Gen. James Patton Anderson Camp 1599
Celebrating 32 Years 1992 - 2024

Pvt Oliver J. McGraw
Boynton Beach Memorial Park and Mausoleum

Birth: Apr. 1, 1840
Baldwin County
Georgia, USA
Death: Jan. 3, 1919
Boynton Beach
Palm Beach County
Florida, USA
Private Oliver (Call me Andrew) J. McGraw
Served with Co. F 3rd Georgia Vol. Inf. C.S.A. during the War of Southern Independence. (AKA Civil War) of 1861-65
He enlisted under the name Andrew J. McGraw in Augusta GA in April 23rd 1861 and was with his Regiment until it was surrendered in April of 1865.
He had been wounded twice but always returned to his regiment when all healed up. After the war he came home and found his farm had been burned and his family scattered by General Sherman's Troops during his march to the sea in 1864. He tried to start over but the Yankee carpet baggers got control of what little land he had left. (He owed back Taxes to the Union Government.) So he packed his bags and in 1870 headed to Florida where he took up being a fruit farmer.
He settled in the Boynton Beach area sometime around 1905 where he collected a Confederate Veterans Pension from the state of Georgia of $30 a month. (The US Govt. would not pay Confederate Veterans a Pension so the state you served with would do so.) Oliver was also a member of the UCV or United Confederate Veterans from 1899 until his Death in 1919 of the Spanish Flu during the great Flu epidemic of 1918-19. He was 78 years old.
The Attached photo of Oliver is courtesy of the Local Sons of Confederate Veterans Palm Beach Co. Who let me copy it from their archives it would date around 1862. The Photo of his very plain grave stone. (I have been looking to have it replaced with a Confederate Veterans Grave marker) The Photo was taken in Sept. 2001
Boynton Beach Memorial Park
and Mausoleum
Boynton Beach
Palm Beach County
Florida, USA
Plot: Veterans Section

Pvt. Oliver J. McGraw Co.F 3rd Georgia Vol. Inf. CSA C-1862