamp at nearby Mine Creek and put them to death. The seige was relieved on 18 Jun 1781; while Aaron was killed on 11 Nov 1781... Considering the inconsistency in these dates, perhaps, after the seige--and unrelated to it, other than just to kill Patriots--Cruger had the three captives killed).
Col. Pope took immediate retaliation and hunted down Cornelius and his troops. A fight pursued at the fork of Cloud's Creek and Little Saluda. The Patriots killed Cornelius and all of his men except for one: Henry Ethridge. It has been said that many of these men died even though they had surrendered.
Cornelius died at the age of thirty-five leaving his wife to raise their three young children alone. He did not have a Last Will but estate records have been located.
Siege of Ninety-Six
According to the Cargill family website, Aaron Weaver, Joe Allen, and Fred Sissan were killed by Patriot turned Tory, Cornelius Cargill, consequent to the Tories being Seiged at/in South Carolina's Ninety-Six. Below is Wikipedia's overview of that battle and outcome.
From May 22 to June 18, 1781, Major General Nathanael Greene of the American Continental Army led 1,000 troops in a siege against the 550 Loyalists in the fortified village of Ninety Six, South Carolina. The 28-day siege centered on an earthen fortification known as Star Fort. Despite having more troops, Greene was unsuccessful in taking the town, and was forced to lift the siege when Lord Rawdon approached from Charleston with British troops.
In March 1781, the British Army's "southern strategy" for winning the American Revolutionary War, (which had been successful in taking Charleston and winning submission of much of South Carolina and Georgia), hit a stumbling block. General Lord Cornwallis had defeated Continental Army General Nathanael Greene at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in Greensboro, North Carolina, though Cornwallis had suffered significant casualties and subsequently moved his army to Wilmington, North Carolina. Greene--whose army was still largely intact after that battle--took advantage of Cornwallis' move to march into South Carolina and begin operations to eliminate the British from that state.
With the assistance of militia commanders Thomas Sumter, Francis Marion, and Andrew Pickens, the Patriot forces took a number of British outposts in the backcountry of South Carolina; others were abandoned to them. By mid-May, the only places in the state with significant British garrisons were Ninety Six, in the northwestern part of the state, and the port of Charleston, nearly 200 miles southeast on the Atlantic coast.
The British outpost at Ninety Six was garrisoned by 550 experienced Loyalists, such as De Lancey's Brigade, formed into Provincial regiments (regular army troops who had been recruited from Loyalists in New York, New Jersey, and South Carolina) under the command of Lieutenant Colonel John Cruger. Occupied by the British since 1780, the defenses consisted of a palisade surrounded by a deep ditch and abatis (felled trees with sharpened branches facing out). A large redoubt called the Star Fort provided a place for defenders to enfilade attackers on two of the stockade walls, and a smaller redoubt provided similar cover for the remaining walls and the water supply. Cruger had three small (three pound) field pieces.
Greene and about 1,000 men arrived outside Ninety Six on May 22, the same day that Andrew Pickens and Henry "Light-horse Harry" Lee began to besiege nearby Augusta, Georgia. Greene's men immediately began siege operations, targeting the Star Fort, under their chief engineer, Col. Thaddeus Kosciuszko of Poland. Cruger did what he could to interfere with the siege works, frequently sending out parties at night to harass the workers. In one notable incident, his forces drove the workers away and captured some of their digging tools.
By June 3, Greene's men had dug a trench within 30 yards of the Star Fort. They used a tactic similar to one used by Gen. Francis Marion to capture Fort Watson, whereby they constructed a wooden Maham Tower, about 30 feet tall, with a protected platform at the top. Under this elevated cover, American sharpshooters would have a clear firing line into the fort. At first, the crack snipers in the tower were able to pick off a number of Cruger's artillerymen. Cruger quickly countered by using sandbags to raise the height of his parapet, giving enough cover so his own marksmen could fire on the tower through slats between the bags. He also tried to set the tower on fire with heated shot, but was unable to get the balls hot enough. The attackers fired flaming arrows into the fort (a tactic that had worked when Patriots captured Fort Motte), in order to set anything flammable within the fort on fire. Cruger had work crews remove the roofs from the buildings in the fort to prevent them from burning.
On June 7, Lord Rawdon left Charleston with 2,000 British forces to relieve the siege. The next day, Pickens and Lee arrived to support Greene (having successfully captured Augusta on June 6). Greene did not learn of Rawdon's move until June 11. With the situation becoming critical, Greene decided to try an assault on the fort. (Cruger learned of Rawdon's approach the next day when the messenger, posing as a Patriot, got close enough to the fort to race the remaining distance on his horse.)
Greene planned to have one party capture the smaller redoubt, while a larger attack force went after the Star Fort, where some men would pull down the sandbags to expose the defenders to fire from the tower. When the attack began on June 18, all went to plan at first—the smaller redoubt was taken, and men successfully penetrated the abatis and pulled down the sandbags. At this point, Cruger launched a counterstrike with a pair of sorties to strike at the flanks of the attacking party. In a fierce battle dominated by bayonets and the use of muskets as clubs, the leaders of the attack were killed and their men forced to retreat back to their trenches. With the failure of the attack, and Rawdon only 30 miles (48 km) away, Greene called off the assault and ordered a retreat.
Greene's losses amounted to 150 men, while Cruger's casualties were under 100. Greene retreated toward Charlotte, North Carolina, allowing Rawdon to join forces with Cruger. Rawdon sent a sizable force after Greene, but heat and the toll of the long forced marches slowed them. The force was recalled to Ninety Six, which Rawdon then abandoned.
General Greene blamed the failure of the operations against Ninety Six in part on Sumter and Marion, who failed to act in support of his operations in a timely manner. Later, other officers blamed Greene and Lee for failing to cut off the defenders' water supply at the Spring Branch.
Writing in his memoirs, Lee singled out Col. Kosciuszko for much of the defeat. He believed the engineer began the first parallel too close to the Star Fort, as well as underestimating the lengthy amount of time his undermanned and ill-equipped sappers needed to excavate the rock-hard soil enough to make a trench to support the siege. Though these issues contributed to the failure of the operation as a whole, Greene commended Kosciuszko's efforts in carrying out his orders, noting that given more time, his chief engineer's plan may well have succeeded.
When Greene learned of Rawdon's retreat from Ninety Six, he tried to pull all of the elements of the Patriot military forces together to attack Rawdon before he reached Charleston. He failed because of Sumter's and Marion's apparently tardy movements. Greene rested his men for most of July and August in the High Hills of the Santee before engaging the British again outside Charleston at Eutaw Springs on September 8, 1781, in the last major battle in the South.
The Loyalists who were saved by Rawdon in the siege were resettled by the Crown in Nova Scotia. They named the township Rawdon, Nova Scotia, after Lord Rawdon to commemorate his rescuing them
Weaver vs Wever
From Snakyhollow:
Some researchers seems to think that, no matter what the spelling, are all Weaver spellings are Weavers. One has to realize where these names originated. At some point in history people only had one name, and if their trade was a potter, a cooper, or a Weaver, then that was the name that was added. Now, "Weavers" were not just residents of England. There were people who made clothes throughout Europe, and a Wever in Germany or Holland was not blood related to others who worked the same weaving trade. In other countries, they might have even been called webers, or wiebers, wivers.
That said, I am reasonably sure that Othniel, Aaron, and other in this family were Weavers, not Wevers. The saying that seems to have been carried forward by the Wevers, was "Wever as in Never, i.e., no 'a'".
Bits and pieces
Colonel Ryden Grigsby, a brave soldier, died in 1825. He had represented the District in the Legislature. His daughter became the wife of Captain Jonathan Wever, a man of great wealth, who lived three or four miles north of where the town of Johnston now is. The only son of the marriage was the somewhat celebrated John R. Wever. He became brigadier-general of militia and a member of the Legislature. He was a man of free and easy manners and lavish in the use of his money. He was wealthy and lived as though he was seized, and possessed of the River Pactolus, the waters of which flowed full of gold, and the sands at the bottom were not common sands but diamonds and gold dust and silver.
Rhyden Grigsby's daughter was Rosa, and she died after giving birth to Jonathan's son John Rhyden Wever, being about 20 years of age.
The information I have found on Aaron Wever shows he received a land grant for a couple hundred acres in the Mine Creek area, at the same location he was slain, also the same location that Jonathan Wever lived. Coincidence, I think not. I can find nothing to think he was slain at Clouds Creek. And his wife was Jane Douglass whose family also came from Virginia, same as his family. I believe Jehue and Dempsey Wever were his sons also.
I have found nothing to prove Jonathan Wever came from North Carolina. There were other Jonathan Weaver's in North Carolina and from what I found, they died there. There are several Weaver/Wever's in the South Carolina archives going back to a George Weaver in 1700. Others are Thomas Weaver, Henry Weaver, and Robert. Anyone of them could have been Aaron's father.
After Cruger left Ninety-Six, while passing down the country, he permitted Carghill's men to visit their homes, and they on their way passed the house of Captain Solomon Pope, where they found three of Pope's men, Aaron Wever, Joe Allen, and Fred Sissan, whom they made prisoners. Having no place of confinement after the loss of Ninety-Six, they took them into a swamp near by on Mine Creek and put them to death. Captain Pope immediately called his company together, hastened to Mount Willing and called on Captain Butler for assistance. With their united forces they met the troops under Carghill in the fork of Cloud's Creek and Little Saluda, where a bloody fight ensued, in which Carghill's men were completely exterminated. It is said that about half of them were killed after they had surrendered, so great was the exasperation of the Whigs at their conduct in murdering Pope's men a short time before. Only one man was left alive, Henry Etheredge, and he was saved by the interposition of Clark Spraggins, they being closely connected by marriage. Henry Etheredge lived to be over four-score years of age and died on Little Saluda in November, 1840. Captain Mike Watson followed the retreating Cruger as far as Orangeburg, where, or near which place, he was killed by the Tories in a severe skirmish. After his death Bud Eskridge, a brave but rather rash man, was placed in command.
Another version of Clouds Creek Massacre
POSTED Saturday, November 23, 2013
Massacre at Clouds Creek
What: Revolutionary War Skirmish
Where: Clouds Creek - SC Hwy 391 above Leesville near the Lexington-Saluda County line
Who: Major William "Bloody Bill" Cunningham, Captain Stirling Turner, Captain James Butler, James Butler Jr.
When: 17 November 1781
Events: After allowing Col. Williams and his loyalists to leave Edgefield County, Capt. Stirling Turner camped at Clouds Creek against the advice of Capt. James Butler. It had rained so hard and long that their guns were unable to fire. Capt. Turner went to Mr Carter's cabin in hopes of getting food and a place to dry out their guns.
Major Cunningham found out that they were occupying the cabin and struck at daybreak. The Patriots returned fire, but, seeing they were losing, asked for terms of surrender. Cunningham asked for the names of the men in the cabin. Upon learning that James Butler Jr. was in the house, he refused to grant any terms excluding Butler from execution, thinking he was the same Butler who had killed Capt Radcliffe.
Capt James Butler Sr. offered himself for his son, but James Butler Jr ended all discussion by firing out of the cabin and killing a Tory.
The Patriots saw no hopes of victory and surrendered. Cunningham killed Turner, Butler, and all of the men with the exception of Benjamin Hughes and Bartlett Bledsoe. Butler's body was so cut up that his wife could only identify him by his Bible in his pocket.
Benjamin Hughes escaped when Mr. Carter's cattle became frightened and stampeded. He hid in some driftwood that had caught on a log across the creek. The Tories stabbed into the driftwood but didn't touch Hughes.
Bartlett Bledsoe came out of Carter's house hugging onto Benjamin Rabun. When Cunningham demanded their names, the men refused to tell. Benjamin Rabun's skull was split in two by a saber, but Bartlett Bledsoe was not killed. It was said that he was never right after that.
Major Cunningham stopped at Towles Blacksmith shop to have their horses shod. When Oliver Towles had finished, Cunningham killed Towles, his son and a Negro. Before leaving, he set fire to the blacksmith shop and all the buildings.
Jane Weaver's Maiden Name
Attached is presented as proof of Jane Weaver's maiden name and connection to Aaron Weaver. ie, by affixing her X to the selling of land owned by husband Aaron Weaver to her theoretical father John Douglas
1) Land record showing that on 3 Jan 1776, JANE's husband, Aarron Weaver sold 50 acres of his 200 Little Saludy, SC land grant to Jane's proported father, John Douglass; witnessed by JANE's brother (or Uncle?) Sharod Douglas.
2) Then on 10 June (or 6 Jan) 1791, JANE WEAVER adds an X as witness to indicate her connection (as wife) to the sale of land that had belonged to her now deceased husband (murdered by Tories 10 years before in 1781). This sale is by JANE's theoretical father, John Douglass, to JANE's likely brother (?) Lewis Douglass. Other witnesses are Aseal Roberts and Henry King
3) The last transaction is the settling of JANE's theoretical father's estate (John Douglass) the land John bought in 1776 from JANE's husband Aaron Weaver (on Mines Creek of the Little Saludy River, SC; adjacent to land owned now by Jehu Weaver, among others: James Dubles /Douglass, Abiel Pearson, Benj Watson, B Watson and Luke Smith) is now going to Caleb Malden. This document is witnessed by Jehu Weaver, Joel Brown and Joseph Rushton.
1) A JANE WEAVER IS listed in Edgefield, SC 1790 Census which, even as head of household includes no ages. It says only that 1 male over 16 is living with 7 females and 1 slave under the head (preumably oldest/most functional/most legally responsible in the household) being Jane Weaver.
Jane Unk-Weaver, wife of Aaron Weaver, would have to have been significantly younger than her husband Aaron in order to have been the mother of his children born between 1750 and 1760. He was born 1691. In all probability, at the oldest, she would likely have been born no sooner than 1715 (25 years younger).
Aaron Weaver's wife, Jane Unk-Weaver is said to have been MURDERED WITH HER HUSBAND and therefore NOT AVAILABLE to sign an X 10 YEARS LATER in 1791 or be listed on the 1790 Census in the same district where she had once lived... Clearly the document was signed by soomeone named Jane Weaver (clearly not dead) and the land is adjacent to someone named Jehu (Jethro?) Weaver (not a name known to be one of her children)... Who are they??
1790 Census includes Frederic Weaver & Dempsey Weaver. Are they & Jehue sons of Aaron & Jane Weaver?
John Douglass (Jane's father?) has a 1790 Census in Edgefield, SC