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Mrs. Whitfield Scott, nee Harriet Gill, married Whitfield Scott in 1864 when be returned from the Civil War on a furlough. To them seven children were born. Five survived the father: Mrs. A. C. Schreiner of Kerrville being a daughter. After the Civil War the health of Whitfield Scott became impaired and they moved to Kerrville. When they arrived there it was a small struggling frontier town. Colonel Scott bought what is now the St. Charles Hotel. They lived there until he could erect a home, now occupied by E. E. Palmer. Colonel Scott was not physically strong and he took up ranching for outdoor experience. He became a leading citizen of Kerr county and was elected to the legislature twice. He was almost teetotal so far as drinking was concerned, but he was opposed to prohibition. He was elected the first secretary of the Texas State Wool Growers Association. His work in the legislature was always for cattle and sheep— the main dependence of his county. Harriet Dill was horn in Nacogdoches but the family moved to McLellan county while she was a child. She was a woman of rare refinement and was chosen to make the flag to be carried by th'e Seventh Texas Infantry in the Civil War. The flag went through many vicissitudes but at the end of the war, the flag, tattered and torn, was returned to Mrs. Scott and is one of the cherished heirlooms.

After the death' of her husband, her children scattered and she spent time with them in Kerrville, Victoria, and Monterrey.

SCHREINER, Myrta Scott (Mrs. Aimé Charles

Schreiner), Kerrvllie, Tex.

Born Waco, Tex.. Jan. 11, 1866; dau. Whitfield and Harriet (Gill) Scott; ed. Trinity Univ., Tex., and in Ky.; m. Kerrville, Tex., 1886, Aimé Charles Schreiner; children: W. Scott Aimé Charles, Hester Palmer. Many years pres. Woman's Club of Kerrville. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy and several other patriotic societies; Kerrville Woman's Club. Democrat SCHROEDER, May Catherine, Kings Park State

EDITOR’S NOTE — This is the 71st of a series of articles marking Kerr County’s sesquicentennial.

By Irene Van Winkle

West Kerr Current

As far as memory goes, the Schreiner Company Store is likely the oldest continuously-operated retail business in Kerrville. Its history goes back 137 years, when Captain Charles Armand Schreiner (1838-1927) opened the doors on Christmas Eve in 1869 with a modest inventory and high hopes.

He knew he would have to compete with others who had already established a foothold in town. However, from the time he landed in Texas, he was soon thrust in the role of supporting his family. 

Schreiner was hardworking, ambitious and business-savvy, and was always involved in various ventures. In 1852, he arrived in America at age 14 with his family, from the Alsace-Lorraine province near the German/French border. 

The group came to San Antonio first — parents, Gustave Adolphe and Charlotte, with Charles and his five siblings. Gustave died less than a year later of a rattlesnake bite.

Schreiner signed up with the Texas Rangers, an assignment which often brought him up to the Hill Country, and gave him a chance to scout out the area.

Various sources from the Kerr County Historical Commission, courtesy of Board Vice-President Joe Luther, indicates that in 1857, Schreiner and Caspar Real, his brother-in-law, bought land and built a log cabin along Turtle Creek and started a ranching business. In late 1858, they bought a small store at Camp Verde. From this store, Schreiner and Real contracted with the government to provide beef and other supplies to the Second Cavalry. By the time the Civil War began, he had applied for U. S. citizenship. 

Several merchandisers were already in Kerrville.

George P. Phillips ran a small store in 1859 at the corner of today’s Jefferson and Earl Garrett streets, now the site of Grimes Funeral Home. At the same time, the Jackson brothers also operated a small mercantile store at the intersection of Water and Washington streets. John E. Ochse ran a store on the present site of Notre Dame Catholic Church and in 1859 was supplying provisions to the Texas Rangers. Ochse and Charles Schreiner were fierce competitors for years. 

During the Civil War, Schreiner fought for the Confederacy, while his brother, Aime, remained loyal to the Union side. 

In 1869, Schreiner moved to Kerrville, and with $10,000 of backing from August Faltin of Comfort, formed Faltin and Schreiner Mercantile Co. along Mountain (now Earl Garrett) and Water streets.

According to J. Evetts Haley’s book, “The Story of a Country Store,” written in 1969, it consisted of a 30x60’ cypress building, with warmth provided by a box stove, and a fence around it to keep out cattle.

On one side was a shed/storehouse and sleeping quarters. At the back was a cellar housing barrels of coal oil, beer, whiskey and molasses. A rough board counter ran along the building in an L-shape, stocking barrels of sugar, coffee, rice, lard and dried fruit. 

Shelves behind the side counter held bolts of calico, as well as jeans and hickory. Harnesses and saddles hung on hooks at the opposite wall, while buckets, kegs and tubs hung by the stove.

Evetts noted that Schreiner’s ledger showed that his first day’s sales totaled $3.50 from two customers: George Hollimon, Sr. purchased 7-1/2 lbs. of coffee for $2, and John D. Wharton shelled out $1.50 for two quarts of whiskey.

As a responsible employer, Schreiner also made sure he paid his employee: he took out $1 for himself.

Over time, Schreiner established himself as a trustworthy person. If asked, he would hold customers’ money for safekeeping either under a floorboard or carry it with him. This practice evolved into another business he formed in 1879 — Charles Schreiner Bank.

Before then, however, money had to be deposited elsewhere, and his courier was Simon “Peg-leg” Ayala, who made regular trips on the long journey to Oppenheimer Bank in San Antonio. Ayala, who was from Monterey, Mexico, had a wooden leg. His knowledge of the area, and modest appearance worked in Ayala’s favor, and he was never robbed. The Ayala family worked for the Schreiners through several generations.

For additionally safety, Schreiner maintained a force of “Minute Men” from 1859-1863.

As Kerrville and its commerce grew, Schreiner’s store prospered, and 10 years later, he bought out Faltin’s interest. Then he set his sights on new enterprises.

Out in far West Kerr County, Indian raids were still ongoing, but the range was suitable for cattle. In 1880, Schreiner bought the Taylor-Clements Ranch and its YO brand. The YO Ranch became headquarters for the Schreiner Cattle Co., and the Live Oak Ranch, now forming portions of the YO, was headquarters for the sheep operations.

When Schreiner bought the YO Ranch, Apache raids were still occurring up on the Divide. He established a number of wool and mohair warehouses, and helped make Kerrville the wool and mohair capital for many years.

Much of this became possible when the railroad arrived in Kerrville in 1887. This created a huge potential to expand commerce, travel and import and export goods.

The railroad ran across from Sidney Baker, down Main Street, and then in front of the warehouse from the north side into the yards behind the store.

In 1889, the store was expanded and renovated. Charles Schreiner Bank opened in an adjacent building on Water Street. A portion of that building is still visible on the second story of the store. Next to it used to be the Schreiner’s Wool and Mohair warehouse. It later relocated to McFarland street, and the white building still stands there.

Next to that, eventually, was the JC Penney store, closer to Sidney Baker Street. Sid Peterson Memorial Hospital occupied the corner.

When the store expanded, the JC Penney Store was torn down

Later, around 1917, the bank moved across Water Street along by the Guadalupe River. The old bank building then became part of the store. About that time, Charles Schreiner moved into the bank offices, taking his son, L.A. with him.

Around 1911, Kerrville’s resident population was 1,800 people who enjoyed telephone service and electricity. Schreiner’s bank and mercantile store were the anchors of the downtown district.

Also located along Water Street was Schreiner’s wool warehouse. There was a railroad spur line that ran from depot area down Sidney Baker Street across Main Street and then diagonally across the parking lot to Water Street and the Schreiner complex. There were several camp yards in this area, where freight wagons could park at night and the drivers would sleep. One was located behind the present day Arcadia Theater and the other was in the Schreiner parking lot area.

Not only did Schreiner’s business grow, so did the family. Charles Schreiner had five sons: Louis “L.A.”, Walter, Aime Charles “A.C.”, Gus and Scott.

A.C. Schreiner took over the store’s operations in 1898, and by 1917, received ownership of the store. Ten years later, Capt. Schreiner died, and by 1935, after A.C. died, the store went to A.C., Jr. and W. Scott Schreiner.

In 1952, Schreiner’s store advertised food and goods. A vintage ad in the Kerrville Mountain Sun’s Nov. 13 edition listed hunting gear, supplies and cold-weather clothing:

“Be prepared for the frosted mornings while you’re stalking the big buck or gobbler ...”

Cotton flannel shirts ranged from $2.95-$3.95; hunting caps, $1.25-$3.95; hunting jackets (“all wool jackets, the warmest in the hills,”) cost $12.95-$21.95. Additionally, the ad read, “Specially for the Huntress. You must see these ensembles which include hooded jackets, ski pants, straight and sweep skirts, weskits, etc.”

In another ad, this one for “Schreiner’s Cash Food Store,” two bunches of carrots cost 9 cents, corn was selling for 19 cents a can, sugar was listed at 96 cents for a 10-lb. bag, and cigarettes cost $1.94 a carton.

The store received another facelift in 1963, this time eliminating the grocery portion of the business. 

W. Scott’s daughter, Josephine (“Dodo”) married E.C. Parker, who was elected president of the Charles Schreiner Co. in 1970, a year after W. Scott died. Until then, Parker had served 20 years as the company’s vice-president. 

Several other families were also key in the company operations.

Parker said that W.G. Garrett was Charles Schreiner’s lawyer, whose office was upstairs at the back entryway of Schreiner’s store. Of his two sons, W.G., Jr., became treasurer of the Schreiner Company, and L.D. became secretary.

“They were both still there when I arrived at the company in 1959,” he said.

Incidentally, Mrs. W.G. Garrett was the aunt of Myrta Scott, wife of A.C. Schreiner.

Parker was born in East Columbia, in Brazoria County, Texas at the home of his prominent grandfather, Travis Logan Smith. Smith had come to Texas from Virginia.

Parker’s mother, Gladys, had become ill, he said, which is when he first saw Kerrville, long before he ever lived there.

“When I was about five years old, we moved to San Antonio. My mother went to see Dr. Adolph Herff, who brought her here during the summer,” Parker said. “They had Dr. Thompson’s hospital here, which is now the State Hospital. My grandfather rented out the whole Schofield School for the family to stay in the summer. I remember seeing Pampell’s and the G Street bridge.”

During that time, Smith, who was a banker and merchandiser, would visit with Dodo’s grandfather, A.C.

Eventually, he met Dodo when she visited relatives in San Antonio. Parker attended Thomas Jefferson High School, then got his degree as a petroleum engineer from Texas A&M in 1940, and then married Dodo in 1942.

He did his stint in the U.S. Army and saw action in in Normandy.

“It’s an exciting thing, if you don’t get killed,” he said.

Parker joined the company as it continued “morphing,” he said, which was key to its survival. He served as vice-president from 1960-1970, and was elected president from 1970-1991.

“I was just part of the company, and worked with many of the family members,” Parker said. “It was in the family for six generations, who built it up.”

The grocery portion was still there, he said, and other types of merchandise, such as cement, heavy hardware such as fencing, and even a windmill shop, which was in the warehouse portion. 

In 1963, Parker said, they let the grocery store portion go, partly because of a low profit margin, and competition from HEB. The warehouse was relocated.

Over time, the ladies’ and mens’ departments had grown, and the hardware department had moved.

“By the late 1970s,” Parker said, “we had gotten out of the warehouse business, and more into the upscale clothing and housewares.”

Many employees had worked there, up to as many as 50 at a time, Parker said, and he said they were the heartbeat of the company.

“I’m afraid to mention some, because there were so many, I don’t want to leave anybody out,” he said.

Jasper Henderson from west Kerr County, he said, was in the feed department. Calvin Weinheimer worked for the store, and then went on to the phone company. Rusty Henderson now works as local manager for the Kerrville Telephone Company (which the Parkers also ran for many years), now owned by Windstream.

James Schultz (who now works for Dunlap), Joan Crider, Gloria Dozier and Joy Melvin were but a few other names of recent employees he could rattle off quickly.

“So many of our workers were loyal and hardworking, and now so many of them have to find another job,” Parker said quietly.

The store’s early parent company, Charles Schreiner Company, still exists, but no longer has any involvement in the store. There were two key sales that separated the store from the company.

“We sold just the Schreiner’s Store name and the inventory to Dunlap Company in 1991,” he said.

In 1994 — 125 years after the store first opened — Charles Schreiner Company made its final break with the store, selling the fixtures, furniture and real estate to the Peterson Foundation.

The Dunlap Company then bought it and sold it to Centco in Dallas.

Now, Charles Schreiner Company is an investment company for the Josephine Schreiner Parker family, Parker said, and former KTC treasurer Tom Repka works there, too.

“I hate to see (the store) go, but, that’s life,” Parker said.
The Schreiner Mansion, built in the early 1900s was the center of social activities in Kerrville and the surrounding area. It still recalls the splendor of those days, while offering a classic dining and event center.Now the Riverhill Country Club.  (Home of Gus Schreiner)

Josephine Schreiner Parker of Kerrville, beloved wife of E. C. Parker, Jr., died on April 13, 2009. "Dodo", as she was called by all who knew her, was born November 16, 1916, the only child of Scott and Josephine Schreiner, of Kerrville. She graduated from Tivy High School in Kerrville, and also attended Schreiner Institute. In 1936, she represented Kerrville in the Order of the Alamo Coronation and made her debut at the San Antonio German Club Ball. She earned her B.A. in 1938 from the University of Texas in Austin, where she was active in the Curtain Club and Pi Beta Phi sorority. After graduating, she studied voice in San Antonio and Los Angeles. She married E. C. Parker, Jr. on January 29, 1942, and for the next two years accompanied him to various U.S. Army training camps in the South. While Mr. Parker served overseas during World War II, she lived in New York City where she studied music and voice at Julliard School of Music, and sang on occasion with the USO. She and Mr. Parker returned to Kerrville in 1947, where they resided for the rest of her life. She was a devoted wife and mother, and an enthusiastic volunteer in the life of the community. She was a life-long member of the First Presbyterian Church in Kerrville. She taught Red Cross water safety courses. She was the first woman to be elected to the Kerrville Independent School Board. She served as chairwoman of the Kerr County United Fund Drive, and as board member of the Auld Youth Center and Kerrville Cemetery Association. She served as president of the PTA at Starkey Elementary School, Peterson Middle School, and Tivy High School in Kerrville. Her sons remember the many hours she devoted to Cub Scouts. She served as delegate to the State Democratic Convention several times. For several years she had a radio talk show on KERV in Kerrville, and interviewed such celebrities as Audie Murphy and Gene Autry. Always interested in the performing arts, she is remembered for the elaborate water shows that she produced in the Cascades Swimming Pool in Kerrville. She was a charter member and President of the Kerrville Community Concerts Association, board member and President of the Hill Country Arts Foundation in Ingram, President of the Kerrville Community Theater, and member of the Governing Board of the Texas Arts Alliance. She enjoyed playing roles in several productions at the Point Summer Theater. She was a devoted alumnus, and served on the board of the Arts and Sciences Foundation of the University of Texas at Austin, as District Councilwoman of the University of Texas Ex-Students' Association, as board member of the UT Chancellor's Council, and as a member of the American Association of University Women. She was grateful for her family's participation in Texas ranching, and served on the Governing Board of the National Wool Growers Association Auxiliary, as president of the Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Association Auxiliary, and as a board member of the Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Association, Kerr County Chapter Auxiliary. She took great interest in local history. She received The Jefferson Davis Medal from the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and was a member of the James Kerr Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Capt. Charles Schreiner Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. She was a charter member and President of the Hill Country Preservation Society, and devoted the last thirty years of her life to that organization and to the Capt. Charles Schreiner Mansion Museum. She was blessed with a large extended family, and treasured her many friends and relatives. She maintained an active social life and was a member of Riverhill Country Club in Kerrville, the San Antonio Country Club, and the Argyle Club and Pilon Club in San Antonio. She is survived by her husband, E. C. Parker, Jr.; by her children, Scott and Barbara Parker of Kerrville, Tobin and Kim Parker of Kerrville, and Cee Parker and Carlos Ibarra of San Antonio; and by her grandchildren, Scott Parker, Jr., Lauren Parker, John Parker, Schreiner Parker and Tobin Parker, Jr. A memorial service will be held at the First Presbyterian Church in Kerrville, Schreiner Chapel, on Friday, April 17, 2009 at 3 PM officiated by Rev. John Wurster, Rev. Rob Lohmeyer and Dr. Sam Junkin. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in her name to the First Presbyterian Church or to Schreiner University in Kerrville. The family invites you to send condolences at by selecting the "Send Condolences" link. Funeral arrangements are entrusted to:
Grimes Funeral Chapels of Kerrville

Published in Express-News on Apr. 16, 2009

E. C. Parker, Jr.
11 April 1918 - 3 July 2009
Kerrville, Texas
E.C. Parker, Jr. was born on the family ranch in East Columbia, Texas to Ernest Clyde Parker and Gladys Smith Parker. He attended public schools in San Antonio, Texas and graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School in may 1936. He attended Texas A&M College attaining the position of adjutant cavalry commander of the corps of cadets, and graduated with a BS Degree in petroleum engineering in 1940. Upon graduation he was employed by Stanolind Oil & Gas in Ft. Worth, Texas as a petroleum engineer from 1940 to 1942. He married Josephine (Dodo) Tobin Schreiner in Kerrville on January 29, 1942 and immediately reported for duty in the United States army at Ft Sill, Oklahoma, as a second lieutenant, accompanied by his new bride. She shared army life with him during his two years of service in the U.S. He was deployed to the European theatre of operations in February 1944 and served there until December1946. During his deployment he served in the field artillery with distinction as an advance forward observer and battery commander. After war cessation he served as provost marshall for the Army base adjacent to Nuremberg. While in European combat he was awarded four battle stars for campaigns in Normandy, Northern France, The Rhineland, and Central Europe and the Bronze Star for Meritorious Service in combat. He advanced in rank throughout the war and was separated from the service as a Lt. Colonel in the U. S. Army reserves in 1946. Clyde and Dodo settled in Kerrville, and in April 1947 , he formed a partnership with his father in law, W. Scott Schreiner to operate Parker and Schreiner, a building supply firm. In his subsequent fifty plus year of active involvement in Kerrville, and other parts of the state, he was a partner in W.A. Sullivan-General Contractor; President and CEO of Charles Schreiner Co. and it's subsidiary, Schreiners Dept Store; Chairman of the Board and CEO of Kerrville Communications Corporation and it's subsidiaries, Kerrville Telephone Co, Advanced Telecom Systems, and Five Star Wireless; President of Black Bull Corp, a ranching enterprise in west Kerr County; and a Partner in Osceola Plantation Partners, a land and mineral holding company in Brazoria County, Texas. Clyde had a deep and abiding concern for the community of Kerrville and Kerr County. To that end he devoted much of his time over many years, to the needs of those communities. He served as a member of the Board of Directors of The Upper Guadalupe River Authority for twenty six years, having been appointed to the board by four different governors-Price Daniel, Preston Smith, Dolph Briscoe, and William Clements. During his tenure as President of the Authority, a permanent surface water supply for the city of Kerrville was established by the construction of the UGRA dam and water treatment plant on the Guadalupe River that has been a vital component to the areas growth over the last thirty years. He also served as Chairman of the Planning and Zoning board of the city of Kerrville, as Vice President of the Kerrville Chamber of Commerce, member of the Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Finance Committee of Schreiner College, as President of the Kerr County Community Chest( United Way), and as a Deacon and Elder of The First Presbyterian Church in Kerrville. He was honored with the Kerr County Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Citizen of the Year award in _1977 for his leadership in creating a surface water supply for the City of Kerrville. He was a member of The Order of the Alamo, The San Antonio Country Club, The Argyle, The Pilon Club, Riverhill Country Club, The Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Assoc, and The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Assoc.,The University of Texas Chancellors Council, and The Association of Former Students of A&M. Clyde's business associations, political connections, and many friendships ranged throughout the state, and his counsel and advice were widely sought .. He was known throughout his life as a man of great integrity and honesty, and his contributions to his extended families , the many people who worked with him in the successful companies he managed, and the community at large, are a testament to his life's great purpose of service. He was preceded in death by Dodo, his loving wife of 67 years, in April. His devotion to her in her final years was heroic. He is survived by his children Scott and Barbara Parker, Cee Parker and Carlos Ibarra, and Tobin and Kim Parker: grandchildren Scott S. Parker, Jr, Lauren D. Parker, John W. Parker, W. Schreiner Parker, and Tobin M. Parker, Jr.; brothers Travis Smith Parker of Dallas, James Masterson Parker of San Antonio, and Sister in Law Barbara Splawn Parker of Dallas; and by numerous nieces nephews and cousins. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Memorial services for Mr. Parker will be held on Wednesday, July 8, 209 at 2:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church in Kerrville with Rev. John W Wurster, Rev. Rob Lohmeyer and Dr. Sam Junkin officiating. The family invites you to send condolences at by selecting the "Send Condolences" link.
Funeral arrangements are entrusted to:

Published in Express-News on July 5, 2009

                                                 H.R. No. 1924





WHEREAS, The citizens of Kerrville lost a beloved neighbor and much admired civic leader with the passing of Josephine Schreiner Parker on April 13, 2009, at the age of 92; and

WHEREAS, A native of Kerrville, "Dodo" Parker was born on November 16, 1916, to Scott and Josephine Schreiner; she attended Schreiner Institute, graduated from Tivy High School, and earned her bachelor's degree from The University of Texas at Austin, where she was active in the Curtain Club and Pi Beta Phi sorority; she later studied voice in San Antonio and Los Angeles; and

WHEREAS, She married E. C. Parker, Jr., on January 29, 1942, and while her husband served overseas during World War II, Mrs. Parker lived in New York City, studying music and voice at Juilliard School of Music and singing on occasion with the USO; and

WHEREAS, In 1947, the couple settled in Kerrville, and in addition to raising her children, Mrs. Parker became an enthusiastic volunteer, supporting the Cub Scouts, teaching Red Cross water safety courses, and chairing the Kerr County United Fund Drive; she also shared her time with the boards of the Auld Youth Center and Kerrville Cemetery Association, served as president of the PTA at Starkey Elementary School, Peterson Middle School, and Tivy High School, and became the first woman to be elected to the Kerrville Independent School District Board; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Parker maintained a lifelong interest in the performing arts; she produced elaborate water shows in the Cascades Swimming Pool and hosted a radio talk show, interviewing such celebrities as Audie Murphy and Gene Autry; moreover, she held leadership positions with the Kerrville Community Concerts Association, Hill Country Arts Foundation, Kerrville Community Theater, and the Texas Arts Alliance, and she enjoyed playing roles in several productions at the Point Summer Theater; and

WHEREAS, A devoted UT alumnus, Mrs. Parker served on the board of the institution's Arts and Sciences Foundation and as district councilwoman of the Texas Ex-Students' Association, board member of the UT Chancellor's Council, and member of the American Association of University Women; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Parker was also an advocate for Texas ranchers; appointed to the Governing Board of the National Wool Growers Association Auxiliary, she served as president of the Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Association Auxiliary and as a member of the Kerr County Chapter Auxiliary board of the Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Association; and

WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan's most passionate pursuit was working to preserve local history for future generations; a member of the James Kerr Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Captain Charles Schreiner Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, she was also a charter member and president of the Hill Country Preservation Society; she devoted more than three decades to the establishment of the Hill Country Museum at the Captain Charles Schreiner Mansion, the home of her great-grandfather, and considered it her greatest achievement; and

WHEREAS, A gracious and giving woman, Dodo Parker contributed to her community through a lifetime of purposeful endeavor, and she leaves behind a legacy of good works that will resonate for years to come; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Josephine Schreiner Parker and extend sincere sympathy to the members of her family: to her husband, E. C. Parker, Jr.; to her children, Scott and Barbara Parker, Tobin and Kim Parker, and Cee Parker and Carlos Ibarra; to her grandchildren, Scott, Lauren, John, Schreiner, and Tobin; and to her other relatives and many friends; and, be it further

RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Josephine Schreiner Parker.






Speaker of the House     


I certify that H.R. No. 1924 was unanimously adopted by a rising vote of the House on May 14, 2009.


Chief Clerk of the House   

Captain Charles Armand Schreiner, pictured at center front, is surrounded by his five sons: at top left to right, Charles Jr., A. C., Walter; in front, Gus and Louis flank their father. He and his wife Mary Magdalene Enderle also had three daughters (not pictured) named Caroline, Frances and Emilie. The photograph was taken on his 80th birthday in 1918.
By Irene Van Winkle

West Kerr Current

Few people alive are old enough to have any clear recollections of a man who shaped Kerr County as indelibly as Captain Charles Armand Schreiner (1838-1927).

ÒThe CaptainÕsÓ great-grand-daughter, Josephine ÒDodoÓ Schreiner Parker, has a brief memory of him, having met him as a small child. Her father, Scott, was A. C. SchreinerÕs son. A. C. had four brothers Ñ Charles, Walter, Gustave and Louis Ñ and three sisters Ñ Caroline, Frances and Emilie. Their mother, the CaptainÕs wife, was Mary Magdalene Enderle. 

ÒI remember my mother took me to see ÔGrandpereÓ when I was very little,Ó Dodo said. ÒHe was ailing in his later years, and sat in a wheelchair by the window on the second floor of the house. You could open that window and they would take him out on the porch so he could see outside. He could not talk by then, but he had his nurse, Miss Groben, who cared for him. He made a gesture for her to give me some candy that was there in a jar.Ó 

She preserves those memories and mementos at the Hill Country Museum, 226 Earl Garrett St., where Schreiner lived. The museum is open for tours, where visitors can view many historical items pertaining to the family and other early settlers. It is next door to SchreinerÕs department store.

The Schreiner name still appears on the cornerstone department store he built in Kerrville, the university he founded as a military institute, the Kerrville-Schreiner State Park. Scott Schreiner Golf Course and Louis Schreiner Airport are later legacies of his descendants.

Part of the once-600,000-acre YO Ranch in Mountain Home the captain developed is still under the auspices of his namesake, Charles Schreiner IV.

Other hallmarks, like the Schreiner Bank, no longer exist. Several family homes still stand as imposing monuments around Kerrville.

Although SchreinerÕs story has been written countless times, for those who are yet unfamiliar with the basic details, a summary might be in order.

In 1852, Charles Armand Schreiner, one of five siblings, came with his parents (Gustave Adolphe and Charlotte) to San Antonio from the town of Riguewihr, in the oft-contested Alsace-Lorraine region, near the border between Germany and France.

Gustave died within the year, but Dodo said most people do not know it happened two weeks after he had been bitten by a rattlesnake.

As the other children scattered (one daughter married Caspar Real, while a son went to California seeking gold), Charles Schreiner got restless and headed for the Hill Country.

He signed up as a Texas Ranger, which gave him an opportunity to scout the area.

In 1857, he and Real relocated to Turtle Creek, built a log cabin, and began a cattle ranching enterprise.

By then, Joshua Brown and the shingle-makers had settled in the area. Schreiner and Real grew their entrepreneurship supplying the soldiers (with their famous, but short-lived, camel experiment) in Camp Verde with wood, hay and beef.

Schreiner applied for U.S. citizenship in 1860 at the commissioners court. which handled immigrant status at the time.

Soon, however, the winds of social upheaval began to blow between sides of divided nation. Schreiner fought in the Civil War for the Confederacy, after which he returned to his ranch work, with an eye toward bigger things.

His interest lay in merchandising. He developed a bond with August Faltin, already a successful merchant in Comfort, who then became his mentor and financial backer. A transplant from Leipzig, Germany, Faltin fronted $10,000 to help SchreinerÕs venture, in a partnership agreed to last 10 years.

On Christmas Eve in 1869, Schreiner opened his own Òcountry storeÓ in Kerrville on what is now Water Street.

It was quartered in a cypress slab white-washed building, 30Õx60Õ, heated with a box stove, and surrounded by a picket fence to keep out stray stock. He carried a variety of items for sale, such as horse-shoes, coal oil, hickory, rock candy and snuff.

On one side was a shed/storehouse with sleeping quarters. At the back was a cellar containing barrels of coal oil, beer, whiskey and molasses.

A rough board counter ran the length of the building in an L-shape, making room for a tiny office space where he kept barrels of commodities such as sugar, coffee, rice, lard and dried fruit. Along the back wall sat groceries, while on shelves behind the side-counter were bolts of calico, jeans and hickory. Opposite were harness and saddles hanging on hooks, with buckets, kegs and tubs hanging behind the stove.

Schreiner had numerous remedies for ailments, including JanesÕ Tone, Pain-Killer, AyersÕs Pills, HostetterÕs Bitters and Vermifuge. Whiskey, at 57 cents a quart, was also generously touted as suitable for oneÕs health, and just enjoyment. Dollar whiskey from Kentucky was for more discriminating tastes.

His first dayÕs sales amounted to only three entries in the ledger: George Hollimon, Sr. bought 7-1/2 lbs. of coffee ($2), John D. Wharton sprang $1.50 for 2 quarts of whiskey, and Charles Schreiner took a dollar in cash.

According to the book, ÒThe Story of a Country Store,Ó written by J. Evetts Haley in 1969, Schreiner began building the kind of trust with his customers and friends that they would ask him to hold onto money for safekeeping.

He would secrete it under a floorboard or take it home where he could keep it near his person. This practice was a harbinger of a much larger enterprise later.

His trusted courier to OppenheimerÕs bank in San Antonio for years, was Simon Ayala from Monterrey, Mexico, who had a peg-leg. Ayala looked just like an ordinary cowboy of modest means, and therefore was deemed less likely to be robbed along the way by highwaymen. He carried the gold along with his lunch in a morral (Ònose-bagÓ), swinging by a grass string from the saddlehorn. The tactic worked, and Ayala was never robbed.

The Ayala family worked for the Schreiners for generations.

From 1859-1863, SchreinerÕs company of ÒMinute MenÓ also helped keep out troublemakers.

As the business grew, Schreiner dealt in other goods such as hides and fur, cypress shingles, cedar rails and posts, cord wood and rock for chimneys.

Some of the more ÒcolorfulÓ local characters (good or bad) that Schreiner encountered included Hen Baker, Bill Wharton, Creed Taylor, Lon Spencer (related to John Wesley Hardin), and ÒPlain SamÓ Glenn. 

He bought out Christian DietertÕs grist mill (built post-Civil War), built a dam and enlarged the mill to increase power, run a cotton gin and later, electric lights.

By 1873, trail drives were booming, and Schreiner and C. C. Quinlan bought up cattle, along with Faltin. By then, they had enough resources to carry Creed Taylor alone for more than $5,500 for supplies, settling the account Òfor cattle.Ó

Schreiner, ever keen to maintain financial advantage, offered face value only for Òcoin,Ó whereas, in exchange for bartered goods like hides, shingles and cattle, (or even Ògreenbacks,Ó) he charged a discount premium, in his favor.

Eventually, Schreiner was able to hire clerks, including Dan Holekamp, Albert Enderle and Nathan Herzog, a popular figure.

Later, the company known as Schreiner, Lytle and Light were running 150,000 cattle on the trail, leading to purchase of property of more than 600,000 acres.

He established the YO Ranch in 1880.

Taking leads from Caspar Real and Sidney Rees, Schreiner expanded into sheep, another booming industry coming in from south of the Rio Grande. He encouraged and supported railroads, which came into Kerrville by 1887, and eventually built a warehouse. 

In 1879, 10 years after his partnership with Faltin began, Schreiner bought him out for $50,000. Repaying the loan, Schreiner said, was the hardest money he ever earned.

Ten years later, he started Charles Schreiner Bank.

Although many of the Schreiner family grew to prominence, in more recent memory, Charles Schreiner III (ÒCharlie 3Ó) was notable as well.

He was the son of Walter Schreiner (Capt. Schreiner had five sons: Louis, Walter, A.C., Gus and Scott), who married Myrtle Barton.

Walter Schreiner Jr. (named for his grandfather) is one of Charlie IIIÕs sons (the others are Louis, who passed away 10 days before his father, Charlie IV, Walter and Gus), and fond of remembering his father. 

ÒHis dad (Walter) died early, and he was sent to boarding school. His mother was a pretty tough person. But when he took over the family business after Myrtle in the late 1950s, he had a tremendous sense for the future. There was a seven-year drought, and he had to sell some cattle because he couldnÕt feed it. He saw the potential to raising exotic game; Myrtle thought he was crazy. He also leased the ranch to hunters wanting native game. He had a keen ability to diversify and survive. He founded the Texas Exotic Wildlife Association and the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association.Ó

Walter said his father loved going out to the chuck wagon at the YO Ranch, sitting down with visitors, and acting like he was just one of the hands when someone asked ÒwhoÕs in charge of the place.Ó

Charlie III spoke fluent Spanish, which he made sure his sons also learned. He loved the culture and the people, Walter said, and that some of his best memories were when his father would take him on trips to Mexico, and elsewhere, to look for artifacts or look up interesting people.

ÒWeÕd go to Sierra Blanca, out toward El Paso, and heÕd go see Dogie Wright, a famous Texas Ranger. Ó

Walter added that Charlie III had a passion for historical memorabilia, and had an extensive collection of Texana, especially Texas Ranger artifacts such as guns and badges.

ÒHe loved to read; he would read all the time, and not just newspapers, but books, history was his passion. His library was huge.Ó

Charlie III was a founding member of the Former Texas Ranger Foundation, which plans to build a history center in Kerrville on property across from the Museum of Western Art.

ÒIt was his lifelong dream. ItÕs too bad he died just as it was really starting to take off, and wasnÕt able to see that fulfilled. It was his number-one interest.Ó

Walter added that the collection of guns and Texas Ranger items, unfortunately, had to be auctioned in 2003, two years after Charlie III died (in April, 2001).

ÒIt was a very tough decision, and a big blow to the Ranger Museum,Ó Walter said, but that the taxes on their inheritance was very substantial. ÒWe just couldnÕt part with the ranch.Ó 

The family still owns 40,000 acres of the YO, with 10,000 acres having gone to real estate development.

However, he added, the family kept many of his personal items. This generation of brothers (LouisÕ widow, Chrisie represents him) still operates YOÕs management as a partnership. Charlie IV is the managing partner. They also own WoodburyÕs Taxidermy, and each brother has his own individual business pursuits as well.
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