Gen. James Patton Anderson Camp 1599
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David Mizell, Jr., born in 1808, came from Alachua County to Orange County in 1858. He was the first white settler of Winter Park. Here was a write-up in the Orlando Sentinel-Star about the property on which he planted an orange grove on the shores of Lake Mizell. It is said that his daughter, Nancy, stuck a sycamore switch in the ground, whiach she had used to whip her horse in riding horses back from North Florida. Thes tree still towers into the sky near Lake Mizell. Two or three of the orginal sweet orange tress still survive. The youngest daughter of David Mizell, Jr., Sarah Mizell, Lived to be 102 years of age. Her husband was the late Senator George W. Crawford. Judge John R. Mizell, brother of Sarah, was one to be the founders of Rollins College and a prominent political figure in the reconstruction period of the state.

David Mizell 1770-1850
David Mizell was born about 1770-75 in Old St. Matthews Parish, now Effingham County, Ga., a son of Charlton and Elizabeth (Everett) Mizell. David lived in Canden County,Moved to a Place near Lake City, Fla., then called Alligator) to reside. It was there that an Indian Massacre took place in the fall of 1838. At that time the family composed of Mr. and Mrs. John Tippons, a six months old child and a little three- year- old girl, Corneliz, was on the way to the fort for protection from the Indians, They were slain and butched before the horrified eyes of those who had reached safety behind the walls of the fort. All were slain but one infant girl. She was struck a few times by tomahawks and was thrown high into the air to be caught upon the Indians spears. Instead of being frightened, she gave such a shrill cry of laughter that the Indians caught her in their bare hands, laid her beside her dying mother, and fled, the little three- year- old girl, who was chopped in the head with the tomahawks, lived to be 88 years of age, having married a Mr. Mobley in 1861, father of late james obley of Lke Keystone. Cornelia Tippins was reared by her mothers sister, Sarah Ann (Mizell) Sparkman, wife of Byrd Sparkman, whose son Sim, was for many years tax assessor of Hillsborough County.grew up and married there, but the name of his wife has not been learned.
First wife to David Mizell.
Nancy Born. 1814, married John Undrwood Tippins, Jan. 22, 1825..
The Slaughter At Tiffen's Pond South of Sanderson is a small swampy area known as Tiffens' Pond. As is the case of all place names, there is a story behind the naming. In the early 1830's John Joshua Underwood Tippens, originally of North Carolina, brought his wife Nancy and three children into Columbia County (that part of which later became Baker). Due to the Cracker speech habit of substituting 'F' for double 'P' when located within a word, the locale became known as Tiffens rather than Tippens. Mr. Tippens was a son of Phillip and Mary Underwood Tippens of North Carolina. His wife was a daughter of David Mizell from Camden (Charlton) Co., Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Tippens were married in Camden County at Traders Hill on the 22nd of January 1825. She was sister to ancestors of many Charlton, Baker, Union, Columbia, and Union citizens as well as many families in south Columbia. Her father, David, had recently moved to an area in south Columbia County, Florida (thought to be present Union Co.), and Mr. Tippens attempted removal of his family to the Mizell fortified home during an Indian alarm was the beginning of the incident which is related in this excerpt of a letter written by a neighbor to a relative in St. Marys, Georgia. "It is again my painful duty to inform you of a most shocking Indian massacre - I mean the murder of Mr. John Tippins and family. Mr. Tippins was bringing his wife and children out of Florida to see her parents, and when within a few miles of her father's house, was fallen in with about seven Indians, between 10 o'clock, A.M. and 12 o'clock. Mr. Tippens was shot from his horse, the Indians then made an easy capture of his helpless family and vented their savage spleen by beating them on the heads with their tomahawks. Mrs. Tippins lived (senseless) about forty hours, but did not speak; her skull was smashed in many places by the tomahawk. She died in the arms of her father, Mr. David Mizell. Her children are not yet dead, although the skull of each is factured in many places by the tomahawks. This melancholy occasion took place in this county last Monday not far from Ocean Pond. We are most critically situated. The Indians on the north of us close to the Okefinokee Swamp. On the south in the nation our market road leading from here to any market accessible to us passes through their gateway & we are here exposed on the border of the Okefinokee down both sides of the Indian gangways to the nation and no protection whatsoever from the army." The letter writer, in addition to almost waxing poetical regarding the unfortunate family's slaughter confused a few of the facts. The Tippens were not intending to leave Florida, but, according to the Mizell Family and the Green Family who found them, they were headed toward Mrs. Tippens' father's place to the southwest of them. Mrs. Elisha (Elizabeth Driggers) Green discovered the bloody scene, and left an eyewitness account. Mr. Tippens evidently died on the spot where he fell, shot from his horse. Mrs. Tippens was scalped, and left to bleed to death. The children, the youngest six months old and the eldest three years old, were chopped in their heads with tomahawks, and slung to the ground. Mr. Green was away in the army on a campaign against the Indians in the Alachua area. Mrs. Green and the children found Mrs. Tippens and the three year old Cornelia still living the next morning. Mrs. Tippens died soon after she was discovered. Little Cornelia survived, and died in 1926 at the age of 88. Mrs. Green buried the dead in one of her wagon bodies in presentday South Prong Cemetery (the Green family burial grounds). This 137 year old grave of John Joshua Underwood and Nancy Mizell Tippens and their two infants is located immediately north of Mr. Joe Jones grave. Cornelia was reared by her uncle and aunt, Byrd and Sarah Ann Mizell Sparkman of Alachua County. She married a Mobley in 1861. It would be quite appropriate to have the grave marked in honor of the little family during this history-minded year. Note cwm: Cornelia married William L. Mobley, settled in Hillsborough county and raised a large family ( from The Way It Was by Gene Barber)
Joshua Born, 1816, married Elizabeth Moody..
Joseph born, 1804, married Mrs. Martha Pearce Skipper.. In 1850 Census of Alachua Co. Fla.
Frances Fannie born, 1801, married Rev.James Pearce, Dec. Camden Ga.
Cornelia born, 1800, married N.M. Moody. Camden Co. Ga..
Sarah Ann born, 1800, married Byrd Sparkman. Camden Co. Ga..
Charlton born, 1808, died April 28, 1834, died single..
Enoch Everette born, 1806, mareried 1st. Minerva Parrish: 2nd Ann Jackson Second wife, .
David, Jr. born, 1808, married Mary Pearce, Dec. 1, 1831.. In 1850 Census of Alachua Co. Fla.
Mary born, 1800, married John Pearce, Dec. 1, 1831..
Morgan born, 1820, married Mary Tucker, Served in James Breaker's Old Guards during the Civil War, wounded at Olustee 2/20/1864, Admitted 9/19/1864 , Howard Grove Hospital. (Hartman/Biographical Rosters)
David Mizell came to Camden County with his parents about 1790, and is shown there on the 1794 tax-digest. He served as Lieut, in the Camden County Militia in 1801. He seems to have gone back to Bullock county after the death of his first wife, and remained a few years, returning to Camden to remain there until he moved to Alachua County, Florida, about 1836-37. He lived there until his death. is wife died later, (date unknown). Mr. Mizell was a Captain of the Militia in the 49th Dist., Bulloch Counth, 1807-1809, and served as Justice of Peace, 381st Dist., Camden County, 1813-1814. He served in Maj. Baileys detachment of camden Couny Militia in 1817 to Maj. Baileys detachment of Camden County Militia in 1817 to repel Indian attacks. He was Justice of Peace in Alachua County, Florida, 1848, and served 1849-50 as one of the County Commissioners of that county. The sons of David Mizell scattered in their residence in South Florida as shown by the following public offices held by them:
Joseph Mizell County Commissioner, Hillsborugh Co., 1859-61, held same office in Polk Co., 1861-63.
Enoch Mizell Justice of Peace, Alachua County, 1845-49, Justice of Peace Hernando County, 1849-51 and 1859-61, County Judge, Manatee Co., 1866- 67. At that time Pine Level, Florida ten miles west of Arcadia, Fla. was The county seat.
David Mizell, Jr. County Commissioner, Orange county, 1860-61, and Representative, 1860-63.
Morgan Mizell Justice of Peace, Orange County, 1863-65.
Charlton Mizell Born / 1727 Died / / 1793 in N. C. Wife Elizabeth Everett of N.C. Enlisted in the Revolutionary War as a Private. Moved toTyrell Co. N.C. in1764, Effinghan Co. Ga., Then to Camden Co. Ga. Everett was the daughter of Joshua and Sarah Everett, named in Joshuas will dated 1765 and found in Tyrell Co. wills. Charlaton Mizell was given land grants in Effingham Co. Georgia, 300 acres in 1785 and 200 acres in 1785. He Moved to Camden Co. about 1790 and is found on the Tax Digest of 1794.
Luke Mizell III Born / / 1683 Died / / 1756 Wife Sarah Smithwick Charlton, moved to Albemarle Co. N.C. in 1702, Sarah was Born in 1682 in Bertie Co. N.C. Mother was Susannah Smithwick, Father was William Carlton, Cravel County Cro. 28. 401 Book of Wills
Luke Mizell III moved to North Carolina, prior to 1703 as he sold land in surry Co. Va., the 2nd of Nov. 1703. The earliest date of Luke Mizell, 3rd, being in N. Car. was in 1702, when he was a testator to a deed: Smithwick Warburton to Edward Smithwick, Oct. 10, 1702 assigns a patent.Susannah Charlton, Luke Mizell III, became a man of influence and means, owing eight plantations in Bertie, Martain and Turrell Counties, and slaves to cultibate them. He was appointted interpretor, surveyor, and Commissioner by the Assembly in 1711. (Ref. Clarks N.C. Records, Vol. 11, pg. 458).Luke Mizell III donated land on which to build Javesville, N.C. Whereas it hath abeen represented to this General a Assembly that the lands of Luke Mizell and William MacKey on athe South side of Roanoke River is a healthy, pleasant place and very conveniently signified thwir consent to have 50 acres of said land laid for a town which will be greatly promote the trade and navigation of said river. The said 50 acres of land to be called Jamesville.Mizell, one of the constituted Commissioners and Trustees for designing building and carrying on the said town, and be it further enacted that said Luke Mizell and William McKey retain for themselves three lots each were on they have a storehouse and other buildings already erected, anything to the contrary not withstanding.( Ref. Colonial Records by Wm. L. Saunders, Vol. 24, pg. 777, Clarke Colonial Records.) Luke Mizell lived near the Va. line in Gates County about 1730.
Luke Meazle II Born / / 1653 Died / / 1694 Wife Elizabeth Marriot Born 1658Dauther of Mathias Marriott and Alice Warren. buried Edenton, N.C. St. Pauls Esiscopal Church.
Lawrence Meazle Born / / Cir. 1651 Died / /Cir.1696 , died in Albemarle Co. N.C. Served in Surry Co's Foot Militia in 1687, married Bethinia, (Possibly named after his mother)
Elizabeth Meazle Born / /1666 Died / / Husband James Byenam born cir.1666 in Surry Co. Va. Died cir. 1720 Father John Byenham, Mother Rosamond Blow
Sarah Meazel Born / / Died / /
Àt a meeting of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Surry, Dec. 19, 1687, present, Major Sam Swann, Mr. Robert Furrin, Mr. Francis Mason, Mr. Robert Randall, . 19, 1687, present,Major Sam Swann, Mr. Robert Furrin, Mr. Francis Mason, Mr. Robert Randall.` Quote: in obedience to an order of council dated August 24, ye 1687, requring that Colonells and Justices of every county do take acct. of all the Ablest Freeholders and Inhabitants, that are fit to be listed per foot and return same to his Excellency and with all convenient speed. This Court having considered the Capacities and abilities of the Freeholders and Inhabitants the following persons for horse and foot as are here set down. (Note a number of names and among them was Luke Meazle. He furnished 13 horses.)
Did Luke Mizell Jr. Marry Elizabeth Marriott?
This is a family legend that seems likely to be true.
Although we can’t be certain of the timing, Luke Mizell Jr. probably married sometime in the mid to late 1680s, at a time when he was still living on his father’s patent within a mile of Mathias Marriott. We know for certain he was married to someone named Elizabeth by January 1691 when she released her dower interest in several deeds, and that he was still married to her when he died in 1693. Luke was perhaps 33 years old when he died, and his widow must have been still relatively young herself with two small children to support. At some point during the administration of his estate, between 28 September 1693 and 3 January 1694, Elizabeth Mizell remarried to Robert Hill, who was a neighbor of both the Mizells and Marriotts. Elizabeth Hill was still alive and living in Surry whent Matthias Marriott made his will.
On 12 June 1707, Mathias Marriott made a will which mentions three children, including a daughter named Elizabeth Hill. By elimination, she seems most likely to have been the same person who was married to Luke Mizell and then to Robert Hill. The only other possibility is the wife of Sion Hill Jr., Robert Hill’s nephew –- but he was probably too young to have married any daughter of Mathias Marriott. (Sion Hill Jr. does not appear in the tithables until 1697, thus was not born until late 1680 or early 1681.) We know that Mathias Marriot was married to Alice Warren (born c1645 according to her deposition) sometime before 1670. It seems most plausible that Alice’s three children would have been born in the first 10-12 years of her marriage and before she reached her late 30s. In the case of the second daughter named in that will, Margaret Flake, that is clearly so. She had married Robert Flake Jr., who was only a year or two older than Luke Mizell, sometime around 1690 and seems likely to have been born around 1670.
In summary, the circumstantial evidence is that Luke MIzell Jr. probably was married to Elizabeth Marriott.
The Immigrant
Luke Meazle Born / / 1614 Died / / 1673 Wife Deborah Lawrence
In 1635 Luke Meazle, aged 21 years, came to America, , served in the household of Sir. Thomas Gray,as a cooper and settled in Jamestown ( Jamescity), Va. ( Ref. Early Va. Emigrants, pg. 228, by Greer) ( William & Mary Quarterly) He moved across the James river to Surry County, Va., where he bought land in 1674. ( Surry County. Va. records.) he was given 150 acres of land for paying the expenses of three people from France to America ( Ref. Land office, Richmond, Va. ) This was aiding in colonizing America. Luke Meazle was in list of Tythables in 1668. ( Ref. Surry county, Va., Record Book 1, pg. 131)Meazle died prior to 1673 in Southwark Parrish, Surry Co., Va., leaving one son, Luke Meazle 2nd, and his widow Deborah, who married John Smith. On Nov. 21st, 1673.Smith returned the estate of Luke Meazle 1st. ( apparently Deborah was dead) Having left the estate to be diavided between her son Luke, 2nd, and John Smith. ( Ref. Surry County Deeds, Wills & Orders 1671 -1684, pg. 38.) is the way it was written:Annacct. of ye estate of Luke Meazle, late of this county deceased presented to ye all cort of Surry, ye 21, Nov. 1673 by John Smith and Luke Meazle, orpiht.estate was appraised at 12,643 pounds, expenses 1,428 pounds, leaving John Smith and Luke 5,607 pounds each. In addition to the above 5,607 pounds Luke received from his fathers estate, tobacco and cattle. (Ref. Surry County, Va., Deeds, Wills, and Orders, 1671 -1684) Info from Folks Huxford

1) Luke Mizell (born about 1614 – 1670 in Surry County, Virginia)
Married: Deborah Lawrence about 1648
2) Lawrence (born 1651 in Surry County, Virginia)
3) Luke II (born 1660 in Surry County, Virginia)
More about LUKE MIZELL
We are indebted to the systematic research by Robert W. Baird (© 2001-2005) into the early records of Surry County, Virginia and the occurrence of the Mizell name in those records. His knowledge and interpretation of the extensive references provides a wonderful insight to the first two generations of Mizells in Virginia.
French Huguenot Origins
Luke Mizell I was born about 1614. His parents are thought to be Huguenots, who were Protestants in France out of favor with the ruling Catholics. The Wars of Religion had been underway in France since the mid-1500s. Luke could have been born in France, or possibly in England, after his parents had fled the persecutions. His last name could have been associated
with either of two villages in France, Mézel near Digne in the Provencal Alps, or Mezel (no accent mark) near Clermont-Ferrand. He was likely an orphan in England until around 1632 when he was about 18. There were several spellings of the last name since few people knew how to write, and those recording events chose spellings based upon how the named sounded.
Single Males coming to Virginia
In the 1630s, some 12,000 Puritan settlers fled England for Massachusetts and the New England region. Most of these people were married adults in their 20s to 40s, and three of every four survived and thrived in the New World. While these migrations were happening to New England, at least as many settlers were coming to
the Virginia region, but most were single males in their late teens, with few if any family ties and not much future. Only one in six survived the Indians, starvation, and malaria in time to bear children. [Strauss, William and Neil Howe. Generations, the History of America's Future. William Morrow & Co, Inc, New York, 1991. p. 123]
The Virginia Company
Thomas Gray filed a patent on 550 acres south of the James River across from Jamestown on August 27, 1635 which listed Luke Mizell as a headright [Virginia Patent Book 1, p. 283]. This was in James City County, which was formed in 1634 to include Jamestown and the land southwest of the James River. Tobacco was a booming crop in Virginia in this time, and
Englishmen could secure a land patent (or "headright") of 50 acres in exchange for paying the travel costs for each indentured servant brought to the New World. The 1618 Charter for the Virginia Company provided that a headright had to be in the New World for at least 3 years before the land grant would be made. Thus Luke I may have been brought to the New World around 1632.
Indentured Servants
The contracts for indentured servants varied from 4 to 8 years in length. Thomas Gray filed another patent on the same land May 26, 1638, to make sure his rights to this tract were preserved [Virginia Patent Book 1, p. 631]. Luke Mizell was listed again as a headright in that patent. Under the loose policies in effect at that time, the same headright could be used over again in another patent (this practice was stopped in 1705). Thomas Gray filed
another patent on July 20, 1639 on another 400 acres nearby, listing another group of headrights, which omitted Luke Mizell [Virginia Patent Book 1, p. 669]. It is likely that Luke Mizell was a free man by the 1639 patent, although he may have continued working for Mr. Gray as a paid laborer. That Luke Mizell survived his period of servanthood is remarkable given all the challenges in the Virginia Colony.
Due to the increasing number of settlers, Southwarke Parish was created in 1647 from James City Parish. On December 18, 1647, John Newman assigns his patent on 150 acres near the head of Smiths Fort Creek to Luke Mizell [back referenced at Surry County Deed Book 3, p. 349]. This parcel is located about 2 miles south of the James River between Grays Creek and Spring Run, and within a mile of where the Surry County Courthouse would eventually be built. Luke's land was adjacent to the Southwarke Church.
Luke married Deborah Lawrence sometime after acquiring the 150 acres in 1647. Their first child, Lawrence, was born about 1651. Luke I would have been about 33 when he acquired this land and about 37 when Lawrence was born. In 1652, Surry County was formed as the northern part of James City County south of the James River. In contrast to the poverty in England and the absence of family influences during his youth, Luke and Deborah likely cherished their son Lawrence, and were protective of him as he grew up.
Life in the Virginia Colony
In the 1650s and 1660s, Luke Mizell I served on a number of juries, which was a privilege reserved for "freeholders", that is people owning at least 50 acres of land. Because Luke I lived so close to the new courthouse, he was easily available to the sheriff when it came time to form a jury. He was recorded on lists of minor debts or provided bonds on several occasions in the 1660s to others accused of various offenses. [Surry County Deed Book 1, pp. 83, 131, 150, 184, 192, 223, 226-227, 239, 247, 255, 271, 281].
The first list (or tithable) of people owing taxes in Surry County was
compiled by William Marriott for Southwarke Parish in June 1668, and listed "Luke Mizell and Mate". Luke's wife Deborah was not a taxable person, so "mate" likely refers to Luke's son Lawrence, who would have been about 17 at the time. The tithables for June 1669 list "Luke Mizell and Sonn", and this certainly was Lawrence.
Luke and Deborah's second son, Luke II, was born about September or October 1660, based upon tithables filed in the 1670s and 1680s in Surry County. His father was about age 46 at the time of his birth.
Family Life after Luke’s Death
The tithables prepared by Robert Spensor for June 1670 for Southwarke Parish list "Widow Mizell" (Deborah), suggesting that Luke I had died. There is no record of Luke I leaving a will in Surry County, because all the early records for wills and estates in Surry County were destroyed. It is almost certain that he did leave a will, based upon court records filed
by his sons later in the 1670s and 1680s. At the time of his death, Lawrence would have been about 19 and Luke II would have been about 10. Since Lawrence was over 14, he could choose his own guardian. But Luke II was under 14, and received a court-appointed guardian (initially John Smith, who would marry his mother).
Settling the Final Estate
In the three years after Luke I's death, court records in Surry County show the proceedings to settle his estate. On March 5, 1671, Lawrence filed a claim with the Surry Court to his share of the estate [Surry County Deed Book 1, p. 404]. This would have relieved his guardian of the bond that had been posted with the court. In those days "estates" meant personal property, not lands. Based upon deeds filed with the Court in the 1680s, all of Luke I's land was to go to Luke II and his personal property following Deborah's death was to be divided equally between Lawrence and Luke II.
On November 21, 1672, the estate of Luke I, after Lawrence's one third share, had been appraised and was equally divided between John Smith
(as the husband of Deborah, the widow) and Luke II. [Surry County Deed Book 2, p. 39]. The total estate between Luke II and John Smith, after subtracting various debts, amounted to 11,215 pounds of tobacco.
On November 29, 1672, John Smith, the guardian of Luke II, filed a petition with the Surry Court listing Deborah as his wife [Surry County Order Book 1671-91, p. 15]. John Smith was to live on the land until after Deborah's death. On January 7, 1673, William Foreman filed a petition with the Court posting a bond to serve as the guardian of Luke II and John Smith petitioned to be relieved of his bond [Surry County Court Orders 1671-91, p. 39]. This is an indication that Deborah Mizell, wife of Luke Mizell I, has died.